Again Nikon Mike Chitwood the media hog exposes his political agenda in the Delco Times on April 18. While standing at a murder scene where a less than reputable individual shot by way of assassination two other less than reputable individuals, the political hack turned cop rants for a one gun a month law. Never mind the fact that such gun rationing as had no history of success. Never mind that Virginia, Maryland, and California, the three states that have such gun purchase limitations continue to have a higher than average murder rate as well as higher than national average violent crime rate. None of the aforementioned states have been able to stop straw sales nor keep firearms out of the wrong hands. In South Carolina the per gun a month limitation was such a failure that the legislation there rescinded the law. But our boy mikey continues with his rant.

Chitwood continues to serve out his disdain for firearms and their owners by rampaging against the NRA and their determination to stop the philly gun law. It makes little difference to the Upper Darby Chief that such law is illegal and unconstitutional. After all, Chitwood and his agenda is above the constitution and the law is even lower on the list.

Chitwood is great at self promotion even having the citizenry there believing that the township is a much better place for having HIM as their chief. I lived in Upper Darby for 25 years and happily moved out 10 years ago. With or without Chitwood, Bywood and Stonehurst are becoming a cultural extension of West Philadelphia. The township has many nice areas left, having many tree lined streets with well kept houses, but as the southeastern end of the township slips away, so will the nice areas remaining along with their otherwise good school system.

Perhaps Chitwood should be turning his attention to his defense of a law suit being brought against him from an illegal gun confiscation case where the firearms were never returned. Perhaps such litigation will cause the end his career. Self praise only goes so far.