Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Social acceptability?

    I was sitting in the woods yesterday, not seeing a damn thing wondering why I haven't bought a squirrel call yet and I started thinking...

    I'm 27 and I went to a public school in a not so great, densely populated area, in the south eastern part of the state, Upper Darby to be exact (maybe that was the problem?)... when I was in school, the few kids who were vocal about hunting used to get made fun of and teased for it. We used to laugh when we would hear about how "those redneck schools" getting off for opening of Deer season.

    I am told stories from the few people who have taught me the bits I know about hunting. They tell me stories about how they used to bring their rifles on the bus and were able to leave them in their lockers at school. They tell me about taking the long way home from school so they can walk through the fields on the way home to flush a bird or two. They tell me about their first hunt with their day and their first hunt with their son/daughter... Where have those days gone? When did hunting become socially unacceptable?

    Even today, when I tell people I've gotten into hunting they give me weird looks and say things to me about it like "you have fun killing Bamby or Thumper or "insert Disney character here*. Yesterday at work as I was getting ready to head out for an afternoon in the woods for squirrel a co-worker gave me a look and shook his head and said "have fun killing Bamby".... wtf? This same guy complains about people being able to carry guns but he is a target shooter. He glorifies fishing but despises hunting...

    When I tell people or mention the fact that I enjoy it I always get dirty looks or smart ass responses and it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong...

    Why is it socially acceptable to fish but not to hunt? I never get "have fun killing "Mr Limpet" when I leave work to go fishing... Why the double standard? If anything I'd think letting a fish suffocate over a long period of time in a plastic bag or drown in a creek because of a stringer through its gills is much more inhumane but whatever.

    Is it the fact they have legs? Fur? Glorified in kids movies? What is the deal??

    Since I'm ranting... was at the new dicks sporting goods in Collegeville, they have solid cabinets holding their ammo. Like any other dicks the cabinet is along the wall behind the glass cases. There is no way you can see what they have in stock without asking someone.

    An older gentleman was being helped by a kid behind the counter and asked for a box of ammo, while the door was open I leaned a little over the counter to get a better look at the shot gun slugs that were in the cabinet, the kid looks at me doing this, kicks the door shut, and give me a really cocky "can I help you with somethin' " Like I was doing something wrong... I said "No thank you" put the things I was going to buy (About $150 worth) back and left... it is a shame, really nice store that I'll never shop at again...

    Where do these attitudes come from? I know a lot must come from the parents and their upbringing but how much of this has to do with the changes in society over the recent years/decades. It seems kids now are being taught they aren't to blame for their actions, there is always something/someone else that is the cause for all of their problems. There is no personal responsibility. There is no self respect anymore, let alone respect for those older than yourself.

    Young girls (I'm talking under 12 years old here) wear clothes you'd expect to see on a girl working the street and this is considered "cute. Babies are having Babies but thats ok, that isn't their fault and we all know it isnt the parents fault, no, cant be... Kids idolize people who "sing" about beating women, drugs, and killing people and that's ok yet somehow it is socially unacceptable to enjoy going into the woods to try and put some food on your table.... I look at everything going on and I don't see a good ending. We cannot keep up this morally backwards trend.... Everyday I see us getting closer and closer to that movie "Idiocracy" and it really makes me upset...

    When/Why did we allow this to happen? More importantly How do we take it back?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Social acceptability?

    I always figured to each his own. Im glad not everyone has the same interests that i do. The woods would be a heck of alot more crowded than they are now.
    As far as the comments from people about an activity that i enjoy; hunting, fishing, shooting all manner of guns/bows, women/strip clubs, religion or lack of, normally get ignored. if they want to play the "go have fun shooting Bambi" game. I do not play the PC game if i am pushed into an argument and try to reason with them. I just hope im wearing one of my many t-shirts:
    -I love animals, they're delicious
    -Save a cow, eat a vegitarian
    -Animals, i kill them, eat them, and wear their skins
    -There's for all creatures, right next the mashed potatoes

    Ignore them, its none of their business what your do on your own time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Social acceptability?

    When people make fun of me for hunting... I just smile and say good luck when Wall street crashes.. looks like you will be hungry...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Social acceptability?

    I personally am not a hunter. I guess I just don't have that killer instinct. However, if bambi charged me and was going to trample me bambi would go bye-bye. I think it's an unfortunate part of the wussification of our society. I have no problem with people who hunt, but it's not for me.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Social acceptability?

    Quote Originally Posted by autotech6506 View Post
    I personally am not a hunter. I guess I just don't have that killer instinct. However, if bambi charged me and was going to trample me bambi would go bye-bye. I think it's an unfortunate part of the wussification of our society. I have no problem with people who hunt, but it's not for me.
    ohhh, a soon to be convert. Do you realize there is more to hunting that deer hunting? The companionship with your best friends, the solitude of a mountain hill top when the sun breaks over the horizon, the earthly smell of damp soil, the chirping of birds at first light, and the list of beautiful things one experiences while hunting. Its not about Killing my man. Its about experiencing a part of life so many today have no clue. I for one, have passed on taking game simply because the peace and tranquility of the moment overrode the idea of why I was in the woods to begin with.

    I invite you to go hunting with me, as I have others on this forum. Let me show you what actually goes into a hunt.
    I will show you that there's more to hunting than just some orange, a gun, and critter to shoot. Much like, based on your screen name, there is so much more that goes into a well running car than just fuel.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Social acceptability?

    Quote Originally Posted by customloaded View Post
    ohhh, a soon to be convert. Do you realize there is more to hunting that deer hunting? The companionship with your best friends, the solitude of a mountain hill top when the sun breaks over the horizon, the earthly smell of damp soil, the chirping of birds at first light, and the list of beautiful things one experiences while hunting. Its not about Killing my man. Its about experiencing a part of life so many today have no clue. I for one, have passed on taking game simply because the peace and tranquility of the moment overrode the idea of why I was in the woods to begin with.

    I invite you to go hunting with me, as I have others on this forum. Let me show you what actually goes into a hunt.
    I will show you that there's more to hunting than just some orange, a gun, and critter to shoot. Much like, based on your screen name, there is so much more that goes into a well running car than just fuel.

    this is true. i have never been hunting before. i dont have any rifles or shotguns so if i were to get invited i'd have to borrow and my friends that hunt don't have extra.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Social acceptability?

    Ask these very people where the beef, chicken and fish that they buy in the supermarket comes from. I realize it isn't hunting but they are killing an animal so you can eat it-they are doing the dirty work for them. Those people just think they are to sophisticated to actually hunt for their own meals.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Social acceptability?

    Quote Originally Posted by customloaded View Post
    ohhh, a soon to be convert. Do you realize there is more to hunting that deer hunting? The companionship with your best friends, the solitude of a mountain hill top when the sun breaks over the horizon, the earthly smell of damp soil, the chirping of birds at first light, and the list of beautiful things one experiences while hunting. Its not about Killing my man. Its about experiencing a part of life so many today have no clue. I for one, have passed on taking game simply because the peace and tranquility of the moment overrode the idea of why I was in the woods to begin with.


    It isn't about the hunt, the shooting, gutting, dragging your game through the woods, the butchering, or the eating. It's about sitting out there taking it all in and forgetting everything else at that moment.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Social acceptability?

    Quote Originally Posted by customloaded View Post
    ohhh, a soon to be convert. Do you realize there is more to hunting that deer hunting? The companionship with your best friends, the solitude of a mountain hill top when the sun breaks over the horizon, the earthly smell of damp soil, the chirping of birds at first light, and the list of beautiful things one experiences while hunting. Its not about Killing my man. Its about experiencing a part of life so many today have no clue. I for one, have passed on taking game simply because the peace and tranquility of the moment overrode the idea of why I was in the woods to begin with.

    I invite you to go hunting with me, as I have others on this forum. Let me show you what actually goes into a hunt.
    I will show you that there's more to hunting than just some orange, a gun, and critter to shoot. Much like, based on your screen name, there is so much more that goes into a well running car than just fuel.


    Don't forget the simple joy of rubbing one out in your treestand on a cold autumn morning. Its.......magical.
    Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Amen. **PROUD III**

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Social acceptability?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kb! Bob View Post
    Don't forget the simple joy of rubbing one out in your treestand on a cold autumn morning. Its.......magical.
    LMAO Reminds me of when I was a kid the local hunting shop used to have playboys in the bathroom. The owner just used smirk when we went in to buy fishing hooks or some other odd thing and use his rest room. Once I stole a playboy from the bathroom and instead of risking taking it home I hid it in the woods. The guy knew I took it and never said a word. Me and Miss October had quite the time in those woods.

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