OK, so a fellow worker gave me a barrel today. He had told me about it, he's had it for years and blah blah..

Well today he finally brings it into work. He says here you can have it. Well it was storedin his garage for god knows how long.
I feel it is worth giving a try at restoring it. I figured I would start off by sandblasting the outside. the rifeling is good and strong at the muzzle end. Almost seems like a brand new barrel/never used. But not properly cared for. Might have a mud wasp nest in it. Gotta run something through it tomm. night. I am sure there is going to be some rust in the barrel as well.

so here are some thoughts.
1- soak it in soome sort of penatrating oil to loosen up the rust.
2- should just sandblast the thing
3- maybe see if hot tanking it at a radiator shop.
4- what do you suggest...

By just looking it over, it does not appear to be pitted on the outside. But either way it will be a learning process for me..
