Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Dont Knock It Til You Try It

    ok so on the way home today, 4 in the morning, i decided to stop at walmart and buy the mrs a lil surprise gift. after reading so much about OC i decided id try it and see which i prefer. Looks like im more of a CC man. i tried OC and it was slightly liberating, felt good being able to exercise the ability to open carry. however in the back of my mind i was just so paraniod (i didnt let it show) that someone was going to freak out and cause a scene, dispite the fact that ive not read any thing like occuring that except the OC meet n greet dinner thread.

    so that being said i think ill stick to being all stealth ninja about it and keep it covered. ive already got the quick-draw down with the IWB so yeah. just thought id throw that out there. as it was stated in one of the reccomended reading posts, OC isnt for everyone, and i can confirm it isnt for me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Dont Knock It Til You Try It

    Dont Knock It Til You Try It
    I say exactly the same thing about dog meat (ever been to Korea?).

    Hey, you carry however you feel comfortable carrying. The only right way to carry (apart from legally) is the way that's right for you.

    Welcome aboard.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Dont Knock It Til You Try It

    I've said this before, I'll say it again. I would be glad to have your choice of which way should I carry, concealed or open? It's great that you have the choice! Got to love Pa. I carry concealed, of course where ever I'm legal to do so.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Dont Knock It Til You Try It

    While I totally support your right to choose, you should know that your feelings are VERY common to almost everyone when they begin to OC. Even the ones who end up doing it the majority of the time.

    Even OCing into a new venue can occasionally bring back that feeling on a smaller scale, but confidence and knowledge of the law help get you through.
    Last edited by gnbrotz; August 23rd, 2009 at 11:51 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Dont Knock It Til You Try It

    Quote Originally Posted by gnbrotz View Post
    While I totally support your right to choose, you should know that your feelings are VERY common to almost everyone when they being to OC. Even the ones who end up doing it the majority of the time.

    Even OCing into a new venue can occasionally bring back that feeling on a smaller scale, but confidence and knowledge of the law help get you through.
    Agreed 100%. Do what's best for you. But if you are interested in OCing sometimes, understand it takes a little while to get used to it. At least it did for me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Dont Knock It Til You Try It

    I OC everywhere I can legally. Granted, a black XD in a black Don Hume OWB that sits very close against the body while wearing denim and (usually) a dark-ish shirt doesn't exactly stand out like a billboard in an open field.

    Having said all that, I agree with every post here. What our founding fathers wanted for us all was the freedom to make our own choices about what was best for each of us.

    Although I think it's great whenever more people OC, I find it's much more important to have support for choice! You have made yours, and now you can even say you have made your choice based on actual first-hand experience.

    Very cool.

    Here's another thought, based on something Mrs. Curmudgeon used to tell the kids at the table, and I must admit it's a bit of a taunt.
    She called it her 3-bite rule. Before anyone could declare they found a particular food distasteful, they had to try at least 3 bites of it. After 3 bites if you still couldn't stand the stuff you were taken at your word and no longer required to eat the stuff.

    The first time I OC'd I was more nervous than a long-tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs! However, after seeing what a non-event it turned out to be, I continued. And it has continued to be a non-event, but only if you count negative encounters. I have had countless fantastic encounters with people asking about my OC, gun laws, crime, shooting in general... you name it. I have given away well over 50 Open Carry flyers to complete strangers, just in the past several months.

    Still, I think this amounts to activism of a sort, and it is just not always suited for everyone all the time.

    Even so... how do you feel about Mrs. Curmudgeon's 3-bite rule? Wanna take another stab at those nasty Brussels Sprouts on your plate?

    Either way, good report and post. Rep inbound.

    While many claim to support the right, precious few support the practice.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Dont Knock It Til You Try It

    Quote Originally Posted by Too-Tall View Post
    ok so on the way home today, 4 in the morning, i decided to stop at walmart and buy the mrs a lil surprise gift. after reading so much about OC i decided id try it and see which i prefer. Looks like im more of a CC man. i tried OC and it was slightly liberating, felt good being able to exercise the ability to open carry. however in the back of my mind i was just so paraniod (i didnt let it show) that someone was going to freak out and cause a scene, dispite the fact that ive not read any thing like occuring that except the OC meet n greet dinner thread.

    so that being said i think ill stick to being all stealth ninja about it and keep it covered. ive already got the quick-draw down with the IWB so yeah. just thought id throw that out there. as it was stated in one of the reccomended reading posts, OC isnt for everyone, and i can confirm it isnt for me.
    Were you aware if anyone (cashier, customer, etc.) noticed you were OCing? Any stares, bug-eyes, quick avoiding of you etc?

    Just wondering.

    Thanx for the report.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Dont Knock It Til You Try It

    I hope this doesn't mean you're going to be knocking it from here on out :P

    The chance of a police encounter (which is why I suspect you were paranoid) is always present (more so than with CC) no matter how many times you do it. If you don't think you'll ever be able to handle yourself well in such a situation you should probably avoid it (CC). If you can handle the police, but are paranoid about the people in general, that's something you can get over by easing into it. OCing on your own property while doing yard work and things like that.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Dont Knock It Til You Try It

    Here's another thought, based on something Mrs. Curmudgeon used to tell the kids at the table, and I must admit it's a bit of a taunt.
    She called it her 3-bite rule. Before anyone could declare they found a particular food distasteful, they had to try at least 3 bites of it. After 3 bites if you still couldn't stand the stuff you were taken at your word and no longer required to eat the stuff.
    Are you implying that he has to eat three guns in order to become comfortable with OC? Or does he have to eat three helpings of brussel sprouts while OCing?

    Or am I being obtuse?
    Sed ego sum homo indomitus

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Dont Knock It Til You Try It

    Quote Originally Posted by HiredGoon View Post
    Were you aware if anyone (cashier, customer, etc.) noticed you were OCing? Any stares, bug-eyes, quick avoiding of you etc?

    Just wondering.

    Thanx for the report.
    i only really encounterd a handful of people, thats sorta why i decided to try it late at night/early morning to avoid too many looks. i asked the sales lady for help, i think she may have noticed, she was happy to help but then seemd to quickly return to what she was doing. had a nice lil quick convo at the register with the cashier and i dont think she noticed at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by leeam View Post
    I hope this doesn't mean you're going to be knocking it from here on out :P

    The chance of a police encounter (which is why I suspect you were paranoid) is always present (more so than with CC) no matter how many times you do it. If you don't think you'll ever be able to handle yourself well in such a situation you should probably avoid it (CC). If you can handle the police, but are paranoid about the people in general, that's something you can get over by easing into it. OCing on your own property while doing yard work and things like that.
    knocking it? hell no, personally id like to see that "old west" style come back in, walkin down the street with every law abiding pro-gun person with it out in the open for the world to see. course part of that would be because then i wouldnt be so gorram nervous. LEO's i handel them quite well. a few in my family and when im on the job i stop and BS withem all the time. i can handel myself in a professional way and such.

    my biggest concern is "the world we live in" to me isnt so much the dangerous part of that line, its the idiots that surround us. i mean read some of the negetive posts here bout people saying this and that, calling 911. all i need is lil mary to grab her kids and run screaming from the store yelling "gun! gun!" causing some kind of public disturbance and the like. a worst case scenerio? yeah; an unlikely one? probably. however its one id like to not say i created.

    also i should mention that im 6'7" tall, so i draw waaayyy too much attention as it is. other "average" sized people tend to blend in with the crowd, noone really notices you. so while you are OCing you might as well be a ghost because not many would notice. i get stopped at least 3 times a day asked "how tall are you" or catching people staring at me as if i were godzilla and was going to eat their baby

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