Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Belly of the BEAST, Pennsylvania
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    Red face Beating a dead horse here, I know...

    Here's the deal, my aunt is brainwashed with the idea that you need an LTCF(sp?) to even take a firearm off of your property, and that I have an 'illegal' gun because it is not 'registered' to me(My Mother bought my two handguns[9mm and .22LR] and gave them to me as a gift.) This woman is very bullheaded and is trying to tell me if I get pulled over with them in my trunk(unloaded and ammo separate) that I will be thrown on the ground and arrested. Can you fine ladies and gentlemen HELP ME school her? Need the cold hard facts and how to present them. A knowledgeable police officer telling her would be even better. Sorry for beating the dead horse but I could really use some help for this.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Beating a dead horse here, I know...


    If your aunt believes that frankly who cares?!?! I mean education is great, but obviously you are right and no matter what she says if you follow the law (not what she believes it is) then you shouldn't be getting in any trouble. That being said, I do believe in education so check out

    Download the pamphlet and other information, it deals more with carrying open vs. when a LTCF is needed.

    Good luck with that,


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Belly of the BEAST, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Beating a dead horse here, I know...

    Well the whole thing came about by me and her son wanting to go shooting tomorrow afternoon. She is/was throwing a hissy fit saying we can't go because if we are caught will will be arrested.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Beating a dead horse here, I know...

    It looks like "she" isn't the only one who needs some schoolin'.
    You're both right to a certain degree, but apparently both wrong to a certain degree too.

    You can take a firearm off of your property without having a LTCF.

    There is no "legal" registration of guns in Pennsylvania.
    § 6111.4. Registration of firearms.

    Notwithstanding any section of this chapter to the contrary, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to allow any government or law enforcement agency or any agent thereof to create, maintain or operate any registry of firearm ownership within this Commonwealth. For the purposes of this section only, the term "firearm" shall include any weapon that is designed to or may readily be converted to expel any projectile by the action of an explosive or the frame or receiver of any such weapon.
    This can be found here:

    That being said, you can legally to transport a firearm directly to or from a dealer, gunsmith, place of practice, or place of training without a LTCF, provided it is unloaded and any ammo is in a separate compartment.
    If you have it in your vehicle and don't have a LTCF and you get stopped and searched, you'd better be in compliance with the legal requirements.

    If you keep it in your car regardless of where you're going to or coming from, and don't have a current and valid License to carry a firearm, you are in violation of the law.
    (I'm assuming that you are an average joe like me with no special privelages).

    There may be, and probably are a few exceptions, but generally speaking, if you don't have the LTCF and you're keeping it "handy" in your trunk, you're not in compliance with the law.

    I don't have a short temper, I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh (Knoxville), Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Beating a dead horse here, I know...

    We jsut beat this one to death over here:

    The short of it is, you need a LTCF to transport your weapon in your car, UNLESS you fall into one of the exemptions.

    However, if you are walking where you are going, you do NOT need a LTCF. Just open carry.

    As for registration... again... THERE IS NO GUN REGISTRY IN PA!

    (We need that little animated guy banging his head against a brick wall... oh, wait! I have it!)

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Beating a dead horse here, I know...

    As much as I preach respect to your family. If you know you're in the right and you are. Then who cares. Express your opinion once and move on. MY exp with family is to say your piece and let it go.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Belly of the BEAST, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Beating a dead horse here, I know...

    I know that you are not allowed to keep it "handy." It would be considered transporting to or from my abode or dwelling. Its going from her house to my moms(where we were going to shoot.) So it is legal transport. She also seems to think that she needs to take her application/record of sale form with her when she takes her gun anywhere, LOL(she says that 'they' will arrest her if she doesn't, and since my name isn't on the ones I have(mom's name, then gifted to me), that they are illegal) Bit of a dim bulb if you ask me(sometimes atleast.)

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Beating a dead horse here, I know...

    Quote Originally Posted by icp4life162005 View Post
    I know that you are not allowed to keep it "handy." It would be considered transporting to or from my abode or dwelling. Its going from her house to my moms(where we were going to shoot.) So it is legal transport.
    That's actually from your home to the range. You no longer live at your mother's house, so it cannot be your "abode" - but other then that, it is not legal to just keep the weapon in the car.

    She also seems to think that she needs to take her application/record of sale form with her when she takes her gun anywhere
    Not unless she's transporting NFA arms And even then, all you need it the ATF form, not the bill of sale.

    since my name isn't on the ones I have(mom's name, then gifted to me), that they are illegal
    You might want to show her the portion of the UFA that states that transfers from Parent or Grandparent to Child or Grandchild are legal and do not need to go through an FFL.

    Bit of a dim bulb if you ask me
    I wouldn't say that... Just misinformed. Take this opportunity to educate her. Or have her come here and we'll do it

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Beating a dead horse here, I know...

    Last edited by ShakeyDad; March 30th, 2008 at 01:54 PM.

    Marry you, and ruin it all ? I say let's play in sin. ~Michele
    Do ya like warm oil massages ?~Me
    As long as it's gun oil.~Michele

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