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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default One for the Geeks in the crowd

    If you aren't a programmer, web designer or involved with websites you wont "get it" ........ if you are its hysterical and OH SO TRUE!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: One for the Geeks in the crowd

    Hahaha! That is completely true! Coincidentally, it also goes the other way:
    “What kind of computer work do you do?”

    “Oh, I do technical support for hardware/software.”

    “Could you help me build a web site?”

  3. #3
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    Default Re: One for the Geeks in the crowd

    Quote Originally Posted by JCWohlschlag View Post
    Hahaha! That is completely true! Coincidentally, it also goes the other way:
    “What kind of computer work do you do?”

    “Oh, I do technical support for hardware/software.”

    “Could you help me build a web site?”
    Yeah I know that one because * oh god do I dare say it * I do both!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: One for the Geeks in the crowd

    Ok that is so freaking true is not even sson as you mention you work in IT you are pretty much done...not to mention the fact that you also get asked to fix/troubleshoot almost anything that has a power cord...

  5. #5
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    Default Re: One for the Geeks in the crowd

    Programmers are the devil! Web programmers are just devs that don't know any worthwhile languages :P

    I'm pretty sure the whole purpose of a developer is to ensure the support person has pissed off customers to deal with.

    My favorite two lines at work:

    "This is working as intended based on the functional specs, if it should be performing differently it will be a change request"


    "I'll have to discuss this issues with the Devs" (this one is normally followed by the line above :P

    For all you geeks... (in true Geek fashion... hacked up WoW video)

    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: One for the Geeks in the crowd

    I actually like supporting programmers. They're smart enough to give a thorough explanation of the problem. Generally smart enough to isolate it (or provide good reasoning of why they think the problem is where they think it is).

    Designers on the other hand... jesus christ. I don't know how these people can turn the fucking computers on. Every single day I get calls from our Design Team because the 500 pages of full color brochures they printed out don't "look the same as on screen". Of course, when you get to the problem, they're on their 2 hour lunch break and you have absolutely no idea what settings they're trying to print with. BUT THAT'S OK!!!! THEY WROTE THEIR PASSWORD DOWN FOR ME!

    Fucking idiots. I don't know who, how or why these guys can come in at 9:30 everyday, bullshit for 2 hours at the water cooler and then take their 2 hour lunch and come back for 3 hours of work before leaving at 3:30 to pick their kids up from school. All their work looks the same anyways. WTF?

    I'll take a programmer anyday over a designer or someone that works in "web content" because that means they're fucking stupid and can't program, develop or design shit! They just "interface with those people".

    ETA: People that work in "web content" are the fucking tools that make a facebook page or a YouTube page and their dinosaur bosses in Marketing think they're fucking genius and should over-see all of the programmers that actually make that sort of shit happen. "Gee, a Facebook page for a school? You really must have vision!"
    Last edited by D-FENS; August 17th, 2008 at 01:09 PM.
    "Because I'm an American." - MtnJack

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: One for the Geeks in the crowd

    This is what its like at my job some days. Video is fake but these situations are real

    Speaking of that im off to work 3-12 the internet dosent have off on sundays!!
    Last edited by crakkajakka15; August 17th, 2008 at 01:57 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: One for the Geeks in the crowd

    AHAHA that video was awesome and SOOOOO fricken typical too although I never saw the Fuk U spelled out in icons.

    I used to be a Unix SA supporting a very large dept of developers of micro chips and of course there were some idiots that new everything and we didn't know anything.

    once a week we'd go in, look what they had changed and then jumpstart their machines (reimage them). The amount of damage an idiot can do to their machine is amazing... trashed profiles to failed windows installs (on a Sun box) to downloaded virii and spyware because "they were immune"... you name it and they did it.

    luckliy they got they all got the axe on day one of the layoffs... and their logins were gone before they got back to the desk... its a bitch when you lock your computer to walk away and then your password gets changed while you are gone :P
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: One for the Geeks in the crowd

    Quote Originally Posted by Dredly View Post
    AHAHA that video was awesome and SOOOOO fricken typical too although I never saw the Fuk U spelled out in icons.

    I used to be a Unix SA supporting a very large dept of developers of micro chips and of course there were some idiots that new everything and we didn't know anything.

    once a week we'd go in, look what they had changed and then jumpstart their machines (reimage them). The amount of damage an idiot can do to their machine is amazing... trashed profiles to failed windows installs (on a Sun box) to downloaded virii and spyware because "they were immune"... you name it and they did it.

    luckliy they got they all got the axe on day one of the layoffs... and their logins were gone before they got back to the desk... its a bitch when you lock your computer to walk away and then your password gets changed while you are gone :P
    umm you there is no option to arrange icons by line ever....on s serious note that video as fake as it is hit home not with those direct issue but with the logic behind those people calling you in the first place. When I used to take calls... i would phrase my sayings to people so that they kind of fixed the issue them selves....and when they got to the point where they realize they are an idiot....i just sit back and take the brief moment in and savor it as it was the best parts of my day lol.....they are like oh its working now....OH REALLY???? you dont say.....newbs

  10. #10
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    Default Re: One for the Geeks in the crowd

    Well I have to utmost joy of having to do everything, from the sales and development of the basic ideas with the customer's input to database designs and then supervising what developers I have hired for the job (I also program myself but not so much recently). When it comes down to it there are three distinct things I REALLY hate about it

    1. Designers (yup I'll add my vote for them) .... There must be something miswired in a graphically talented persons mind .... 99% morons and it seems the better they are with graphics the more out of touch with reality they are.

    2. Trying to decipher customer gibberish and convert it into something a programmer can actually make sense of.

    3. Trying to explain to a customer that something really shouldn't be done ... why is it the more asinine the idea they come up with the harder they fight you to get it done.

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