Mitt Does a Gun Flip Flop that would give him a 9.6 at a swim meet!

From the RP Fourms

Might even be more that a tripple...
Here is the latest video gem submitted to

Mitt does a tripple flip-flop on guns within one minute

Finding videos of Mitt Romney flip flopping on issues of gun control, abortion, health care and many other issues is so easy that it’s not even sporting anymore. Just look at anything he said in his senate debates with Kennedy or in his Gubernatorial debates and compare it with his new found ideology in Presidential debates.
However finding a single video where he manages to flip flop three times on gun control within one minute is a treat to see.
Submitted for your pleasure, Mitt in New Hampshire talking about guns.

For the record, automatic weapons are available to the public in New Hampshire with a federal permit.

(Video on site)

It can be Dugg here: _one_minute


As the Caveman says in the insurance commercial interview "WHAT"

Now is the time for RON PAUL - Pass the word and join the revolution
