Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Bushkill, Pennsylvania
    (Pike County)
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    Default Let's give ia big one to NYPD for gun control.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Behind You, Watching, Always Watching
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    Default Re: Let's give ia big one to NYPD for gun control.

    Honestly can anyone be surprised by this?

    NYPD management has been bad to horrible for as long as I can remember and their officers are doing a damn tough job at an extremely low pay (from what I've read one of the lowest starting salaries of any major US city). Mayor Bumblehead would rather waste tax payer money chasing 'bad guys' through PA, VA and other states by harassing gun shop owners rather than pay his people what they are worth so they can do their jobs without having to sweat out paying their own monthly bills.

    One would have to think back to the 'bad old days' of NYPD history (Serpico days) when there were as many dirty cops as there were clean ones. These days with economic times as bad as they are and officers salaries as low as they are you really have to pause a moment to think what some of these struggling cops may be doing to make ends meet. I'm not saying they are dirty but a missing gun here or there, an ounce of coke that disappears from the property locker could very well pay a lot of bills.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Claymont, Delaware
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    Default Re: Let's give ia big one to NYPD for gun control.

    How can they claim they can account for everything when the audit showed that almost 30% couldn't be accounted for? Must be that new math. They aren't where they are suppose to be so they must be in court. But not signed out?

    I thought this was going to be about taking more guns from the law abiding./ Then reading the article it seems that many of these guns might be back on the street illegally. Lost, stolen or misplaced, it hard to understand not accounting for 90 out of 300 guns.

    Anybody else here have that problem? Most everyone else would have have some explaining to do with that big of a loss.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    York, Pennsylvania
    (York County)
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    Default Re: Let's give ia big one to NYPD for gun control.

    No surprises there. Let's just say that some of the nicest and best gun 'collections' I have ever seen were at the homes of police officers who 'confiscated' most of them.

    Not just in NY city but right here in South Central PA too.....anyone remember just a few months ago the York City Police SERGENT who was one of the property clerks with a gambling problem...helped himself to a few thousand dollars out of the property room. What didn't hit the papers was how many other things (guns, etc) were missing too.

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