A new CNN/ORC International poll found President Obama's overall approval rating has ticked up to 51 percent but ratings have fallen on his handling of the key issues on his agenda: immigration, guns, and the deficit.

On immigration, 44 percent approve of the way he is handling the issue, down from 51 percent in January. At the same time, disapproval has jumped to 50 percent, up from 43 percent in January.

On guns, 45 percent approve and 52 percent disapprove, the poll found. In January, 46 percent approved and 49 percent dispproved.

And on the deficit, 38 percent approve of his handling of the issue, down from 41 percent in January, while disapproval ticked up slightly to 58 percent from 57 percent.

(Also on POLITICO: Obama's agenda: What stands in way?)

Overall, his approval rating inched up 4 points and his disapproval rating fell 3 points since last month to 47 percent, the poll found.

ORC International surveyed 1,012 adults across the country from April 5-7, CNN reported. The margin of error is +/- 3 percentage points.



But he is above water with the criminals and the shiftless.