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  1. #1
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    Default Police officer assaults 15 year old on tape

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Police officer assaults 15 year old on tape

    This is an outstanding example of why good cops should want their every interaction with citizens videotaped, and why bad cops come up with reasons why they don't want it. Video negate unfounded accusations of cops groping ugly women, while it inhibits the ability of bad cops to fabricate details in order to avoid liability or help a prosecution.

    Without the video, you can be damn sure that the deputies would claim that the girl had kicked them repeatedly, tried to grab their guns, been violent and perhaps on drugs, and threatened to kill the President. But because there's video, they're limited to whining that she kicked a sneaker at them, and was "lippy" (the lack of audio allows them to at least fabricate that much.)

    This deputy probably tortured puppies as a kid, and was either picked on by other boys, or picked on smaller, younger children himself. Now he gets wood from brutalizing slender handcuffed teenaged girls, because they can't fight back. In the video, he took every opportunity to touch her, touching her face, her arm, and then when he was as aroused as his steroid-shrunken wiener allows, he threw her to the ground and jumped on top of her. He's a nightmare in uniform, and since the department didn't fire this "veteran officer" before, there's a good chance that similar psychopaths are mixed in with the good cops who are pulling drivers over every minute of every day.

    It's cops like this that cause citizens to come up with strategies to avoid telling cops any more than they must, to refuse to let them into their homes, and to generally wonder if Officer Friendly is going to kill the family dog. When this "veteran officer" asks about your guns, how do we know that it's more about officer safety than it is about him getting off on forcibly disarming people that he resents because they have nicer cars and prettier wives and functional genitalia and better jobs?

    As someone else pointed out (I'd credit you if I remembered who said it; if it was you, shout out), if cops assume that every citizen is a potential cop-killer, then it's fair for every citizen to assume that every cop is an impotent thug who's desperate to avenge his disastrous High School prom night on the next poor sap who rolls through a stop sign. Just like this guy.

    The BEST spin that he can put on this, from other articles I've seen, is that her sneaker hit him, and he considered it to be "assault". Maybe so, maybe not, but it matters not one whit whether she did, because neither you nor he are allowed to PUNISH people for their crimes, all we can do is try to have them prosecuted, and stop ONGOING crimes against us. AFTER she kicked her sneaker off, she was no longer any "danger" to his apparently easily-bruised shins, so throwing her into the cinder blocks and then down on the floor was absolutely unjustified.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Police officer assaults 15 year old on tape

    Sickening. Thug in a uniform. Needs to be fired and spend some time in jail.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Police officer assaults 15 year old on tape

    Schene told investigators through an e-mail conversation with his lawyer that once he was assaulted by the girl kicking her shoe at him, he entered the cell to "prevent another assault," according to court documents. Schene also said that the girl failed to comply with instructions in the holding area.
    Brunner and Schene's reports both said the shoe struck Schene in the right shin, causing "bruising, bleeding and pain."
    This is not the first time the deputy's actions on duty have been questioned.

    Schene fatally shot a mentally ill man in 2006 after a traffic stop struggle on Interstate 5. It was the second shooting of his career, although both were ruled as justified.

    While on paid leave after the 2006 shooting, Schene was stopped for drunken driving. He registered a .04 percent blood alcohol level during a test, but had been drinking and taking prescription medications. He was suspended for two days and a received a deferred sentence, public records say.
    Seems like a shady character...

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Police officer assaults 15 year old on tape

    Quote Originally Posted by crakkajakka15 View Post
    What you all think about this?
    I think you're late to the party.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Police officer assaults 15 year old on tape

    Quote Originally Posted by GunLawyer001 View Post
    This is an outstanding example of why good cops should want their every interaction with citizens videotaped, and why bad cops come up with reasons why they don't want it. Video negate unfounded accusations of cops groping ugly women, while it inhibits the ability of bad cops to fabricate details in order to avoid liability or help a prosecution.

    Without the video, you can be damn sure that the deputies would claim that the girl had kicked them repeatedly, tried to grab their guns, been violent and perhaps on drugs, and threatened to kill the President. But because there's video, they're limited to whining that she kicked a sneaker at them, and was "lippy" (the lack of audio allows them to at least fabricate that much.)

    This deputy probably tortured puppies as a kid, and was either picked on by other boys, or picked on smaller, younger children himself. Now he gets wood from brutalizing slender handcuffed teenaged girls, because they can't fight back. In the video, he took every opportunity to touch her, touching her face, her arm, and then when he was as aroused as his steroid-shrunken wiener allows, he threw her to the ground and jumped on top of her. He's a nightmare in uniform, and since the department didn't fire this "veteran officer" before, there's a good chance that similar psychopaths are mixed in with the good cops who are pulling drivers over every minute of every day.

    It's cops like this that cause citizens to come up with strategies to avoid telling cops any more than they must, to refuse to let them into their homes, and to generally wonder if Officer Friendly is going to kill the family dog. When this "veteran officer" asks about your guns, how do we know that it's more about officer safety than it is about him getting off on forcibly disarming people that he resents because they have nicer cars and prettier wives and functional genitalia and better jobs?

    As someone else pointed out (I'd credit you if I remembered who said it; if it was you, shout out), if cops assume that every citizen is a potential cop-killer, then it's fair for every citizen to assume that every cop is an impotent thug who's desperate to avenge his disastrous High School prom night on the next poor sap who rolls through a stop sign. Just like this guy.

    The BEST spin that he can put on this, from other articles I've seen, is that her sneaker hit him, and he considered it to be "assault". Maybe so, maybe not, but it matters not one whit whether she did, because neither you nor he are allowed to PUNISH people for their crimes, all we can do is try to have them prosecuted, and stop ONGOING crimes against us. AFTER she kicked her sneaker off, she was no longer any "danger" to his apparently easily-bruised shins, so throwing her into the cinder blocks and then down on the floor was absolutely unjustified.
    When she was on GMA yesterday the Video showed after she was put in the holding cell the officer told her to take her shoes off she did she fired one at the officers jewels she missed but if your going to assault and officer you pay the piper. She also said "We didn't steal the car we only borrowed it. That had no right to stop us". Remember she still had a second shoe on so he should have given her another chance

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Police officer assaults 15 year old on tape

    Quote Originally Posted by larrymeyer View Post
    When she was on GMA yesterday the Video showed after she was put in the holding cell the officer told her to take her shoes off she did she fired one at the officers jewels she missed but if your going to assault and officer you pay the piper. She also said "We didn't steal the car we only borrowed it. That had no right to stop us". Remember she still had a second shoe on so he should have given her another chance
    Oh, I didn't realize excessive force was justifiable in order to keep from getting hit with another shoe. Did you watch the video? She didn't 'fire one off'. She barely flicked it off her foot. If he felt his life was in danger from a shoe flicked off the foot of a 15-year old girl in a holding cell, he could of... um, closed the door. I suppose it's also justifiable for a cop to repeatedly punch someone in the head while they are mounted on the back of a restrained person and then drag them around by the hair.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Police officer assaults 15 year old on tape

    Quote Originally Posted by larrymeyer View Post
    .......she missed but if your going to assault and officer you pay the piper. ......
    Well, sure, but "paying the piper" means that charges can be brought against her. It doesn't mean that he gets some "street justice" on a 100-pound girl.

    How do you suppose it would work if some cop searched my car without a warrant or other excuse, and I made him "pay the piper" the same way?

    The uniform represents the power of the state. When a uniformed, on-duty cop assaults someone, someone who can't fight back because (a) she's handcuffed, (b) she's outnumbered & outmassed, (c) striking a cop could get her killed, and (d) striking a cop is specifically illegal in most states, then I'll expect him to be tried, convicted, and have the maximum allowable sentence imposed.

    Police should be subjected to HIGHER standards than the rest of us, as a corollary to being lent the power of the state. Yeah, we all have tough jobs, we all have stress, life is hard, people die at work, yadda yadda yadda. See if your tough day at work even gets you out of a speeding ticket, much less the beating of a little girl.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Police officer assaults 15 year old on tape

    Quote Originally Posted by larrymeyer View Post
    When she was on GMA yesterday the Video showed after she was put in the holding cell the officer told her to take her shoes off she did she fired one at the officers jewels she missed but if your going to assault and officer you pay the piper. She also said "We didn't steal the car we only borrowed it. That had no right to stop us". Remember she still had a second shoe on so he should have given her another chance
    its a fucking shoe. shes a 15 yr old little girl, and he beat her the way thugs do in street fights, 2 on 1 even. he should be locked up and the key thrown away, as should the other deputy who did nothing to intervene. this kind of shit cannot be tolerated by people who hold power over "regular citizens". If i were the judge, hed receive the death penalty

    sorry about my language but this kinda crap extremely pisses me off. This guy is lucky this wasnt my daughter thats for sure.
    Last edited by c.sander; March 3rd, 2009 at 01:44 PM.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Police officer assaults 15 year old on tape

    Please Note: The poster was issued a warning for this post.

    The death penalty? Thank god you work at McDonalds!

    I agree that he is in the wrong and he should definitely have the book thrown at him. If it were my daughter I wouldn't even get a crack at the guy because my husband would get ahold of him and that would be all she wrote.

    Don't get me wrong, we need stricter punishment in this country but we can't just hand out the death penality for everything. That is not the answer. I find it a bit disturbing that you are so eager to kill cops...

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