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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Anyone else have the holiday blues?

    Hey guys, not trying to complain, because I will admit that we are pretty fortunate, but I just figured I'd see if anyone else is in the same boat.
    This holiday I just haven't had the Christmas spirit. I normally like to put up lights, listen to some Christmas music, watch some holiday movies, etc. but this year I just haven't been into it. Try as I might, it's just too depressing out there. So many people are struggling - no jobs, no money, just trying to put food on their tables. We're fortunate enough to have jobs, but I work in an industry that is way down (we build electronics for cell phones, laptops, PDA's, cars... all the things people aren't buying now) and our company is going to be laying off over 1000 people in the next few weeks. Money is always tight around the holiday, and we just bought a house this spring so we're still recouping. I'm trying not to be a scrooge, and I love to buy stuff for friends and family, but I can't help but be afraid that I'll lose my job when we get back from the holiday shutdown and won't be able to make ends meet.
    The worst thing is, I know so many people out there are really hurting. I see it every time we go to the store - you can see the frustration in people's faces. It just seems like an awful tough year and I can only hope things start to turn around shortly.
    This was probably a silly off-topic rant, just figured I'd see if I'm the only one feeling down this holiday. I try to be an optimist, but I don't even like going out to the store right now because people are just not happy. Hope everyone here has a great holiday, regardless of all that's wrong with the world...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Anyone else have the holiday blues?

    Now that there are no small children in the house, things aren't really the same... but I like hearing the traditional Xmas music on the radio non-stop, and to chase the blues away, I try to do something for others, even strangers... "random acts of kindness", as it where... whenever I have the opportunity to print out some of those on-line coupons for Dick's or Cabelas, I usually take spares to the store and surprise people in the check-out line when I see they are buying enough to qualify for the amount off, e.g., $15 on $75 purchase, $30 on $100, that sort of thing.
    Last edited by Robert Kayland; December 21st, 2008 at 09:05 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Anyone else have the holiday blues?

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Kayland View Post
    Now that there are no small children in the house, things aren't really the same... but I like hearing the music on the radio non-stop, and whenever I have the opportunity to print out some of those on-line coupons for Dick's or Cabelas, I usually take spares to the store and surprise people in the check-out line when I see they are buying enough to qualify for the amount off, e.g., $15 on $75 purchase, $30 on $100, that sort of thing.
    Now THAT is a very cool thing to do.

    "you have no power; here is the power; feel the power, brat, and then speak again of how you come to kill the Eternal."
    Pennywise The Clown

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Anyone else have the holiday blues?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pennywise View Post
    Now THAT is a very cool thing to do.
    Yeah. That's really cool.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Anyone else have the holiday blues?

    I hate the holliday's every year, always have and I genuinely have no reason to. Just not my thing. I am truely blessed as an individual and I am gratefull for all God has provided me with every day I am fortunate enough to wake up. All of this gross commercialization of the "hollidays" and everyone who claims to be christian not recognizing the true meaning of the birth of Christ is disgusting. For all of the athiests and non believers please be respectfull of our holliday. If you won't then please report for work and hand back your Christmas bonuses because you have no reason to participate. I feel bad for everyone affected by the current economic climate, and wish everyone the best of luck. My wife and I played secret santa this week for families at the childrens hospital in Pittsburgh and that was truely a sobering expierience. I can't believe the amount of sick kids that are there. I always enjoy watching the excitement of my employees that have kids, but aside from that I yearn for spring gobbler this time of year not commercialized "Christmas".

    Merry Christmas to all,

    And if you want to race, name the place and I'll show you where it's at mother f@#$&#!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Anyone else have the holiday blues?

    I am always a little discouraged at the frenzy of activity to make Christmas the very thing that it isn't supposed to be - an orgy of consumerism and selfishness. Christmas is one of the two most important holidays on the Christian calendar, Easter being the other. It is the time where we are supposed to celebrate the first coming of the Messiah, and the greatest gift of all history. Christmas really isn't about getting, it is about giving. It is about Jesus Christ and His gift to humanity.

    Unfortunately, the holiday is timed to coincide with the winter solstice, where various other groups celebrate the coming again of the sun. But if I spend some time thinking about the true meaning of the celebration, and then go do something for someone else, I feel a lot better about the holiday. But even so, it is a commemoration, and feelings, while important, should not get in the way of that observance.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Anyone else have the holiday blues?

    It's probably a little late for some, but then again, it's never too late to help others.

    I think we all understand that times are tight for many. Look for creative, inexpensive ways you can help others, and simply let them know that someone cares for them. I too have been fed up with the ever-increasing hype and stress surrounding the holidays, along the with desire to do more for others on a limited (and shrinking) budget.

    At my wife's suggestion, we decided to inform our families that we simply would not be buying any Christmas gifts for family members this year, and we asked that they reciprocate in kind. Instead, we took our Christmas club money and split it among charities for troops serving overseas and children in need (both locally and internationally). We still had some shopping to do, but filling a cart full of toys to donate was far less stressful than the usual "What should we get for.....". Our families seemed to accept our announcement well, but only time will tell if they too chose to re-focus their own priorities.

    Even if you're not religious, this season should be about giving. Not giving a token gift to impress or curry favor, but giving something that can really make a difference to someone matter how small or insignificant it may seem to you. Make this time about others, and you will quickly find yourself spending less time thinking about your own 'holiday blues'.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Anyone else have the holiday blues?

    It's not the best Christmas for me, being out of work. It's the first time since I was 15 that I have not been working at Christmas, and first time being unemployeed for more that a week since I was 17.
    Very little money to charities this year. Very few presents that I did not already have before the lay off.
    But, life goes on.
    Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Anyone else have the holiday blues?

    Felt that way for years now.

    Seems I always have a funeral to attend during the Nov. to Jan. time.

    mon. is my uncle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Anyone else have the holiday blues?

    Yeah, times are tough. We could barely afford anything for the kid this year, and my side of the family is still expecting a regular Christmas (greedy bastards). My Dad was just here last week picking up my son for the "walking with dinosaurs" show, ($80 per ticket) in his Mercedes SUV with his wife in the front seat in her fur coat. And he's telling me he's broke because of the stock market. I almost socked him one. Obviously his idea of broke and mine are completely different. Of course, they can still afford Christmas this year, I'm trying to get out of it and just have a nice peaceful, easy day at home (playing the kids new X-Box 360 my wifes Mom got him).

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