lots of good pictures there.

picked up from Instapundit

We just got back from the Heller rally in downtown Chicago and let me say these are some happy people. I’d estimate the crowd at between 200-300 (and I suck at estimating crowds!) Folks of every size, shape, color and religion were jubilant with the recent Heller decision and looking forward to being able to carry a handgun as a law abiding citizen of Chicago.

Here are some photos…

The crowd! The NRA folks were disappointed at the turn out, all I can say is for Chicago, on a Friday afternoon a crowd of this size was damn near miraculous! And it really speaks to the passion folks feel for this issue.

A smattering of good signs & buttons and what not…

And all sorts of peoples…

And lots of kids…

As I mentioned above the mood today was ebullient and infectious. People were very happy about the decision and weren’t afraid to show it. I also noticed lots of interested people walking by and actually taking literature and so far as I could tell not throwing it away. It will be very interesting to see how this issue plays out here in Chicago.