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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question Why is the 2nd Amendment 2nd?

    Just doing some thinking about the 2nd Amendment and I came to a realization.

    Why IS it second?

    We live and die by the statement "The Second Amendment makes all the others possible". I wonder why the Founders chose fit to put it second if it is the most important?

    The only reason I came up with was that the Founders probably had ready access to firearms but were facing an onslaught of infringements such as not being allowed to peaceably assemble, not being allowed to run "unauthorized" press, being arrested for non-violent public speech, facing religious persecution, and being denied the right to petition (All of which, as you know, are now protected [not granted!] by the First Amendment).

    I have heard that our beautiful, beloved Constitution is a snapshot of the time that those Men and Women lived in. Notice the 3rd Amendment (no quartering of Federal troops without the Owner's consent). This is not even on our radar as a threat (when was the last time you sweated the FBI or the 10th Mountain drinking your beer?), but was apparantly such a nuisance that it is part of our Bill of Rights! That is the only reason that I can come up with that may place the 2nd amendment second....that the threats now protected against by the 1A were the most predominant in their lives, and that they were armed men.

    In a former life I was on track to teach military history at the University level. That was long ago and pipe dreams away.... now I am in school for the medical field. This means I don't get to read as much history as I want (gotta study icky stuff instead.) Only recently have I begun to study our own Revolution (my time was spent studying the Cold War and the Vietnam War) simply out of interest as well as my impressions upon transplantation to the East Coast (and to Philly, where it all started!).

    I googled my question, and, as usual, found it was like drinking from a firehose. SO I ask you all, what are the facts that you have? I know several of you are far more versed on these incredible men than I, so I want to hear what you have learned. Gimme references if you can, and lots of knowledge, please.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Why is the 2nd Amendment 2nd?

    Fathom this, It might have been the 3rd amendment but the one that was 2nd on the list didn't get accepted. I don't think the framers had any particular order in mind as they are to have equal weight. each a law unto itself.

    Quote Originally Posted by OneLungMcClung View Post
    Just doing some thinking about the 2nd Amendment and I came to a realization.

    Why IS it second?

    We live and die by the statement "The Second Amendment makes all the others possible". I wonder why the Founders chose fit to put it second if it is the most important?

    The only reason I came up with was that the Founders probably had ready access to firearms but were facing an onslaught of infringements such as not being allowed to peaceably assemble, not being allowed to run "unauthorized" press, being arrested for non-violent public speech, facing religious persecution, and being denied the right to petition (All of which, as you know, are now protected [not granted!] by the First Amendment).



  3. #3
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    Default Re: Why is the 2nd Amendment 2nd?

    I'm slogging through the Federalist Papers now hoping to find some insight into the mindset of the authors of the U.S. Constitution.

    Keep a dictionary at hand if you intend to read these documents, preferably Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary, which I believe will give the closest definition to the original language intended.
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Why is the 2nd Amendment 2nd?

    Quote Originally Posted by LastManOut View Post
    I'm slogging through the Federalist Papers now hoping to find some insight into the mindset of the authors of the U.S. Constitution.

    Keep a dictionary at hand if you intend to read these documents, preferably Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary, which I believe will give the closest definition to the original language intended.

    glad to see I was not the only one who was having issues with the Federalist Papers.....

    Now from my rusty and not so trusty brain case I seem to recall that there was some debate on the 2nd amendment being listed first, but it was made 2nd because of some hope that an educated republic is the first and best defense of freedom and if that should fail then the only choice remaining was to take up arms.

    The framers were a truly optomistic bunch and they had high hopes for this repbulic and the industry of its people.

    Its a shame we are slowy becoming the 'navel starers' our founders scoffed their former masters for being........

    This is just a faint and dim memory from a class I had back in the last millenium and as such may be inaccurate, out of date or just plain damn wrong. The poster assumes no liability for the accuracy or verasity of this post.......... j/k

    And from that same course what I recall from the same course the 3rd amenment came from the fine Brit and Torry custom of taking a homestead over and for sport killing the occupants.....makes rugby look tame don't it? j/k

    Hope this helps

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Why is the 2nd Amendment 2nd?

    Just my opinion, but without the 1st the second would be moot.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Why is the 2nd Amendment 2nd?

    Quote Originally Posted by God's Country View Post
    Just my opinion, but without the 1st the second would be moot.
    WOW. Mind explaining? This has some deep ramifications and I want to hear your reasoning. Tell me! I demand it!
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Why is the 2nd Amendment 2nd?

    The right to voice your opposition to the tyrrany seems to naturally precede taking up arms. Basically tell those in power that you don't approve and if they don't listen to the masses, show them that you do not approve. Just my $.02
    When the government has a knife at your throat and a hand on your wallet, it matters not whether it is the left or the right hand.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Why is the 2nd Amendment 2nd?

    Quote Originally Posted by OneLungMcClung View Post
    WOW. Mind explaining? This has some deep ramifications and I want to hear your reasoning. Tell me! I demand it!

    Nothing terribly enigmatic. Just that if our right to free speech and assembly were considered less important than RTKBA I suspect that we wouldn’t miss our 2A rights
    because it wouldn’t exist, or the Bill of Rights, for that matter. I feel the Constitution must be viewed as bricks and mortar that stand strong together. None necessarily more important than the other, but if weakened individually, could cause the collapse of a truly ingenious society. One, which I fear, is in danger of just that. All Americans may have particular aspects of the Constitution that they feel “closer” to than others, but it’s the totality of it’s meaning that is great, not just one aspect or another.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Why is the 2nd Amendment 2nd?

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbinesaint View Post
    The right to voice your opposition to the tyrrany seems to naturally precede taking up arms.
    Precisely. Without 1 you got squat. Without 2 you got squat. And so forth and so on. The order means nothing. The existence means everything.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Why is the 2nd Amendment 2nd?

    I'd say pretty much what everyone else has. Need the first to even know the 2nd exists. Knowledge is power...the first makes sure that the government does not keep it from us.

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