Blogging to support the 2nd amendment

I think it’s important to get our view point out that support of the 2nd amendment is critical.
I have been reading the In York, The Exchange the on- line blog for the York Newspaper.
There are many different categories you can post too. There is an over whelming anti-2nd amendment gang on the blog. They support the Ban of semi-auto rifles and mags, they support universal checks, just go down the list. I am looking for anyone that might have some time and an interest in getting an account and help counter the anti-gun sentiment. If we could even up the numbers that would help. Stick to the facts of our argument . I have been called many names, told I was heartless, you get the idea. I try to ignore that and just put out some common sense stuff. They don’t like FACTS!
If you would like to give it a try here is the web site. Thanks

In York The Exchange

To create an account click on the Green Create account button (upper right hand corner) and follow the instructions. Once you have an account you can post BUT your first 5 post must be Ok’d by a moderator? It took me a little over a week before I could post on my own. It’s a strange system to get started. Be patient!