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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default What the hell Bucks County?

    This is why we cant have nice things. Or a Second Amendment according to these petty bureaucrats:

    Solebury supervisors pass gun control resolution
    Solebury’s board of supervisors passed a gun safety resolution in the hopes that other local governments will follow suit to bring this issue to the fore with state and federal officials.

    While the township is not permitted under state law to establish gun regulations, Chairwoman Helen Tai, who introduced the resolution, stated that after the shooting in Dallas, she felt compelled to do something.

    “Since we, as supervisors are charged with the health, welfare, and safety of our residents,” declared Tai, “the resolution functions as a petition to higher legislative officials to address the issue of gun violence.”

    Supervisor Jim Searing asked to what degree public input was involved. Expressing his support for the resolution he made a point of stating he had reservations about the process which he felt required more public involvement.

    “I feel we are making a statement representing the people of Solebury without sufficient public input,” Searing said. “We don’t really have a sense of the community’s position in this matter.”

    The scope of the resolution encompasses background checks including online gun purchases, banning assault weapons, prohibiting the sale of firearms to buyers with known or suspected links to terrorism as well as those individuals convicted of violent hate crimes or a history of domestic abuse. It further seeks to reduce ammunition clip capacity, require trigger locks on firearms in homes inhabited by children and calls for funding research into the effects of gun violence and gun safety technology.

    Reaction from residents was controversial.

    “Your personal agenda should not be put up for a vote. Put the resolution on the ballot.” Ed McGahan, a former supervisor, said. “This is not within the realm of local government.”

    Resident John Brayman concurred, “I agree. The resolution covers a broad spectrum requiring public input.”

    However, resident John Rodwell begged to differ. “Inactivity at the state and federal levels leads me to seek support at the local level. I support responsible gun ownership, but assault weapons were not the intention of the Second Amendment.”

    “I support your resolution 100 percent, “ chimed in Allen Cunning. “Gun violence is the worst in the United States. I have written to state and federal legislators. It’s like blowing smoke. They won’t take action for fear of jeopardizing their re-election.”
    Searing argued that voting on the resolution was a first step to motivate Congress to take action.

    Supervisor Kevin Morrissey interjected, “I support the resolution; we need to begin discussion at the state and federal levels and I see the resolution as a way to do that. If enough townships say something, perhaps state and federal legislators will do something.

    “To those who contend it is not the job of the board of supervisors, we are ultimately responsible for the health and safety of our citizens.”

    McGahan called upon the board to publish the resolution making it available to residents and to table the measure until “we have a full quorum.”(Supervisor Noel Barrett was not present.)

    The board, however, elected to vote, passing the resolution unanimously.
    Hold the Line...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    USN Retired, Pennsylvania
    (Monroe County)
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    Default Re: What the hell Bucks County?


    posted a week or 2 ago
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