Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
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    Default Wanna have fun? Write your legislator about CIFTA on the liberals' dime!

    The Nation, a liberal suck-up rag (sorry, lefties among us, but it's true) is sponsoring a letter writing campaign with an editable letter, accompanied by information fields so that they can route your letter to your congresscritters:

    Please join The Nation and President Obama in supporting the Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and other Related Items by filling out the form below and submitting the message. (Please add your name to the bottom.) We'll find your Congressional representatives based on your zip code and send them your email.
    Since the letter can be edited, why not have some fun and edit it appropriately and then pass it along to The Nation so that they can forward it for you?

    Here's what they want you to send:

    I am writing to join President Obama in “urging the Senate… to ratify an inter-American treaty known as CIFTA to curb small arms trafficking.” Please support the full accession of the US to the Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and other Related Items.

    In the words of Jonathan Winer, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State who was the treaty's main American negotiator, CIFTA is “designed to help US law enforcement track abuses of firearms of criminals back to the last lawful sale so they can determine what went wrong. It is completely consistent with all US laws.” The US signed onto the treaty in 1997 but still needs the approval of the Senate to become a full party to CIFTA.

    While CIFTA would help to combat the flow of guns and ammunition to illegal drug cartels, it would not infringe upon Americans’ Second Amendment rights. In a statement, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris Cox noted that “the treaty does include language suggesting that it is not intended to restrict ‘lawful ownership and use’ of firearms.”

    CIFTA respects our sovereignty and the rights of gun owners, increases the ability of law enforcement officials to track illegal weapons across international borders and sends a message to our allies that the US is serious about stopping drug violence. Please help the US to join the thirty other members of the Organization of American States who have already ratified this critical treaty. Many thanks for considering my request and for your continued service on behalf of the country.

    Here's what I'm sending:

    I am writing to express my extreme distrust for President Obama, who is “urging the Senate… to ratify an inter-American treaty known as CIFTA to curb small arms trafficking.” Please, please, please, do whatever you can to stop the accession of the US to the Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and other Related Items.

    In the words of Jonathan Winer, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State who spent fourteen years ('83-'97, it's in his bio) as an adviser to redder-than-a-firetruck Hanoi John Kerry, CIFTA is “designed to help US law enforcement track abuses of firearms of criminals back to the last lawful sale so they can determine what went wrong. It is completely consistent with all US laws.” What he isn't telling you is that CIFTA, as Obama would administer its demands upon us, would create absolute access to BATFE records, including "4473" forms, which are completed by private citizens at the time of purchase of firearms in the United States. Could you really imagine living within two hundred miles of the Mexican border and knowing that any narcotics trafficker with enough influence can generate a customized "shopping list" of weapons?

    Supposedly, CIFTA would help to combat the flow of guns and ammunition to illegal drug cartels. The truth is that most of the long weapons, the assault rifles that are used by Mexican cartels, are either purchased from corrupt Mexican Army sources, or wielded by corrupt, moonlighting soldiers and police officers.

    CIFTA would infringe greatly upon Americans’ Second Amendment rights, despite the efforts of "authorities" such as The Nation. In the original version of this boilerplate letter, which I am bending to my own purpose, they included this text: "In a statement, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris Cox noted that “the treaty does include language suggesting that it is not intended to restrict ‘lawful ownership and use’ of firearms.” What The Nation failed to include was the next sentence: "Despite those words, the NRA knows that anti-gun advocates will still try to use this treaty to attack gun ownership in the U.S. Therefore, the NRA will continue to vigorously oppose any international effort to restrict the constitutional rights of law-abiding American gun owners." If you don't believe me, you can view it on the NRA website:

    CIFTA doesn't respect our sovereignty and it is a direct, frontal assault by third parties, with the collusion of our turncoat President and his cronies, on the rights of gun owners. Supposedly, it increases the ability of law enforcement officials to track illegal weapons across international borders; the reality is that it will allow foreign powers to demand that the United States make its citizens subject to non-US laws. If you'll pardon a brief descent into the vernacular, it sends a message to our allies that the US is serious about the foreign relations equivalent of being bent over a mailbox without the benefit of grease.

    Please help me defend myself and other firearms owners in the US from the machinations of Barack Obama and his handlers. Frankly, the longevity of your political career is dangling by my willingness and the willingness of others to overlook the possibility of your rude inattention to this matter the next time we find ourselves in the voting booth.

    Have a nice day!

    Now, if you'd like to participate, like I am, copy the link at the bottom, and then go to Google first. If you go directly, their web monkeys will pick up on the referring site and probably try to be no end of pain to Dan, if they simply don't block referrals from here.

    Have fun!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
    (Franklin County)
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    Default Re: Wanna have fun? Write your legislator about CIFTA on the liberals' dime!

    But you have to send it to them and they will likely re-edit it.
    Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Wanna have fun? Write your legislator about CIFTA on the liberals' dime!

    Quote Originally Posted by Karl/PA View Post
    But you have to send it to them and they will likely re-edit it.
    It's quite likely, Karl, that it's an automatic process and that they'll never notice it unless they sample the letters. But, even if they do, we can tie their server up in knots.

    Here's the service that they use:

    From their site:

    * Enable campaigns and organizations to effectively use the Internet as a tool to connect and inspire individuals.
    * Develop an infrastructure that can facilitate the growth and vitality of local, state, and national campaigns by enhancing their ability to connect with constituents, raise money, and encourage participation in the democratic process.
    * Empower Democratic and progressive candidates — and help them win.
    I think it behooves us to attempt to turn the tools of our enemies back upon them, don't you?
    Last edited by King 5.45; July 29th, 2009 at 12:50 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Wanna have fun? Write your legislator about CIFTA on the liberals' dime!

    To make this easy for those who want to do it, just copy and paste into a new browser window.

    Please help my Baby Kitties and I avoid being homeless.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Wanna have fun? Write your legislator about CIFTA on the liberals' dime!

    I did it. we'll see what happens I guess.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Wanna have fun? Write your legislator about CIFTA on the liberals' dime!

    done. that is a great one. i hope they get all kinds of pennsylvania / poofa senders.

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