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Thread: abc news

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default abc news

    right now they have a thing on philly violence and the gun laws.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I read on the Metro yesterday about a little girl being shot while she waited on the car for her mother. She died in the spot.

    All the neighbors were crying Gun Control, and our corrupt-o politicians where to hold an "emergency meeting" about the issue.

    Of course its easy to blame guns, and not the economy, lack of education, ect.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
    ~Thomas Jefferson, 1791

  3. #3
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    Yes, I believe today is when the PA House of Representatives is to "discuss" the "rising problem of gun violence". Bob Durgin (WHP580 in Harrisburg) was talking about it yesterday. I forget what all is involved, but I know they want to limit handgun purchases to one a month, make you report a stolen gun within 24 or 48 hours and a few other things. I'll see if I can dig anything up on their website or any of the local TV stations' websites and post it.


  4. #4
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    Viola! From the NRA website...

    September 25th - Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing

    Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Stewart Greenleaf (R-12) schedules final hearing in Harrisburg - On Monday, September 25, the Senate Judiciary Committee will be holding a final hearing to receive testimony relating to urban violence. The hearing will be held 10:00 A.M. in Room 8E-B of the East Wing.

    Over the past several months, the committee has heard testimony from public officials and anti-gun zealots insisting on new gun control legislation to combat urban crime. This will be the final opportunity for NRA members to voice their concerns regarding the lack of enforcement and prosecution of federal and state firearm laws which has fueled violent crime over the past year. If your planning on testifying or need additional information, contact Gregg Warner of Sen. Greenleaf's office, (717) 787-6599 or

    September 26th - Committee of the Whole Meeting

    On Tuesday, September 26, the House of Representatives will convene as a "Committee of the Whole" to focus on crime and violence in Pennsylvania. The Committee of the Whole is a rarely used legislative mechanism designed to allow for a more informal, free-flowing public debate of a particularly critical issue facing the Commonwealth.

    Topics expected to be addressed include: "One-Gun-a-Month" legislation, elimination of statewide preemption, semi-automatic firearm bans as well as other anti-gun legislation which infringe on your rights as law-abiding gun owners.



  5. #5
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    Here is a copy of the e-mail I just sent to my Representative...Todd Platts.

    Dear Representative Platts:

    I am one of your Cumberland County, PA constituents and voted for you in the last election. I am now requesting that you do something for me. Please vote against any proposed anti-gun legislation arising out of today's discussion taking place in the House of Representatives.

    Please do not punish law-abiding Pennsylvania gun owners for the acts of criminals. Do we really think that limiting handgun purchases to one a month will reduce crime? How often do criminals buy the guns they use to commit crimes? I would submit that the majority of guns used in these types of crimes are stolen rather than purchased.

    The key to curbing crime is punishing the criminals and ending the revolving door of justice which allows criminals to plea bargain their way to a lesser sentence. If someone commits an armed robbery, charge them and sentence them based on armed-robbery guidelines. Don't allow them plea bargain down to a jaywalking infraction!

    As I asid, I am a law-abiding Cumberland County, Pennsylvania gun owner. Please do not punish me for the acts of others!


  6. #6
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    "After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it."

    -- Wm Burroughs

    Notice the reflexive knee jerk demands for gun control, from every pundit and every newspaper. The really remarkable thing about all the calls for, say, "one gun a month" laws, is the complete and total lack of supporting evidence. It's simply asserted, as if an article of faith, that inconveniencing law abiding buyers will somehow have tangible impact on criminals' access to guns. It's as if wishful thinking and supposed good intentions can simply will the desired result into being. Of course maybe the public trumpeting of their "good intentions" is the desired result. Having shown the voters how concerned they are (as shown by beating up law abiding gun owners, those unevolved rednecks), the real mission is accomplished, regardless of what happens to actual crime rates.

    Noticeably lacking is ANY reference to proof, to scholarship, to studies ...ANYTHING... that actually supports this claim. Ignoring the empirical track record of gun control is key for proponents -- that way they can endlessly recycle their demagoguery, such as the claim, with every new Shall Issue initiative, that "blood will run in the streets" (even though blood is still not running from any of the previous 40-odd Shall Issue laws).
    Last edited by dgg9; September 26th, 2006 at 09:07 AM.

  7. #7
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    Thumbs down Total Shame!

    This incident was and is a total shame!!!

    And, its a pathetic act, for the politicians to cry gun-control every time some thing like this happens.

    A gun is just a tool, and cannot do anything on its own accord. It takes a user to make it a deadly weapon and this is the only way that a gun can kill. So to regulate gun purchases, licenses and other methods of acquisition is to bypass the real root cause of the problem. Inner-city crime is the problem and guns are the tools the criminal uses to carry out his deadly acts.

    Deal with the criminals first, then if it becomes necessary, legistate for gun-control. This method of addressing the problem has never been an option, because it takes real work and effort.

    All these lazy bastards want to do is cry out its the guns that are causing all these senseless deaths. NO, its not the guns, its the people behind the guns.

    What will it take to make these idiots see that it's the criminals that need legistation, not the tools they use.

  8. #8
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    Philly is also starting to form a group to 'study' the prison over crowding problem. Which is the heart of the problem. They have not built any new prisons lately. To solve crime takes money and it takes brains. It is so much easier to find a scapegoat to blame. Street will be long gone before they see that this did no good. They figure they will find an answer by then.

    The problem is more than one thing.

    The city for years has unfairly over taxed the workers to the point that the jobs that could moved out. Nobody wants to pay the unfair city wage tax. Live and work in the city you pay the tax. Live in city and work outside the city you still pay it. Live outside the city and work in the city you pay it. Live and work in another state but you companies payroll office is in the city you pay the city wage tax. At one time they were taxing the mediterranean fleet of the US Navy.

    A glut of illegals taking all the entrance level jobs.

    To solve these problems cost money and the wrath of the Spanish speakers.
    Last edited by Siobhra; September 26th, 2006 at 10:11 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    there is no simple solution to the violence that is gripping every major city in the United States , It will take forty years to solve this problem , there is no political party willing to invest years of very hard work to reduce the violence in society . until then watch your back and practice with your gun. Ed. I hope to continue with this forum it is very good . Thanks to all!

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