I've been MIA for about two weeks because I've been without a computer. I must say that I never realized how much I rely on my computer for news, information, banking, and recreation until "The Incident."

I have a beautiful 19 month old daughter. She was sitting peacefully watching Blues Clues, and since I had consumed 3 cups of coffee and 1/2 can of Diet Pepsi I needed to make a head call. Assuming it would be safe to do so I placed my MacBook on the side table (incidentally next to my half full can of soda). I told her I'd be right back. Upon finishing and washing my hands I hear what can only be described as "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH HHHHHHHH POP POP CRUNCH" and then "Uh-ooooohhhhh." I run into the living room to find my MacBook sparking and "Jesus' little diamond encrusted angel full of love, hope & joy" standing in a puddle of Pepsi holding the can upside down shaking it like a maraca. I blow through the baby gate (just finished patching the whole it made in the wall), grab her and kick the power adapter out of the wall.
There was absolutely no way I could get mad at her, since I "assumed" everything would be fine. I picked up the MacBook and pepsi poured out of the keyboard, battery and speaker grates. Not good. Needless to say I called Apple to utilize my applecare protection plan. The nice gentleman stated that applecare does NOT cover liquid damage. Hmmm....$269.00 well spent.....
After spending 3 days disassembling, cleaning, and drying the computer I gave up and my wife(who still hasn't stopped laughing hysterically) decided we needed to get a new laptop. After spending 3 minutes pricing Macs I decided to cross back over to the Dark side and I'm now the proud owner of a 17'' HP notebook. And, after 5 days I finally found a way to convert all of my data back to NTFS so windows can recognize it. Macs don't talk to PC's well when one is tryting to switch back.

The moral of the story is, Mac's don't play well with non-macs, diet pepsi, or children. I'd add "Use a rubber" to the moral but she just learned a new word: "Shotgunnnnn!" So damned cute.