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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Ag Amnesty in Iraq Supplemental Bill...

    I can't believe this hasn't been posted here yet. Seems our wonderful Congressional Leaders are at it again...

    Senate Committee Passes Amnesty for Illegal Ag Workers
    (May 16) At yesterday's markup of the Iraq supplemental appropriations bill, the Senate Appropriations Committee committed an outrageous act of disrespect for our men and women in uniform and to the citizens of this country by adopting an amendment by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) that gives amnesty to illegal-alien agricultural workers. The amendment indicates a maximum of 1.35 million illegal alien ag workers could obtain "emergency agricultural worker status" for a five-year period. Since their families also can obtain this status, it is estimated that the total number receiving an amnesty would reach 3 million. The committee also adopted other immigration-related amendments, including one that drastically expands the H-2B visa program for non-agricultural seasonal workers.

    A vote by the full Senate may occur early next week, so please contact your Senators now to urge them to work to strip the amnesty from the Iraq spending bill on the floor, as well as the other amendments increasing immigration levels.

    Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121

    The most important point to stress is that there is no need for an amnesty to provide growers with workers. There already is an H-2A foreign ag worker program that provides growers with an unlimited number of temporary workers if the growers agree to pay a decent wage and ensure that they go home at the end of the season. Feinstein is just trying to protect the abysmally low wages and bad working conditions that farmworkers labor under.

    <deleted link>

    Speaker Pelosi Strong-Arms Democrats to Disarm SAVE Act Threat

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is using strong-arm tactics against anti-illegal-immigration Democrats in an effort to kill the SAVE Act (H.R. 4088) for the year. North Carolina Democrat Heath Shuler's SAVE Act is an incredible threat to the unscrupulous businesses of America who insist on illegal labor to hold down their labor costs. Most business owners are not like that, but the outlaw businesses have the ear of Speaker Pelosi.

    Pelosi and her team are intimidating Democrats to make sure they do not sign the Discharge Petition that would bring the SAVE Act to the floor for a vote. They know it would easily pass if there is a vote.

    Even though 49 House Democrats have co-sponsored the SAVE Act, only 10 have signed the Discharge Petition. The other 39 Democrats have heard the message loud and clear that if they sign the petition and it gets the necessary 218 signatures to force a vote, those Democrats should not count on any favors or help for their congressional Districts from the House leaders
    Last edited by stevieb92; May 16th, 2008 at 09:16 PM. Reason: deleted link from text

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ag Amnesty in Iraq Supplemental Bill...

    Call your reps... now and multiple times. I did today. This amnesty crap needs to be stopped!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ag Amnesty in Iraq Supplemental Bill...

    Saw this mentioned on the news. Sad to see the shit they try and pull.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ag Amnesty in Iraq Supplemental Bill...

    Just like RealID, they're trying to "hide" this in an appropriations bill, because no one wants to vote against money for the troops, even though it's money we don't have and this amendment is blatent amnesty.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ag Amnesty in Iraq Supplemental Bill...

    This is just another step in the march to bolster the democrats voter rolls.

    If you think this is bad, wait until they get a super majority in congress. All the middle class means to them is a source of tax revenues.

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