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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Democrat To Gun Supporters: You’re All A Bunch Of “Gun-Toting Tea Party Psychotards”

    Hudson city Alderman, Dave Marston, has found himself in a bit of hot water after an e-mail exchange that saw him refer to Second Amendment supporters as “gun-toting Tea Party psychotards”, implying that all gun supporters are “unemployed”, threatened to “beat you barbarians back”, and tosses in a Nazi reference for good measure.

    Apparently Mr. Marston didn’t get his party’s memo concerning the “new tone” in politics.


    I will ask again. Where are all of the people who were on here who claimed that the dems were not interested in our guns?
    The USA is now a banana republic. Only without the bananas....or the Republic.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Democrat To Gun Supporters: You’re All A Bunch Of “Gun-Toting Tea Party Psychotar

    Seems to me the only ones foaming at the mouth are people just like Marston. They will lie, cheat, and do anything to further their agenda to do away with the second amendent to our constitution other than by legal means.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Democrat To Gun Supporters: You’re All A Bunch Of “Gun-Toting Tea Party Psychotar

    Well, I might be all of that.. but he is a pansy waisted, self-serving bigot, blind jackass that cant see the wall until he walks into it....

    Whew.... that makes me feel better.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Democrat To Gun Supporters: You’re All A Bunch Of “Gun-Toting Tea Party Psychotar

    Yeah I'd like to compare employment numbers of 2A supporter to his supporters.

    When welfare can be used to buy guns I'll agree.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Democrat To Gun Supporters: You’re All A Bunch Of “Gun-Toting Tea Party Psychotar

    Dear Joanna Johnson-Smith,

    Its really neat that all you gun toting tea party psychotards are so interested in the goings on of our little City, even though I find it amazing that you don’t have any other pressing issues before you in New Lebanon.
    Because I am only trashing the supreme law of the land, surely you have better things to do

    On the other hand, I guess its not surprising, considering you ideologues aren’t interested in actual policy, but rather grandstanding on mythical narratives of victimization.
    You really don't care about me rewriting the Constitution to fit my twisted understanding do you? And there are no criminals in the U.S except lawful gunowner's don't you know. No other crime has ever been committed, no home invasions, hold ups, rape etc... They are all made up stories.

    Two things: The only spit here is the white stuff frothing on the ends of that rotten little mouth of yours from which you spew this hateful ignorant trash. And a donkeys behind? The rabid ignorance of the fringe is best illustrated by its sad metaphors, I mean seriously, thank you for the laughs
    Pardon me while I spit all over you with my ranting while I accuse you of daring to invoke your 2nd Amendment Constitutional rights as a U.S cititzen. You are an ass for thinking I could care less about the rights of anyone but myself.

    By all means, come on down, we’ll be happy to beat you barbarians back with the clubs of reason & responsibility, radical lunatics that you are.
    I will use opinion and mindless Rhetoric and pass it off as facts and reason. Since I don't understand what real reason is, I will berate and belittle you instead

    And say, a quick ProTip, since you’re the “organizer” for unemployed guns nuts USA. Next time you think these unhinged rants will change the mind of anyone who has even a modicum of intelligence, you might instead just go back down into your basement & watch another episode of wheel-of-fortune. It’ll certainly be just as effective. Remember: there are millions of Eagle Scout God Worshiping Patriots who find you & your radical ilk as disgraceful to American Democracy as the Brown Shirt jackboots you act like. I happen to be just one of them. Good Luck.

    I am going to call you a Nazi all the while ignoring what I and my party are doing to New York. It's not like we are trying to set up a totalitarian state and control what you eat, drink, right to self defense etc.... Just shut up and obey or you will be receiving a visit in the middle of the night and it wont be the tooth fairy

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Democrat To Gun Supporters: You’re All A Bunch Of “Gun-Toting Tea Party Psychotar

    "...grandstanding on mythical narratives of victimization."

    Sounds like somebody has his political parties really, really confused.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Democrat To Gun Supporters: You’re All A Bunch Of “Gun-Toting Tea Party Psychotar

    Quote Originally Posted by Qtrborecrazy View Post
    Seems to me the only ones foaming at the mouth are people just like Marston. They will lie, cheat, and do anything to further their agenda to do away with the second amendent to our constitution other than by legal means.
    Maybe it seems that way because the original letter was not published. How do we know it wasn't also laden with insults and Godwins?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Democrat To Gun Supporters: You’re All A Bunch Of “Gun-Toting Tea Party Psychotar

    Quote Originally Posted by Philbert View Post
    Maybe it seems that way because the original letter was not published. How do we know it wasn't also laden with insults and Godwins?
    They have a link to the exchange in the article. Here is a copy and paste.

    Please if you have a minute, read what I'm sharing from the Guns Across America -New York page has posted. I spoke with JJ today about this and said I thought the best thing was to let the people know what the Alderman, David Marston from Hudson said to her. You can feel the seething contempt from this clown. Here's his email because after reading his tirade, you might want to send him a note.

    From JJ. (who, by the way was the organizer of the first rally in Albany back in January.)

    As most of you know, the City of Hudson in Columbia County is discussing a City-Wide Gun Ban. No weapons would be allowed on ANY city-owned property. As State Organizer AND a resident of Columbia County, I WILL be at the meeting of Hudson's Legal Committee tomorrow night when they address this issue. About a week ago, I forwarded the very poignant letter from the Saratoga Deputy, to the Mayor and Alderman of Hudson, and stated that this was an example of how the majority of LEOs feel about the sad state of our country. I received a response from Alderman Dave Marston, and the guy just went OFF ! I am posting the exchange between myself and Mr. Marsten here for your opinions.

    dave marston <> Feb 19 (7 days ago)

    to me What is this? Is this about the Pledge of Allegiance or the S.A.F.E. act? Is it a personal essay submission? I'm not clear why I was sent this and what purposes it purports to serve? Please Advise.

    David Marston.

    Joanna Johnson-Smith <> Feb 19 (7 days ago)

    to dave Dear Mr. Marston, This was sent to you as an Alderman of the City of Hudson, so you can see where 98% of NY Law Enforcement stand on the NY Safe Act before your Legal Committee decides to impose a Total Gun Ban in your city. The VERY few Law Enforcement Officers that support the Safe Act, about 2%, are all Democrats and Liberals who have never given a donkey's behind about the Constitutional Rights of the people who employ them. Patriotic Americans like the Deputy who wrote this letter, are incensed over the State and Federal attempts to disarm law-abiding Americans and spit on the Constitution. We all know what the REAL agenda is, and we will never allow it. Many of us will be at the meeting in Hudson on 2-27-2013 to make certain our voices are heard. Respectfully, JJ. Johnson-Smith NYS Organizer for Gun Rights Across America New Lebanon,N.Y

    David Marston <> Feb 22 (4 days ago)

    to me Dear Joanna Johnson-Smith,

    Its really neat that all you gun toting tea party psychotards are so interested in the goings on of our little City, even though I find it amazing that you don't have any other pressing issues before you in New Lebanon. On the other hand, I guess its not surprising, considering you ideologues aren't interested in actual policy, but rather grandstanding on mythical narratives of victimization.

    Two things: The only spit here is the white stuff frothing on the ends of that rotten little mouth of yours from which you spew this hateful ignorant trash. And a donkeys behind? The rabid ignorance of the fringe is best illustrated by its sad metaphors, I mean seriously, thank you for the laughs.

    By all means, come on down, we'll be happy to beat you barbarians back with the clubs of reason & responsibility, radical lunatics that you are. And say, a quick ProTip, since you're the "organizer" for unemployed guns nuts USA. Next time you think these unhinged rants will change the mind of anyone who has even a modicum of intelligence, you might instead just go back down into your basement & watch another episode of wheel-of-fortune. It'll certainly be just as effective. Remember: there are millions of Eagle Scout God Worshiping Patriots who find you & your radical ilk as disgraceful to American Democracy as the Brown Shirt jackboots you act like. I happen to be just one of them. Good Luck.

    Best Regards, David Marston.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Democrat To Gun Supporters: You’re All A Bunch Of “Gun-Toting Tea Party Psychotar

    Quote Originally Posted by internet troll View Post
    They have a link to the exchange in the article. Here is a copy and paste.
    Thanks. The mobile link requires sign in for some reason, but here is the link that should work for anyone

    The first item here is from Marston, asking "What is this? Is this about the Pledge of Allegiance or the S.A.F.E. act? Is it a personal essay submission? I'm not clear why I was sent this and what purposes it purports to serve? Please Advise."

    So what's he asking about? It seems like the first part is missing.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Democrat To Gun Supporters: You’re All A Bunch Of “Gun-Toting Tea Party Psychotar

    Quote Originally Posted by Philbert View Post
    Thanks. The mobile link requires sign in for some reason, but here is the link that should work for anyone

    The first item here is from Marston, asking "What is this? Is this about the Pledge of Allegiance or the S.A.F.E. act? Is it a personal essay submission? I'm not clear why I was sent this and what purposes it purports to serve? Please Advise."

    So what's he asking about? It seems like the first part is missing.
    My take is that JJ forwarded a letter from the Saratoga Deputy and stated that this is how the majority of Leo's feel about what is going on in the country. It sounds like JJ did not include anything else other than the letter and Marston sent back the e-mail asking for more information and whether it was the Pledge of Allegiance or SAFE act.

    Don't know for sure, but that is what I am getting from it.

    As most of you know, the City of Hudson in Columbia County is discussing a City-Wide Gun Ban. No weapons would be allowed on ANY city-owned property. As State Organizer AND a resident of Columbia County, I WILL be at the meeting of Hudson's Legal Committee tomorrow night when they address this issue. About a week ago, I forwarded the very poignant letter from the Saratoga Deputy, to the Mayor and Alderman of Hudson, and stated that this was an example of how the majority of LEOs feel about the sad state of our country. I received a response from Alderman Dave Marston, and the guy just went OFF ! I am posting the exchange between myself and Mr. Marsten here for your opinions.

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