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  1. #1
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    Default Obama refuses to do "the Pledge of Allegiance"

    I was just sent this in an email...."Is This For Real"?

    Subject: Remember this picture on election day!

    Let's all remember this on election day...if you have family serving in the military, make sure you send it along. I don't care for Hillary, but at least she shows respect for the country she lives in!

    I had heard about this but a picture is definitely worth 1000 words! God save us!!!

    Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem.
    Barack Hussein Obama's photo (that's his real name).....the article said he REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE in the hell can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief!!!!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Obama refuses to do "the Pledge of Allegiance"

    Here is Snopes' response to your question:

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Obama refuses to do "the Pledge of Allegiance"

    The article is B.S.

    He's standing at attention for the playing of the national anthem. I suppose he's violating the U.S. Flag Code, then, but that means most of our fellow Americans are similarly unpatriotic at sporting events.

    Plenty of reasons to vote for someone other than Obama this year.

    This isn't one of them.

  4. #4
    Hokkmike Guest

    Default Re: Obama refuses to do "the Pledge of Allegiance"

    I don't like Obama (guess I'm bitter) but he would not be that stupid.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Obama refuses to do "the Pledge of Allegiance"

    Quote Originally Posted by crlovel View Post
    Here is Snopes' response to your question:
    I just clicked on the above link....thank you and played the first video up top and he just stood there like that while someone sang "the star spangled banner" ( In all fairness in the video they weren't doing the pledge of allegiance)
    Last edited by Joe50; April 21st, 2008 at 08:17 AM. Reason: added info

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Obama refuses to do "the Pledge of Allegiance"

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe50 View Post in the hell can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief!!!!

    Outside of the fact that Obama is a socialist nutjob, one point of interest that most people just accept as conventional wisdom. While the Constitution gives the president authority as commander-in-chief of the military, the president is not commander-in-chief of the PEOPLE.

    The PEOPLE run this country through their elected representatives, and the president is one of them. The president is a public sevant, no different than any other public servant in that his or her job is to serve the people, though no doubt the president is on the top rung of public servants. However, with state's rights and federal constitutional limitations, the presidenet is supposed to have limited power and be kept in check, but Bush has thown that out the window and Congress has allowed him to get away with it.

    I have only seen one example of Bush's power being controlled, and that was when a federal judge (probably a Democrat) ruled that Al Qaeda prisoners and other terrorists were covered under the Geneva Convention. This got Bush scrambling recently to try and sneak an immunity clause into some legislation so he does not get tried as a war criminal for torturing prisoners.

    While Obama is easily the most liberal of the 100 senators, and while his campaign promises are full of empty rhetoric with no real examples of how he is going to accomplish anything, he is right that we need change and that the power needs to be returned to the people. No doubt many sheeple are buying into this, but the only change we will see with Obama is busness as usual and higher taxes.

    The PEOPLE run this country, and if we don't like the job the president is doing we can get Congress to impeach him and if public dissent is strong enough he will be forced to resign or be thrown out. Clinton was impeached but there was not enough public will to get rid of him as too mant Democrats liked him. Nixon was toast.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Obama refuses to do "the Pledge of Allegiance"

    Don't need to remember it on election day for 2 reasons.

    1. I was never gonna vote for him, Hilary or any other Dem anyway.
    2. Its a false article, the incident never happened the way they say it did.

    If he's such a clown for his violation of the flag code, then so is every other ashole who shouts OH at the top of their lungs during the national anthem at the ball games.

    I actually hate that more. Have some damned respect.


  8. #8
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    Default Re: Obama refuses to do "the Pledge of Allegiance"

    [QUOTE=I have only seen one example of Bush's power being controlled, and that was when a federal judge (probably a Democrat) ruled that Al Qaeda prisoners and other terrorists were covered under the Geneva Convention. This got Bush scrambling recently to try and sneak an immunity clause into some legislation so he does not get tried as a war criminal for torturing prisoners. .[/QUOTE]

    i think your wrong on this, i don't think any judge has ruled that the prisoners at gitmo are covered under the geneva convention. i usually keep track of this type of thing and don't recall seeing a judge ruling gitmo prisoners were under the geneva convention. please provide a link

    so far as obama is concerned i think it's disgraceful that he refuses to cover is heart during the playing of the national anthem. that in itself could be excused until you consider he refuses to wear a american flag on his lapel calling it false patriotism. add that to the fact his wife said she's never in her life been proud of this country, his friend/pastor/mentor of 20 years is a racist and anti- american, he has an association with william ayers a home grown terrorist from the 60's.
    Last edited by wellcraft; April 21st, 2008 at 01:45 PM.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Obama refuses to do "the Pledge of Allegiance"

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe50 View Post

    If that's the position of attention, I'm the fooking Queen of England!
    "We shoot to stop. ... Unfortunately, death can be a byproduct."

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Obama refuses to do "the Pledge of Allegiance"

    Quote Originally Posted by wellcraft View Post
    i think your wrong on this, i don't think any judge has ruled that the prisoners at gitmo are covered under the geneva convention. i usually keep track of this type of thing and don't recall seeing a judge ruling gitmo prisoners were under the geneva convention. please provide a link
    I was wrong, is was not a judge, it was SCOTUS that ruled on this, and here is your link.

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