Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default Question: Texas ammunition restrictions

    I'll be flying to TN and TX in the next two weeks and want to make sure I follow all laws. There is one miscellaneous paragraph on the NRA version of TX firearm laws that states

    it is unlawful to possess, manufacture, transport, repair or sell handgun ammunition that is designed primarily for the purpose of penetrating metal or body armor and to be used principally in pistols and revolvers.
    WHAT does that mean? Would my hollow points be illegal in TX? And for that matter, are they legal in TN (I'm waiting on a response from a gun owner in TN on that one...) ?

    I did buy a really nice Pelican gun case and I have a cable lock to attach it to the inside of my suitcase frame for extra confusion.

    I've got the reciprocity agreements printed out, just in case. I want to be able to have fun shooting with family in both states this time around. And the TX grandson has already planned a trip to the range again, only this time it'll be cheaper if I have my own gun with me!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Question: Texas ammunition restrictions

    IMO that restriction is against AP and teflon-coated KTW for example. It would not apply to the traditional HPs.

    Also note that the proscription requires actual intent or knowledge that the ammo you possess is AP. IMO you overwhelming reasonable doubt that HPs are APs:

    Sec. 46.01. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
    (12) "Armor-piercing ammunition" means handgun ammunition that is designed primarily for the purpose of penetrating metal or body armor and to be used principally in pistols and revolvers.

    (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly possesses, manufactures, transports, repairs, or sells:
    (7) armor-piercing ammunition;
    NJ is the only state that I know of that has HP limitations for defensive carry.
    Last edited by tl_3237; December 22nd, 2011 at 07:04 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Question: Texas ammunition restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by tl_3237 View Post
    IMO that restriction is against AP and teflon-coated KTW for example. It would not apply to the traditional HPs.
    Ah. I never knew there was such a thing! It is worded so vaguely that I want to make sure that I don't inadvertently have something that is not allowed.

    I know my SIL carried in TX, and I don't remember him saying anything about restrictions, other than that he couldn't open-carry, which annoyed him. However, I must say, he was very good at concealed carry in 100+ degree heat!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Question: Texas ammunition restrictions

    TN statutes:

    Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-1301

    (13) "Restricted firearm ammunition" means any cartridge containing a bullet coated with a plastic substance with other than a lead or lead alloy core or a jacketed bullet with other than a lead or lead alloy core or a cartridge of which the bullet itself is wholly composed of a metal or metal alloy other than lead. "Restricted firearm ammunition" does not include shotgun shells or solid plastic bullets;
    This would not include HPs.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Question: Texas ammunition restrictions

    Armor piercing handgun ammunition is against federal law as well [18 USC sec. 921(a)(17)]. Hollow points aren't designed to defeat body armor or to penetrate metal. Quite the contrary; expansion is the last thing you'd want. NJ is the only place with its judicial panties in a wad about those evil hollow points. Carrying is more restrictive in Texas than here -- no open carry, must-inform-officer, more off-limits places.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Question: Texas ammunition restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by mingomom View Post
    Ah. I never knew there was such a thing! It is worded so vaguely that I want to make sure that I don't inadvertently have something that is not allowed.

    I know my SIL carried in TX, and I don't remember him saying anything about restrictions, other than that he couldn't open-carry, which annoyed him. However, I must say, he was very good at concealed carry in 100+ degree heat!
    FWIW here's the Pa statute:

    18 Pa.C.S. § 6121: Certain bullets prohibited
    (a) Offense defined.--It is unlawful for any person to possess, use or attempt to use a KTW teflon-coated bullet or other armor-piercing ammunition while committing or attempting to commit a crime of violence as defined in section 6102 (relating to definitions).
    (d) Definition.--As used in this section the term "armor-piercing ammunition" means ammunition which, when or if fired from any firearm as defined in section 6102 that is used or attempted to be used in violation of subsection (a) under the test procedure of the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Standard for the Ballistics Resistance of Police Body Armor promulgated December 1978, is determined to be capable of penetrating bullet-resistant apparel or body armor meeting the requirements of Type IIA of Standard NILECJ-STD-0101.01 as formulated by the United States Department of Justice and published in December of 1978.
    Of course this is only a concern in Pa if committing a crime of violence.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Question: Texas ammunition restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by donm View Post
    Armor piercing handgun ammunition is against federal law as well [18 USC sec. 921(a)(17)]. Hollow points aren't designed to defeat body armor or to penetrate metal. Quite the contrary; expansion is the last thing you'd want. NJ is the only place with its judicial panties in a wad about those evil hollow points. Carrying is more restrictive in Texas than here -- no open carry, must-inform-officer, more off-limits places.
    That won't affect me much as I CC anyway, and don't plan on going to any bars or court houses, etc.

    Good to know about the HP - never had to look it up or think about it before.
    Quote Originally Posted by tl_3237 View Post
    FWIW here's the Pa statute:

    Of course this is only a concern in Pa if committing a crime of violence.
    Thanks for all your info and links. I really appreciate it.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Question: Texas ammunition restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by donm View Post
    Armor piercing handgun ammunition is against federal law as well [18 USC sec. 921(a)(17)]. Hollow points aren't designed to defeat body armor or to penetrate metal. Quite the contrary; expansion is the last thing you'd want. NJ is the only place with its judicial panties in a wad about those evil hollow points. Carrying is more restrictive in Texas than here -- no open carry, must-inform-officer, more off-limits places.
    Manufacture, import and sale is proscribed by USC or CFR but I'm unaware of any Federal laws that forbid possession (except while committing another crime).

    But I agree with your observations.

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