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  1. #1
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    Default Newsweek Article on Race, specifically anti-White

    The second cue is tragic—that far more kids just like to hang with their own.

    After the two-week history class, the children were surveyed on their racial attitudes. White children who got the full story about historical discrimination had significantly better attitudes toward blacks than those who got the neutered version. Explicitness works. "It also made them feel some guilt," Bigler adds. "It knocked down their glorified view of white people." They couldn't justify in-group superiority

    The other broad category of conversation, in Harris-Britt's analysis, is ethnic pride. From a very young age, minority children are coached to be proud of their ethnic history. She found that this was exceedingly good for children's self-confidence; in one study, black children who'd heard messages of ethnic pride were more engaged in school and more likely to attribute their success to their effort and ability.

    That leads to the question that everyone wonders but rarely dares to ask. If "black pride" is good for African-American children, where does that leave white children? It's horrifying to imagine kids being "proud to be white." Yet many scholars argue that's exactly what children's brains are already computing. Just as minority children are aware that they belong to an ethnic group with less status and wealth, most white children naturally decipher that they belong to the race that has more power, wealth, and control in society; this provides security, if not confidence. So a pride message would not just be abhorrent—it'd be redundant.

    This is what we're paying for, folks. Educators to learn that we've got to have MORE White guilt in class rooms and MORE non-White pride.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Newsweek Article on Race, specifically anti-White

    Is there a link to the article?

    Zombie Response Team SECTOR 4 Ground assault unit
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Newsweek Article on Race, specifically anti-White

    Quote Originally Posted by pirateron View Post
    Is there a link to the article?


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Newsweek Article on Race, specifically anti-White

    Sometimes I am glad I am old . Our nation has gone to the dogs .
    Don't blame me ; I voted for an American .

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Newsweek Article on Race, specifically anti-White

    The problem is that when you try to socially engineer attitudes you have to put down the one group while trying to raise up the other group. This has been going on in schools and business for as long as I can remember.

    You can't have affirmative action and equal opportunity employment at the same time. Basing employment on race is racist, plain and simple. Basing it on sex is sexist. Business should hire the best person for the job, whatever race or sex.

    Schools have been just as guilty in this for quite a while. Even these experiments seem to be racist. The conclusions sure are.

    "After the two-week history class, the children were surveyed on their racial attitudes. White children who got the full story about historical discrimination had significantly better attitudes toward blacks than those who got the neutered version. Explicitness works. "It also made them feel some guilt," Bigler adds. "It knocked down their glorified view of white people." They couldn't justify in-group superiority."

    Can anyone get the 'full story' of race and discrimination in two weeks? If you just show how some rich whites bought slaves it leaves out the cultural hatred that WASPs had for the Irish and indentured servants. Or that slave ships weren't just used to move slaves but the Irish also came over in the exact same conditions, and were treated as such. There is so much more to this then any class could possibly teach in several years.

    Much like the 'Latino's' (don't speak Latin or from Italy) getting special treatment and minority status. Every time I look at the map or Europe, Spain is still part of it. It would seem that every country in Europe has a different language but only those of Spanish decent get special treatment.

    You can find these differences in the Catholic schools as well. Italian, Irish, Greek, Polish etc all had there own church and school. Even the neighborhoods in the city were divided by cultural lines. Not just black and white.

    Problem is that folks want to be around those that share similar things. No matter what it is folks want to be around people like themselves, and that includes the color of their skin.

    It's the cultural diversity that makes this the great county that it is. Sure we have many differences but a common goal.

    What other country in the world can make that claim?

    Europe? Name a leader of any of those countries that isn't exactly like all the others.
    Israel or any of the Arab countries. Their Government and leaders look just like them.
    Same for the Far East.

    No other country in the world has the diversity or chance for opportunity that this country offers to everyone from any part of the world.

    But that doesn't change the fact that people want to hang out with folks that are like them.
    Last edited by stephpd; September 7th, 2009 at 01:36 PM.
    Divided we ever have been, and ever must be.Two thirds always had and will have more difficulty to struggle with the one third than with all our foreign enemies. - John Adams

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Newsweek Article on Race, specifically anti-White

    Where is the anti-white in this article?

    The article examines how the way we treat race in our culture may foster racism.

    Do white kids feel guilty when hearing about past discrimination? Maybe those kids are idiots. Should they not hear bad things that may have happened in history against minorities?

    History is a touchy topic.

    Conservatives in Japan apparently feel it is necessary to avoid talking about things Japan did in WW2. That is not healthy.

    However, it makes no sense to personalize or identify with history. One ought not to feel pride or shame for the transgressions of one's predecessors. Should Hitler's illegitimate son feel shame for who he is?

    As a minority, life feels different when people start asking "where are you really from" or looking at you like a crook. Or when mass media often portrays you as the bad guy or goofy foreigner. Everyone not in your ethnic group treats you differently.

    "Ethnicity" is really just another form of group distinction. I am a pretty bigoted person when it comes to people from my "ethnic" group who I believe are corrupt commie bastards who are only in America to make a buck. And they have weird BO.

    Some ethnic groups tend to have different internalized stereotypes. It's hard to do your best if you feel the "system" is against you, people some times treat you like a crook, or that you simply can't succeed because you are in that ethnic group. Now things are different if you trace your heritage from post-war Kenya and you were born and raised in Hawaii.

    Similarly, growing up in California feels a lot different than in Kansas as a minority. Calling people "Connie Chung" became less acceptable in the 90's. That was not the case for my friends in Kansas.

    People need to stop crying wolf. It's just more wimpy victim-enacting.
    It's better to save it when white people are actually being oppressed as in Zimbabwe or South Africa.

    BTW, personally, I don't believe popping out of a vagina qualifies one to be a citizen.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Newsweek Article on Race, specifically anti-White

    Personally, i'm proud to be a white male and could care less if someone has a problem with that. Especially if it's the hypocritical crap discussed in this article.

    What I would like to know is how horrible and guilty did the black kids feel? Why you ask. O that's right we don't discuss how the tribes in Africa kept the losers of a battle as their slaves. It was not until white people started to kidnapp to sell them that tribal leaders realized they could make money, but from their they had raiding parties to kidnap other tribes men as product for when the white men came. they were complicit in the sales of their own people.

    when the white slave trade stopped it did not in Africa. They continued to keep weaker people or beaten enemies as slaves and still do to this day. the diamond slaves and child soldiers come to mind. Of course we would not want to cloud revisionist histroy with the facts.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Newsweek Article on Race, specifically anti-White

    I am an Irish American and I am proud of my blue collar, potato picking roots.
    We escaped the English tyranny when they were attempting to starve out the Irish folks. So my grandfather escaped and started a life here.

    I am proud of that, very proud of that.

    But most ethnicities can come up with a similar stories!
    NRA Training Counselor, Chief Range Safety Officer, NRA Benefactor Member

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Newsweek Article on Race, specifically anti-White

    Quote Originally Posted by ByAnyMeans View Post
    Personally, i'm proud to be a white male and could care less if someone has a problem with that. Especially if it's the hypocritical crap discussed in this article.

    What I would like to know is how horrible and guilty did the black kids feel? Why you ask. O that's right we don't discuss how the tribes in Africa kept the losers of a battle as their slaves. It was not until white people started to kidnapp to sell them that tribal leaders realized they could make money, but from their they had raiding parties to kidnap other tribes men as product for when the white men came. they were complicit in the sales of their own people.

    when the white slave trade stopped it did not in Africa. They continued to keep weaker people or beaten enemies as slaves and still do to this day. the diamond slaves and child soldiers come to mind. Of course we would not want to cloud revisionist histroy with the facts.
    Very true . History isn't what it once was . True history hurts too many's feelings so a new one has to be manufactured .
    Don't blame me ; I voted for an American .

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Newsweek Article on Race, specifically anti-White

    Quote Originally Posted by ByAnyMeans View Post
    Personally, i'm proud to be a white male and could care less if someone has a problem with that. Especially if it's the hypocritical crap discussed in this article.

    What I would like to know is how horrible and guilty did the black kids feel? Why you ask. O that's right we don't discuss how the tribes in Africa kept the losers of a battle as their slaves. It was not until white people started to kidnapp to sell them that tribal leaders realized they could make money, but from their they had raiding parties to kidnap other tribes men as product for when the white men came. they were complicit in the sales of their own people.

    when the white slave trade stopped it did not in Africa. They continued to keep weaker people or beaten enemies as slaves and still do to this day. the diamond slaves and child soldiers come to mind. Of course we would not want to cloud revisionist histroy with the facts.

    some folks can't handle the truth.
    Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty

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