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  1. #1
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    Default Gallop: More Americans See Democratic Party as “Too Liberal”

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Gallop: More Americans See Democratic Party as “Too Liberal”

    Are ya sayin' left of Hugo Chavez is too liberal ?? Say it ain't so !!!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Gallop: More Americans See Democratic Party as “Too Liberal”

    We still have the same type of problem that we run into when looking at Obama vs his policies. Obama is much more popular than his policies. Because people like him they dismiss the policies they don't like as no big deal.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Gallop: More Americans See Democratic Party as “Too Liberal”

    Are the oxygen wasters waking up?
    If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
    A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Gallop: More Americans See Democratic Party as “Too Liberal”

    Not our Mad'am Speaker Nancy...?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Gallop: More Americans See Democratic Party as “Too Liberal”

    Quote Originally Posted by PocketProtector View Post
    Are ya sayin' left of Hugo Chavez is too liberal ?? Say it ain't so !!!
    That's the argument that gets you tuned out by fence sitters..

    The Democrats aren't Hugo Chavez Liberal.. They just aren't. Hell, in Europe Democrats are viewed as middle right wingers compared to real socialists...

    But I'll agree, I'm not liking the direction this is taking, and during out last delegate meeting we actually discussed how too much is going to far left, too fast.. Believe me even in the rank and file there are alot more Democrats who are not liking the fiscal decisions being made. Especially from the House.. There is actually a pretty big division happening atm. You have the Social / Environmental Liberals breaking away from the Far Fiscal Liberals... It's getting worse it seems too.. It's like they're taking the motto "Never waste a good crisis" to heart.

    Mostly It's a matter of degrees. Yes most of us agree on Universal Heathcare, most of us agree on environmental controls.. But there seems to be a subgroup who wants to regulate peoples lives in a way that starts giving you this.. hrmm.. I donno what to call it.. You have that bad feeling of the path of good intentions is being laid to our destruction. The "Hibi-Jeebee's". The Extreme Far Left is trying to take control much like the Neo-Cons took control of the Republican party.

    And I can tell you, a-lot of us are aware of it.. However like the Republicans, we're not sure how to stop it. Maybe the Moderates in both parties need to meet and figure out how to control the more extreme nutjobs we both have infesting our ranks.. Extreme "true believers" always seem able to amass more power then moderates. It's not like the moderates have no spine, but the drive to gather power for the sake of gathering power seems to be stronger in the extreme nutters.

    I think if some of the moderates in in both parties were able to work together, Fiscally Conservative, Socially Liberal (with common sense but strong environmental laws) and work out a compromise on things we disagree on that can be agreeable for all and form a third party (The Common Sense Party!) The time is coming soon..

    Of course we would have very strong and very clear by-laws about corruption, and our beliefs in making peoples freedom and privacy in every sense our goals.. We would also have to be without mercy when dealing with those who use their offices for there own selfish reasons.. Be something really different.. Bring some sort of Honesty and Honor itself back into offices..

    Yes would have some major disagreements.. But if you think about it we can work together on something. If we bring the rest of the Government and country back on sound financial ground.. Get rid of 40% of the pork and BS spending that goes on, we CAN afford to cover people who really need it.. Have the safety nets that one side believes in, but still lower taxes on corporations and families.. Nobody will get our "Dreamland" but both could be proud that we left things better then they were before.. Two sides who may have different beliefs, but we can work to get the most of what we both want.. Have real economists and look at things logically. Lower corporate taxes, but make sure that they're not abusing the system. Environmental protections where they are needed, not because of Global warming or whatever, but because it just makes sense to conserve where we can, and to keep our own home clean as possible without killing the country doing it.

    Eminent Domain reform, Welfare Reform (REAL reform), pass laws that end the discussion about the 2nd amendment forever. It's a right, and if you don't have a record or other common sense limits you can carry a firearm. I could go on, but I think you get my meaning..

    You know... that whole Common sense shit that seems to be missing lately.

    Ok.. Now you got me thinking.... Hrmmmm....
    Last edited by Morel42; July 1st, 2009 at 07:25 PM.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Gallop: More Americans See Democratic Party as “Too Liberal”

    Quote Originally Posted by Morel42 View Post
    That's the argument that gets you tuned out by fence sitters..

    The Democrats aren't Hugo Chavez Liberal.. They just aren't. Hell, in Europe Democrats are viewed as middle right wingers compared to real socialists...
    Which Democrats though? It seems that each party has a broad spectrum and in some cases, they seem to overlap. Dems from conservative areas seem more conservative than conservatives from liberal areas.

    The problem I see is which of those have been in office too long and are more aligned with agendas than representing their respective areas.

    Are there Dems more liberal than Hugo.. yeah, probably. Just like there are probably some Republicans more right of Archie Bunker. LOL ... no, wait... I mean <CRY>
    "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."
    - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Gallop: More Americans See Democratic Party as “Too Liberal”

    The Dems have simply overreached. They have tried to push to hard, to fast. Americans have shown that they are willing to accept change, however change must come over time, not all at once.

    Health Care, Cap and Trade, continuing the poor policy of bailouts from the previous administration, strong arming private companies into compliance, based on their agenda, empowering unions on a level not seen in decades, pushing the green initiative to far to quickly, raising taxes across the board on all Americans, creating deficits that our grand children will be paying for, all of these things at once is just to much to swallow for your average American regardless of which side of the aisle they sit.

    We are not a people that do well with sudden change. The old saying "give them an inch and they will take a mile" applies here in the eyes of many Americans.

    The other issue that will hurt them as a party, is that there are to many people to please and it will be impossible to please the hard left. The hard left is not persuaded by money, they are persuaded by their ideology and the implementation of that ideology.

    Their poor strategy will reap consequences over time in Washington...

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Gallop: More Americans See Democratic Party as “Too Liberal”

    Quote Originally Posted by Morel42 View Post
    Yes most of us agree on Universal Heathcare, most of us agree on environmental controls.
    Here is where I think your wrong. Universal Health Care has been killing people everywhere it's been tried. It is too expensive and doesn't work. It needs to be defeated.

    As far as environmental controls go, yeah I can see keeping people and industry from polluting our environment, but global warming is a sham. It doesn't exist. Our own EPA has a report showing the temperatures are dropping, not rising. It's just a ploy to pay back the tree huggers for electing liberals. Cap and trade will sink our economy for good. It must be defeated.
    " The Seeds of Oppression Will One Day Bear The Fruit of Rebellion."

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Gallop: More Americans See Democratic Party as “Too Liberal”

    Quote Originally Posted by tes151 View Post
    Here is where I think your wrong. Universal Health Care has been killing people everywhere it's been tried. It is too expensive and doesn't work. It needs to be defeated.

    As far as environmental controls go, yeah I can see keeping people and industry from polluting our environment, but global warming is a sham. It doesn't exist. Our own EPA has a report showing the temperatures are dropping, not rising. It's just a ploy to pay back the tree huggers for electing liberals. Cap and trade will sink our economy for good. It must be defeated.
    When I said "Us" I meant so called "liberals"

    BTW. When I use the term liberal, I always mean it in the classical historical manner. Not the hijacked name that's been used as an insult.. That's why I can call myself a Liberal and still have conservative views.. Because in the end, True liberals believe in individual freedom's, rights, privacy, and happiness..

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