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  1. #1
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    Default Biden and the White House are 'still pushing' for assault weapons ban

    Vice President Biden and the Obama administration still hope to pass a federal assault weapons ban, Biden said Wednesday.

    "I'm still pushing that it pass — we are still pushing that it pass. The same thing was told to me when the first assault weapons ban in '94 was attached to the Biden crime bill, that it couldn't possibly pass," Biden said Wednesday in an interview with NPR. "It was declared dead several times."

    Earlier in the week Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said that a proposal to reinstitute a federal assault weapons ban would not be included in a gun control bill the Senate plans to vote on soon. Reid said the proposal, which Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) introduced, would have weighed down the rest of the gun control bill. New gun conttrol legislation, especially an assault weapons ban, faces strong opposition in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

    President Obama has urged Congress to pass legislation reinstating a ban on assault weapons.
    Obama also charged Biden with leading a Congressional task force to make recommendations for reducing gun violence.

    Biden has been a staunch proponent of passing new gun laws. He also served as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1994 when the panel considered a crime bill that included a 10-year assault weapons ban.

    "I believe that the vast majority of the American people agree with us, the vast majority of gun owners agree with us, that military-style assault weapons are — these are weapons of war; they don't belong in the street," Biden said. "And [in] the recent decision declaring the right of someone to own a weapon in their home for self-protection, Justice [Antonin] Scalia acknowledged that you can constitutionally ban certain types of weapons. So I'm not going to give up on this."

    The effort to pass new gun laws is in response to a shooting massacre last December at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut that resulted in 28 dead, including 20 young children.

    On Tuesday White House chief of staff Denis McDonough said the White House would "find the votes" to pass the ban.

    Don't think they aren't bribing people as we speak.
    The USA is now a banana republic. Only without the bananas....or the Republic.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Biden and the White House are 'still pushing' for assault weapons ban

    If obama has to "find" the votes to pass this legislation, he must be losing influence in his own democratic controlled senate. His popularity is down to 47 percent approval and that number will continue to fall.

    He is desparate for a smoke screen like gun restriction laws to conceal his own incompetance in handling the economy on all side of the issue. As it will turn out, this fool will need more than smoke to cover up the upcoming ills of obama care and the so called sequester, which will bring forth further job cuts and inconviences to our populace.

    What is even more of a joke, is that obama sent biden the court jester to do a mans job in pushing the semi auto ban to begin with. One has to question, is obama a total fool, or just set up the jester for another administration failure.
    Last edited by c45man; March 20th, 2013 at 07:34 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Biden and the White House are 'still pushing' for assault weapons ban

    The Middle East is about to explode, potential government shutdown, high unemployment/gas prices/food prices and these asshats focus on AWB and their NCAA picks.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Biden and the White House are 'still pushing' for assault weapons ban

    Quote Originally Posted by ShooterInPA1 View Post
    "I'm still pushing that it pass — we are still pushing that it pass. The same thing was told to me when the first assault weapons ban in '94 was attached to the Biden crime bill, that it couldn't possibly pass," Biden said Wednesday in an interview with NPR. "It was declared dead several times."
    I have a feeling they are going to try and do the same stunt this time. Remember people that voted no on the ban in '94 voted yes for the crime bill.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Biden and the White House are 'still pushing' for assault weapons ban

    Quote Originally Posted by c45man View Post
    What is even more of a joke, is that obama sent biden the court jester to do a mans job in pushing the semi auto ban to begin with. One has to question, is obama a total fool, or just set up the jester for another administration failure.
    obama has a few good lawyers that have told him to steer clear of a heller/macdonald contest, which any awb is bound to loose. he barely got by on the national health care. SCOTUS has already sent him the notes on awb's.

    easier to let uncle joe look like the fool he is than to stick that skinny black neck out again.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Biden and the White House are 'still pushing' for assault weapons ban

    Quote Originally Posted by Waldershrek View Post
    I have a feeling they are going to try and do the same stunt this time. Remember people that voted no on the ban in '94 voted yes for the crime bill.
    Two different time eras with different circumstances. In 1994 the democrats controlled both houses, the bill passed by a few votes in the congress and that was only after a sunset date was included. November of 94, months after the awb passage, the house and senate both went over to the republicans, clinton himself blamed the passage of his anti gun bill as the reason. Also, the bill was not as restrictive as the feinstein bill, there was no heller or mcdonald cases, the second amendment lobby was not as strong as it is today, the ownership of the targeted weapons was not as common in 94 as they are today.

    This socialistic administration is naturally frustrated in that they, along with feinstein and her supporters, believed they had the perfect tragedy to exploit. It appears that the exploitation of sandy hook is not working out for their cause. One thing for certain, if this bill does not get done in the senate this year it will have little chance next year with the '14 elections in nov.

    Jo Jo the clown biden and his lack of credibility is not going to be the power source to ressurrect the senate in reconsidering this career ending controversial bill. Harry Reid can be as bull headed as obama.

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