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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Do Liberals love the Second Amendment?

    Do liberals love the Second Amendment ?

    SHOULD Liberals love the Second Amendment ?

    The "Daily Kos" (yeah, I know) thinks so, and says so. It is a longish article, but well worth the read. I highly recommend it. Perhaps you might wish to forward the link to your liberal friends.

    "Liberals love the Constitution.

    Ask anyone on the street. They'll tell you the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a liberal organization. During the dark days of the Bush Administration, membership doubled because so many Americans feared increasing restrictions on their civil liberties. If you were to ask liberals to list their top five complaints about the Bush Administration, and they would invariably say the words "shredding" and "Constitution" in the same sentence. They might also add "Fourth Amendment" and "due process." It's possible they'll talk about "free speech zones" and "habeus corpus."

    There's a good chance they will mention, probably in combination with several FCC-prohibited adjectives, former Attorney Generals John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales.

    And while liberals certainly do not argue for lawlessness, and will acknowledge the necessity of certain restrictions, it is generally understood that liberals fight to broadly interpret and expand our rights and to question the necessity and wisdom of any restrictions of them.

    Liberals can quote legal precedent, news reports, and exhaustive studies. They can talk about the intentions of the Founders. They can argue at length against the tyranny of the government. And they will, almost without exception, conclude the necessity of respecting, and not restricting, civil liberties.

    Except for one: the right to keep and bear arms.

    When it comes to discussing the Second Amendment, liberals check rational thought at the door."

    The link to the entire article by Kaili Joy Gray - aka "Angry Mouse":

    "The life unexamined is not worth living." ....... Socrates

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Do Liberals love the Second Amendment?

    Thank god they haven't all gone insane.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Do Liberals love the Second Amendment?

    Thank you for the post, however, the link to Daily Kos only reinforces the view that the media is reflexively anti liberty. One lone voice won't mean much, however, after the November elections more Dems may be less anti (and more unemployed?).

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Do Liberals love the Second Amendment?

    Well worth a few minutes of our time. Thanks for posting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Do Liberals love the Second Amendment?

    I consider myself a liberal (don't flame me) and I love firearms. I believe in the right to keep and bear arms. It's the only reason we were able to boot the British out during the Revolution. A country should always have that ability.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Do Liberals love the Second Amendment?

    This one does.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Do Liberals love the Second Amendment?

    Most of them don't. If you read the comments to this story, you will see that there is no shortage of liberals that still think the wording of the 2nd Amendment does NOT state an individual freedom. While I think that there SEEM to be less and less libs that are against owning guns, there are still FAR too many, IMO.
    You can never have enough horsepower or ammunition.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Do Liberals love the Second Amendment?

    Quote Originally Posted by 625 View Post
    Most of them don't. If you read the comments to this story, you will see that there is no shortage of liberals that still think the wording of the 2nd Amendment does NOT state an individual freedom. While I think that there SEEM to be less and less libs that are against owning guns, there are still FAR too many, IMO.
    To be fair, I know plenty of conservatives who think the same way. You can't stereotype and pigeon hole people based on political leanings and emphatically state what their views are on individual issues. Sure, there are trends on one side or the other. But you can't assume to know someone's stance on any one issue based on whether they lean left or right (Not that you were, just making a general comment).

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Do Liberals love the Second Amendment?

    I don't know if my parents love it but they definitely appreciate it.

    ~ Derek  268

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Do Liberals love the Second Amendment?

    Quote Originally Posted by phillykev View Post
    To be fair, I know plenty of conservatives who think the same way. You can't stereotype and pigeon hole people based on political leanings and emphatically state what their views are on individual issues. Sure, there are trends on one side or the other. But you can't assume to know someone's stance on any one issue based on whether they lean left or right (Not that you were, just making a general comment).
    Painting with a broad brush, or grouping large amounts of people together may be unwise in many circumstances. However, it is difficult to argue the fact that nearly every gun control law in the past 20 years or so was authored by a Democrat, usually a liberal one. Look who voted for these laws at the Federal level. 90+% or more seem to be Dems.
    You can never have enough horsepower or ammunition.

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