Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default An open call for open carrying
    A open call for open carrying
    Lebanon Daily News

    I am so disgusted with gun-stupid people like Melodee Reeves and the likes that I could throw up!

    In the forum on Oct. 4, Reeves tries to shame and bring ridicule to Meleanie Hain by repeating a false rumor that the soccer league may be not continue next season.

    Good! This is America ... baseball, football, apple pie and Chevrolet ... AND GUNS! It doesn’t say soccer! Maybe Nigel the Nazi should take umpire lessons. (Oh, maybe he should just retire! Umpires are hated more than soccer refs. Imagine a group of gun-toting baseball moms around!) Get over it, comrade Reeves!

    Not only did all the anti-gun letters published in this forum infuriate me, after 15 years of carrying a concealed weapon I am now carrying open to make a political statement and make it easier to defend myself, my family and others. FYI: I have used my gun at least three times in 15 years to protect myself and others.

    To Meleanie: I am interested in starting some Lebanon-area open-carry dinners or breakfasts as they have been doing in the Harrisburg area in past years. I am tired of being asked if I am a police officer when someone sees me carry! It’s time for the sight of a gun to instill a feeling of security and not fear!

    Reeves: When you see me or Meleanie carrying open, you can breathe a sigh of relief that we are watching out for your safety as well as our own. Shame on you! Go take a firearms-safety course and learn to shoot. I dare you because I know you’ll like it!

    Tim Zimmerman

    Get your "Guns Save Lives" stickers today! PM for more info.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: An open call for open carrying

    Here is my problem with some people. This is a quote from the letter.

    Reeves: When you see me or Meleanie carrying open, you can breathe a sigh of relief that we are watching out for your safety as well as our own. Shame on you! Go take a firearms-safety course and learn to shoot. I dare you because I know you’ll like it!

    I don't need anyone looking out for my safety. Does anyone else see this gunslinging "I want to be a hero" mentality from some people? I agree with OC and CC, but it drives me crazy to read crap like that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: An open call for open carrying

    Quote Originally Posted by XRAY Joe View Post
    Here is my problem with some people. This is a quote from the letter.

    Reeves: When you see me or Meleanie carrying open, you can breathe a sigh of relief that we are watching out for your safety as well as our own. Shame on you! Go take a firearms-safety course and learn to shoot. I dare you because I know you’ll like it!

    I don't need anyone looking out for my safety. Does anyone else see this gunslinging "I want to be a hero" mentality from some people? I agree with OC and CC, but it drives me crazy to read crap like that.
    So, if a fellow gun owner should happen to come upon you in a time when you need assistance, we should just keep on walking? Jut my opinion, but I didn't read it as "gun slinging hero" mentality. I read it as a person willing to render assistance to someone in need. There is a difference between stumbling upon someone in trouble and looking for trouble.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: An open call for open carrying

    Quote Originally Posted by XRAY Joe View Post
    I don't need anyone looking out for my safety. Does anyone else see this gunslinging "I want to be a hero" mentality from some people? I agree with OC and CC, but it drives me crazy to read crap like that.
    No, I didn't see it like that at all...

    Maybe you disagree with his delivery, or maybe your assuming he is talking to you, either way I'm not sure what accusing him of having a "gunslinging" hero complex accomplishes.

    Seems to me that he simply thinks that anti-gun people should be thankful that others do carry, I'd go so far as to assume he includes OC and CC in that sentiment.

    Are you anti-gun, anti-carry? If not then I'm quite confident that he wasn't talking to you.

    danbus wrote: ...Like I said before, I open carry because you don't, I fight for all my rights because
    you won't, I will not sit with my thumb up my bum and complain, because you will.
    Remember Meleanie

  5. #5
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    Default Re: An open call for open carrying

    I know there is a difference between stumbling upon someone in trouble and looking for trouble. I took it like he is looking for trouble. That's just my take on the letter.

    By the way, the Phillies just went up 3 to 2.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: An open call for open carrying

    Quote Originally Posted by XRAY Joe View Post
    Here is my problem with some people. This is a quote from the letter.

    Reeves: When you see me or Meleanie carrying open, you can breathe a sigh of relief that we are watching out for your safety as well as our own. Shame on you! Go take a firearms-safety course and learn to shoot. I dare you because I know you’ll like it!

    I don't need anyone looking out for my safety. Does anyone else see this gunslinging "I want to be a hero" mentality from some people?
    No. I think his statement "... watching out for your safety ..." was CC / OC neutral. It had to do with being armed, generally speaking.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: An open call for open carrying

    I have to throw in with the majority opinion here. I think you're reading too much into it, Joe.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: An open call for open carrying

    In my humble opinion it was a very... interesting letter. It did have good points but was more of an attack letter claiming stupidity and communism instead of selective ignorance and upbringing.

    I feel intellectual responses might do a little bit better in changing peoples minds... but mostly letters to the editor do nothing but bring down more water-treading responses it seems.

    My experience has been that to change someones mind you have to engage them in a way that they feel like they made the decision, by asking them a series of leading questions, not by being accusatory.

    I'm glad it was written though, any positive response just goes to show people there ARE those on the positive side of the issue. Good times!
    Great job!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: An open call for open carrying

    Not only did all the anti-gun letters published in this forum infuriate me, after 15 years of carrying a concealed weapon I am now carrying open to make a political statement and make it easier to defend myself, my family and others. FYI: I have used my gun at least three times in 15 years to protect myself and others.
    Is it ok these days to make a political statement or is that a comment designed to stir the pot? All in all, the letter is good...but I may have reworded the phrase that I highlighted in red.

    My version...

    Not only did all the anti-gun letters published in this forum infuriate me, after 15 years of carrying a concealed weapon I am now carrying open in order to show support for my 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, and also to make it easier to defend myself, my family and others. FYI: I have used my gun at least three times in 15 years to protect myself and others.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Where liberty is but a flickering flame in the distance., New Jersey
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    Default Re: An open call for open carrying

    Quote Originally Posted by RocketFoot View Post
    Is it ok these days to make a political statement or is that a comment designed to stir the pot? All in all, the letter is good...but I may have reworded the phrase that I highlighted in red.
    Short answer; no. It should be, but sadly it is not. Look what happened to MTNJack when he tried to make a peaceful political statement. If you telegraph that you are trying to be political and it is contrary to the very vocal minority you will have trouble.

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