Here is the indictment of US Navy officers including an Admiral for taking bribes including hookers and hotel rooms.

Okay, at first, I was thinking boys will be boys, but read the indictment about them sharing classified information about ship movements. Even worse is the Captain of the USS George Washington kowtowing to a foreign civilian contractor.

Craziest part of it- during a days long hooker fest they used historical objects as sex toys in the MacArthur suite at a hotel in the Philippines.

What ? An old corn cob pipe ? A hat ? A newly lubed M1911 ?

Other targets of the investigation have been sentenced, a Navy investigator who helped them cover the crimes got 12 years (John Beliveau NCIS, google his name an award winner in the department before it all went down.)

This is some crazy shit. Senior officers acting like frat boys, not junior officers or enlisted.