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  1. #1
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    Default President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. ~OBL

    So I thought Obama was the Great Uniter, the Healer of Relations with the Muslim World, the Happiness and Sunshine up Our Asses from Jihadists Bringer. Turns out, no so much.

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Bin Laden threatens Americans in new tape
    Terror leader criticizes Obama over 'destruction' in Pakistan's Swat Valley

    CAIRO - Osama bin Laden has threatened Americans in a new audio tape, saying President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. by ordering Pakistan to crack down on militants in Swat Valley and block Islamic law in the area.

    Bin Laden claimed U.S. pressure led to a campaign of "killing, fighting, bombing and destruction" that prompted the exodus of a million Muslims from Swat Valley in northwest Pakistan.

    The message was broadcast for the first time Wednesday on pan-Arab Al-Jazeera Television at almost the same moment Obama touched down in Saudi Arabia at the start of a Mideast visit aimed at repairing frayed U.S. relations with the Muslim world.

    Pakistan's army launched its offensive to oust the Taliban in late April after a peace deal that gave them control of the the Swat Valley soured. Militants streamed out of their stronghold to take over neighboring areas.

    Bin Laden said Obama had ordered Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari to stop people in the Swat Valley from practicing Islamic law.

    "This means simply that Obama and his administration planted new seeds for hatred and revenge against America," bin Laden said. "With that Obama has followed the same footsteps as the last president to create more hatred against Muslims.

    "Let Americans prepare to reap what the leaders of the White house sow."

    The battle for Swat is seen by Washington as a test of Pakistan's resolve against militants in the northwestern border region with Afghanistan.

    The United States strongly backs the campaign, and it has enjoyed broad support among Pakistanis tired of militant attacks in the country that have killed hundreds of civilians.

    Richard Holbrooke, the U.S. special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, said Wednesday that it was "ludicrous" to suggest that anyone but al-Qaida and the Taliban are responsible for the refugee crisis in Pakistan.

    Pakistan says about 3 million people have been uprooted from their homes by a month-old campaign to drive militants out of the northwestern Swat valley.

    The military claims to have killed more than 1,000 Taliban fighters, a figure that cannot be independently verified, and says more than 50 soldiers have also died.

    Meanwhile, Pakistani commanders said Wednesday that the military offensive to expel the Taliban from the Swat Valley could take another two months to complete, and troops may have to stay for a year to prevent militants from retaking control.

    The armed forces have secured control over several key towns in the volatile northwestern region, but the fighting has triggered a series of suspected reprisal attacks elsewhere in the country.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. ~OBL

    Hopefully this will wake up a few people that 9/11 and all the rhetoric afterwards was N-E-V-E-R about republican policies vs democrat policies, it is 100% totally and completely about eradicating the US who represents freedom in a part of the world that wants complete and total authoritative control.

    It's the 2nd Amendment that protects all others

  3. #3
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    Default Re: President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. ~OBL

    Quote Originally Posted by camper View Post
    Hopefully this will wake up a few people that 9/11 and all the rhetoric afterwards was N-E-V-E-R about republican policies vs democrat policies, it is 100% totally and completely about eradicating the US who represents freedom in a part of the world that wants complete and total authoritative control.

    Right it has nothing to do with Bush Admin policies or Obama Admin policies and everything to do with crazy nut job hating America.

    Then again some will say this further proves the hatred stems solely from our foreign policy specifically relating to the Middle East and Islamic nations. I see it more as correlation rather than causation.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. ~OBL

    Can't rep you again yet, adymond... the clock is ticking though...

  5. #5
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    Default Re: President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. ~OBL

    I thought Obama was going to get Osama...

    Now in all fairness, adymond, you aren't supposed to bring this up now. Obama is too busy bowing to the King of Saud. Couldn't you wait a week or two?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. ~OBL

    Quote Originally Posted by adymond View Post
    So I thought Obama was the Great Uniter, the Healer of Relations with the Muslim World, the Happiness and Sunshine up Our Asses from Jihadists Bringer. Turns out, no so much.
    Hehe.. Overstating a bit?

    Anyone got a link to this "new" tape?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. ~OBL

    ready ,,,aim,,,fire!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. ~OBL

    Videos maybe found here first Ayman al-Zawahiri

    Bin Laden threatens Americans in new tape
    Al-Qaeda number two slams Obama visit to Egypt

    By MAAMOUN YOUSSEF, Associated Press Writer Maamoun Youssef, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 39 mins ago

    CAIRO – Osama bin Laden threatened Americans in a new audio recording aired Wednesday, saying President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. by ordering Pakistan to crack down on militants in Swat Valley and block Islamic law there.

    Bin Laden claimed U.S. pressure led to a campaign of "killing, fighting, bombing and destruction" that prompted the exodus of a million Muslims from Swat in northwest Pakistan.

    The message was broadcast for the first time on pan-Arab Al-Jazeera Television around the same time Obama touched down in Saudi Arabia at the start of a Mideast visit. He is trying repair relations with the Muslim world frayed under the previous Bush administration.

    "Elderly people, children and women fled their homes and lived in tents as refugees after they have lived in dignity in their homes," bin Laden said. "Let the American people be ready to reap what the White House leaders have sown," he added.

    "Obama and his administration have sown new seeds to increase hatred and revenge on America," bin Laden said. "The number of these seeds is equal to the number of displaced people from Swat Valley."

    Pakistan launched in April a military offensive to expel the Taliban from Swat Valley after the militants abandoned a peace deal with the government that gave them control of the region.

    The offensive, strongly backed by Washington, is seen as a test of Pakistan's resolve against militants in the northwestern border region near Afghanistan. Pakistanis tired of militant attacks in the country that have killed hundreds of civilians have also supported the campaign. But the fighting has uprooted some 3 million people.

    White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, in Saudi Arabia with Obama, said al-Qaida obviously is seeking to shift attention away from what he called the president's historic efforts to have an open dialogue with the Muslim world.

    He said the White House was not surprised bin Laden released the message threatening America just as Obama was preparing to deliver a major speech on U.S. relations with the Muslim world. Obama advisers have not yet been able to completely review the tape, but found it consistent with past bin Laden messages, he said.

    Richard Holbrooke, U.S. special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, promptly dismissed suggestions that anyone but al-Qaida and the Taliban are responsible for the refugee crisis in Pakistan. He spoke during a visit to Islamabad.

    "This entire problem began with al-Qaida and its associates and everybody in the world knows that. It's silly indeed to respond to such a ludicrous charge," Holbrooke said at a joint news conference with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari.

    Bin Laden focused entirely on Pakistan in his latest message, claiming Zardari was paid by the White House to start the crackdown.

    Zardari "turned the army from its main task of protecting Islam, Muslims and their land," bin Laden said. He said Zardari "betrayed the nation" to "implement an American, Jewish and Indian conspiracy" against Pakistan.

    Al-Jazeera aired excerpts of the recording and did not say how it was obtained. The authenticity of the recording could not be immediately verified.

    A U.S. counterterrorism official said the tape is being analyzed by U.S. intelligence but noted there has never yet been a fake bin Laden tape. He said bin Laden is still presumed to be alive and the release of his messages are timed to coincide with major events.

    He said this message recycles themes from earlier messages and does not appear to contain any specific or credible threat information.

    After the message was broadcast, chatter on militant Web sites speculated that Al-Jazeera had received the tape earlier but aired it to coincide with Obama's landing in Riyadh. But the station's Deputy Editor-in-Chief Ayman Gaballah told The Associated Press that suggestion "does not deserve a comment."

    "It is not logical that we comment on anyone who writes something like that on a Web site," Gaballah said.

    Bin Laden, whose last message was released in mid-March, has been sparing in his criticism of Obama in the past. In January, he said only that the U.S. president had received a "heavy inheritance" from his predecessor.

    However, his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri has repeatedly condemned Obama, even using racial slurs.

    Bin Laden's message followed just hours after al-Zawahri, an Egyptian, criticized Obama's planned speech in Cairo Thursday to the Islamic world. He said it will not change the "bloody messages" the U.S. military is sending Muslims in American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. ~OBL

    Obama is trying the "we are one of you" line on the Muslim world.

    “And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world,” Mr. Obama said. “And so there’s got to be a better dialogue and a better understanding between the two peoples.”

    Too bad Mr President that the US ranks 38th in the world in Muslim population with about 1% of the population practicing that religion. I guess he would also say that the US is one of the largest Druid Nations.
    Unfortunately, his BS only works on the US press.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. ~OBL

    Remember back when Bush said that he "truly was not that concerned" about Bin Laden in 2002? and he may have let Bin Laden escape into Pakistan? And the pundits like Bob Tyrell and Mark Steyn and David Horowitz and Ann Coulter offered him cover by arguing that Bin Laden was dead?

    I didn't know whether I agreed he was probably dead. But now I do.

    Because suddenly Bin Laden helped Bush win reelection, by urging everyone to vote for Kerry. After that he would pop up now and again when Bush's ratings needed a boost and people's fear was wearing off. And now, low and behold, he pops up just when Obama needs an excuse for going back on his campaign promises and betraying his Democratic base. Now we can say, "Golly gee willikers, people--I wanted to bring troops home, stop the 'enhanced interrogations' and whatnot! But Bin Laden is back with his evil superpowers, and I have no choice but to stay the course and save your lives!" Et blahblah cetera. Odd how Bin Laden so consistently says just what the administration needs.

    It's enough to make me believe he really is dead, and his pickled head is wired to a recorder in some government basement.

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