Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Terrebonne, Quebec, Canada
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    Default When did this happen? Times change.

    Is it just me, or have times changed drastically in the past few years?

    Not just the post 9/11 mood where we expect to see all sorts of security measures, that is to be expected, but there are more people looking for the extreme life. Commercials reflect this.

    A while back, Chevrolet a GM company decided to have its new car play a sort of soccer with its cars, the cars in questions where a Corvette and a car that was imaged to be “as” sporty as the Vette, the all new Cobalt. Racing through the streets we see the Cobalt “kicking” a ball around with its friend the Vette… Since when is promoting unsafe driving acceptable?

    It does not stop there of course, may automobile makers seem to think its ok to show their cars as Ok to race with. Kia with the new commercial and the musical parking, a twist on the musical chair… a bunch of cars drive around in a circle, the music stops, and every car races for a parking spot… Looks familiar enough, we all tried parking around Christmas at the store, but to promote its Ok to race in a parking come to a skid cut some one off to park? I wont even get into the “for people who can park themselves” commercial where an Audi a4 skids into a parking… Isn’t this the sort of thing you want your teens to try with your car?

    How about the smoking kills commercials that where actually banded in the US but shown in other countries.
    There was an other one I saw lately on an other thread that I cant seem to find not, a teen age girl playing Russian roulette with a gun and trying to light her cigarette. Is this telling me to stop smoking, or that it’s ok to play with a gun like that?

    I was actually amazed to see many of the “banned” commercials on Youtube that I had seen at least a few times. How is it that it takes public response before companies take a commercial off the air?

    Commercials tell us its ok to drive fast if you have a Kia, Mazda, Cobalt, or even a Suzuki. Its ok to rob a bank or art gallery if you wear Arid Extra dry, and you can smoke and play Russian roulette. Yes some day I will have a car that returns the favor when I “turn” it on. Good one Cadillac! When did we turn the page and make danger and open sex part of our commercial needs?

    There used to be a simple time where you could be part of the Pepsi generation or drink the real thing, Coke that is. But today, to be real cool, you need to drive like a stunt man, this is what we teach our youths. I realize its “entertainment” value, meant to keep our attention for a whole 60 seconds.
    But I much prefer the Subaru commercials with “Ricky” and GMC’s generation “we are there” and Like a rock commercials then seeing men sit in a room sing about “Viva Viagra” and other commercials that we submit our kids to every day.

    Have a look at some of these “Banned” commercials, and you will certainly recognize a few. =0
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
    (Monroe County)
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    Default Re: When did this happen? Times change.

    I don't know, but they're funny as hell...

    I rather like this one the best so far...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Latrobe, Pennsylvania
    (Westmoreland County)
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    Default Re: When did this happen? Times change.

    How about the Ford Edge driving on the ledge of a building! I love the small print in these ads..."Cars can not actually drive on building ledges!" Honda Civic had a head scratcher with the car jumping rooftop to rooftop and finally landing in a garage!

    I think commercials have gotten weird because a directors imagination is the only limit with new computer generated graphics and stuff...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Westport, Pennsylvania
    (Clinton County)
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    Default Re: When did this happen? Times change.

    Talk about commercials and times changing, when I was a young man you had to buy condoms or feminine napkins at the drug store and they were behind the counter. Most people never heard of motin lotion [ ky-harming lotion now a days] and now all this stuff and more is advertised on television!.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Terrebonne, Quebec, Canada
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    Default Re: When did this happen? Times change.

    LOL When I was a kid, we bellowed out that we wanted cigarettes, and whispered we anted condoms, now you shout for condomg and try to get your friends to go buy your cigarettes!
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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