Firearms Instruction Responsibility and Safety Training for Pistols.
6-9:30 PM

Classic Pistol is committed to assisting you to learn safe and responsible gun handling skills at your first experience or first instruction. Class has been restricted to women only for your comfort. Firearms will be provided by the range, and eye /ear protection is required, and approximately 50 rounds of ammunition (.22 LR will be used for the initial training to boost your confidence). This evolution will focus on the revolver platform.

You will learn the Rules of safe Gun Handling, as well as the rules of safe use and storage of a gun; the fundamentals of pistol shooting, from a sitting position and (time dependant) the two handed standing position.

We will discuss selection of a first gun for various purposes, and a bit about ammunition choices.

Call Classic Pistol for registration and other details!
Class limited to 10 participants.