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  1. #1
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    Default Worldwide use of ADHD drugs nearly triples

    WASHINGTON - The use of drugs to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, has more than tripled worldwide since 1993, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday.

    And spending on such drugs rose ninefold between 1993 and 2003, the team at the University of California, Berkeley reported.

    "ADHD could become the leading childhood disorder treated with medications across the globe," Richard Scheffler, an expert in health economics and public policy who led the study, said in a statement.

    "We can expect that the already burgeoning global costs for medication treatment for ADHD will rise even more sharply over the next decade."

    Roughly one in 25 U.S. children and adolescents is taking medication for ADHD, the researchers found.

    They used an international pharmaceutical database to examine data from nearly 70 countries. In 1993, 31 countries used ADHD drugs, but by 2003 that number had risen to 55, they found.

    France, Sweden, Korea and Japan all showed increases in ADHD drug use among 5- to 19-year-olds

    "The usage of ADHD medications increased 274 percent during the study period," Scheffler's team wrote in the journal Health Affairs.

    The United States led the pack, accounting for 83 percent of the prescriptions and $2.4 billion in 2003. Canada and Australia also had much heavier use than the researchers predicted.

    Costs likely to rise globally
    ADHD is marked by poor concentration, distractibility, hyperactivity, impulsiveness and other symptoms beyond what might be expected for the patient's age.

    Amphetamine drugs can control the symptoms, but their use is sometimes controversial.

    Methylphenidate, sold under the brand name Ritalin by Novartis, was once the standard. But costly and long-acting medications like Johnson & Johnson's Concerta, Strattera, made by Eli Lilly and Co., and Adderral XR, made by British drugmaker Shire Plc, are now driving up costs, the researchers said.

    "Costs are likely to rise globally as long-acting medications, which offer easier use and result in better compliance, become more prevalent outside the U.S.," said Dr. Peter Levine, a pediatrician with Kaiser Permanente in Walnut Creek, California.

    Psychologist Stephen Hinshaw of UC Berkeley said "cross-cultural research has shown that ADHD exists in all cultures, with increased access to public education a factor in its detection."

    The researchers recommended that countries keep tabs on the use of ADHD drugs and make sure their benefits are worthwhile.

    I have been a strong advocate AGAINST drugging children since this started to come out. I feel it is obscene to give drugs to little kids that changes the chemistry on their still developing brains.

    Supposeldy, there are plans in effect to start diagnosing and treating kids with these drugs from birth!!.

    Is this really for the benefit of the kids? Is it for the benefit of big pharma? Is it easier to raise a kid if they are doped out of their minds???

    How were we able to survive, 10, 20 and more years ago without these drugs??

    Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?? Is that just another word for a healthy, energetic child? Or do we really want to create mindless drones, drugged from birth by the government??

    Are any of you parents here giving these drugs to your children? I must admit, Im against it, but have not done the full gamut of research on the subject because I dont have kids nor do I plan on having for a very, very long time. Still, the whole concept disgusts me.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Worldwide use of ADHD drugs nearly triples

    Looks like the Pharm companies are making a killing on this one. Then again we already knew that.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Worldwide use of ADHD drugs nearly triples

    It's massively overperscribed and it's as much the fault of parents and doctors as it is the pharm companies.

    If little billy doesn't do well in school, mom and dad look for a reason why and ADHD is often a convenient excuse and matching medication. Most of the time i'm convinced their kids are either bored in school or simply not all that bright.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Worldwide use of ADHD drugs nearly triples

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Exclamation Re: Worldwide use of ADHD drugs nearly triples

    if "ALL" teachers really wanted to teach we wouldn't have this problem.
    there are good teachers out there that really are interested in having their students learn, but how many teachers are doing the job for the pay and three months of during the summer?
    the local school district here is really interesting this time of year cause the state assesments have just finished, for approx. month before the test they cram(for lack of better desription) and drill the students on the test info.(based on past test i guess). but if they taught all this year round the kids should be able to just go take the tests without disrupting the normal lesson plans. but i guess this might hurt some kids feelings or make them not feel good about themsleves for not learning . we can't have little johnny not happy who cares if he's laerning or not. i didn't go through this kind of school system and i have very good self esteem(it was the same school district)

    sorry my rant is over.

    PS both of my children have gone through public school, the oldest graduates in june
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Worldwide use of ADHD drugs nearly triples

    I don't have kids and hope not to. But I think that the kids are the product of parenting. Mom & Dad should raise the kids & not look to the schools to do it. Attentive parents will raise "Normal" kids, lazy parents will have children on medication or death row. Flame me if you want.....It just my opinion.
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Worldwide use of ADHD drugs nearly triples

    Schools are to blame as well, a lot of them push it. ADD offers a convenient excuse for their shitty teaching as well.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Worldwide use of ADHD drugs nearly triples

    These drugs are nothing but a payoff for pharmaceutical companies. 90% of the time, the problem, as my Grandmother would say, is nothing a good ass beatin' wouldn't cure. But oh, God no! You can't do that and be your kids best friend at the same time.
    The story I hear most from parents who are "Best buddies" with their kids is "My dad (or mom) whipped me all the time, I'll never do that to my kid". Gee, you got spanked. How did you survive? Don't get me wrong, I don't mean getting punched, or seriously hurt. That is abuse. A swat on the ass is not.
    Last edited by nijwnfi; March 25th, 2007 at 01:12 PM.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Worldwide use of ADHD drugs nearly triples

    While I agree that some ass beatings would be in order, and that these drugs are too widely used, why are we complaining about pharmaceutical companies. They, like any company can develop and market whatever they wish. They can wine and dine physicians, and physicians can authorize prescriptions with a free pen. The parents are to blame for this. Who has control over the child? Parents. My children will not take these medications. My wife is an elementary school teacher. While she can not talk about specifics with me, she notes that many of her students who ARE prescribed these types of medications DO benefit from it. She describes the benefit as more of an ability to focus and concentrate. I am not saying that every child prescribed the meds actually need them, but they do benefit many. I once knew of a mother who had all of her five children diagnosed with either HDD or the like and was on medical assistance. SHe would then obtain their prescriptions and sell them on the street. Lovely.....

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Worldwide use of ADHD drugs nearly triples

    I had to ask my mom cause I couldn't remember.

    She used to give kids ADHD medication in school. The teachers would give the pills each day. Now the nurse gives it to the children each day. The pharm companies have a solid foothold in schools.

    Of course its upto parents, but look at some of parents. I think half of my mom's current class lives with only 1 parent. Some don't even know both parents. Some parents work two jobs and never see their kids. Some parents simply don't care, I recall a famous statement one made. Her child was constantly a problem, so my mom calls home to talk to the parents, the mother answers and basically responds "he's your problem from 8-3, I don't care what he does." While she sits at home sucking up the welfare system. Some parents don't even work, they sit at home all day sleeping and collect their checks.

    Although all I can speak from hearing is from the city school system. I know the county and townships school systems are much better, although that could be because its higher income, higher education people.

    Our city's superintendant just got a $50,000 pay raise over 5 years, for a grand total of $250,000 a year. While the city schools fall apart and classes are normally in the 25-30 student range.

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