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Thread: Email to Pelosi

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Email to Pelosi

    Sent this to Madam Speaker of the House...

    Madam Speaker of the House,
    While you are now enjoying your 5 week vacation (funded by American tax dollars), millions of Americans cannot afford to go on vacation because gas prices are so high. Have you forgotten the speech you made when you became the Speaker of the House, "Let us join together in the first 100 hours to make this Congress the most honest and open Congress in history - 100 hours" which you have abviously broken. I guess you don't need to keep your promise since the 100 hour time frame has elapsed.

    I find it reprehensible that you refuse to put the offshore drilling to a vote. Obviously a large majority of Americans are for it, yet you stand in the way. Because you say you want to save the planet!!?? Since when was saving the planet in your job duties?

    I hope you enjoy your single digit approval rating, which I remind you is even lower than President Bush. In my opinion, your approval rating should be negative. You will not be relected. Enjoy your term while it lasts.

    Oh and before I forget, get back to work like the rest of us. You don't deserve a vacation. Vote to drill for our own oil resources NOW!!!

    Sincerely yours,
    Steven B********
    Not expecting a reply.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Email to Pelosi

    Well done. That is the problem with Speaker of the House: they have the authority to only allow the discussion and voting of bills that forward their own or their party's agenda.

    From Wikipedia:

    The Speaker is responsible for ensuring that the House passes legislation supported by the majority party. In pursuing this goal, the Speaker may utilize his or her power to determine when each bill reaches the floor. He or she also chairs the majority party's House steering committee.

  3. #3
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    Wink Re: Email to Pelosi

    Follow up that e-mail with a call to 202-225-0100. You will be speaking to a staff member, but you can politely demand that the Speaker of the house return early and allow an up-or-down vote. I called for a few days about a week or two ago when Madam Speaker urged the public to call the President to demand our strategic oil reserves be opened for the strategic lowering of gas prices. I mean you know how lower gas prices will allow our military to continue operating if there is an inturuption in oil supplies.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Email to Pelosi

    Quote Originally Posted by adymond View Post
    Follow up that e-mail with a call to 202-225-0100. You will be speaking to a staff member, but you can politely demand that the Speaker of the house return early and allow an up-or-down vote. I called for a few days about a week or two ago when Madam Speaker urged the public to call the President to demand our strategic oil reserves be opened for the strategic lowering of gas prices. I mean you know how lower gas prices will allow our military to continue operating if there is an inturuption in oil supplies.

    I have called already, and will continue to call each day until she does return to work.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Email to Pelosi

    Consider these reasons for the current Congress to do nothing.

    1. If they do nothing at Pelosi's insistance, she becomes a lightning rod and the Democrat incumbents (who're all running for re-election) can claim they were in favor of debate and vote but the leadership opposed it.

    2. If they do bring it up and it somehow passes, Bush and the Republicans will get at least partial credit for it. Pelosi is of course against anything good happening to the Republicans.

    3. If Obama wins and she continues to stall until after January '09 when the new Congress and President are installed, she can make the Democrats look like heroes for "doing something".

    It all boils down to the fact that she would rather foster her party's power than do what is right for the country and people.

    The truth is we need to further our development of oil resources in the U.S. to include additional drilling and additional refining capacity and we need to increase the use all of the available energy sources: Nuclear, Hydropower, Wind, Solar and Geothermal for electrical production and continue research and development of alternate energy sources for transportation uses, such as, non-food crop alcohol, natural gas, hydrogen fuel cell, or even plug-in electric.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Email to Pelosi

    Quote Originally Posted by Brick View Post
    Consider these reasons for the current Congress to do nothing.

    1. If they do nothing at Pelosi's insistance, she becomes a lightning rod and the Democrat incumbents (who're all running for re-election) can claim they were in favor of debate and vote but the leadership opposed it.

    2. If they do bring it up and it somehow passes, Bush and the Republicans will get at least partial credit for it. Pelosi is of course against anything good happening to the Republicans.

    3. If Obama wins and she continues to stall until after January '09 when the new Congress and President are installed, she can make the Democrats look like heroes for "doing something".

    It all boils down to the fact that she would rather foster her party's power than do what is right for the country and people.

    The truth is we need to further our development of oil resources in the U.S. to include additional drilling and additional refining capacity and we need to increase the use all of the available energy sources: Nuclear, Hydropower, Wind, Solar and Geothermal for electrical production and continue research and development of alternate energy sources for transportation uses, such as, non-food crop alcohol, natural gas, hydrogen fuel cell, or even plug-in electric.
    Rep coming your way!!! Excellent post!!!

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