Well,It's me again,dman, in the sun-shine state with an update on my continuing adventures!. The wife was feeling good today and wanted to go to Super Walmart.We get there in maybe 29 minutes or so,it's only 5 or so miles from where we are living,but traffic is always an issue this time of year.
We walk in the store,the place is packed.I have extreme accute observational skills with a child-like curiosity.A dangerous combo. I,not meaning to,have stuck my foot in my mouth so many times that I gargle
with Tinactin to avoid athlete's face !
We're headed to the deli to get some cheese and cold cuts,(sick of turkey,especially after the turkey tacos)!! I'm observing as usual and I see
this family of little people. Mexicans to be exact. None,taller than 5'4" max.
Why are they so short??Hmmmmm! Is it because they were farmers and close to the ground for picking things,or ,is gravity stronger near the equator?Hmmmm? There must be 17 of them,how do they all fit in one vehicle?
that would explain there size? Funny how the wonders of nature work ?
Who would-a thunk that nature would've known the precise volume of a dodge van?
Now we head down the isles and there they are a family of Haitians.These people are a mysterious group,22 years of living down here and not one word,
not one,can I understand.It's reminecent of the native language of a Johnny
Weismuller Tarzan movie or somethin?What the heck are they speakin???
We work our way up to the counter,I'm hearing all sorts of lingo,it reminds me of that bar scene in the Star Wars movie,can't really understand no-body!!
The girl behind the counter is something hard core spanish,if it weren't for finger pointing,my wife and I would surely starve.Next stop,sporting goods!!
Figure I'll pick up some white box .45's!!The man at the counter is an English
speaking all American Joe!Hmmmm? What are you doing here?lost? Hung a left when you should-a gone right,the only English speaking person I have encountered today.YO!RED,WHITE,and BLUE!! Grab my ammo and we're headed to check-out,I think she's Haitian also .I hand her my debit card and she mumbles something back to me!Not one word did I undrestand,she's looking at me and waiting for some response,I shrug,look at my wife and yeah
start laughing,the girl in the other isle walks over to assist ,she wanted my pin no.We bag it up and head home,I look at my wife and we start to laugh,
I love to see my wife laugh,it gives me a woody!!
So goes the diversity of south Fl. Truely a smorgasbord of the living!!