Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default 15 most shocking acts of violence

    My wife and I just finished watching 15 most shocking acts of violence
    on E network. I thought I was watching a documentary to advocate concealed and open carry. Unfortunately that is not the message intended. Although they did include Suzanna Gratia Hupp from the Killeen, Texas cafeteria shooting every mention of a weapon included the prefix SEMI AUTOMATIC. Of course they NY Congresswomen McCarthy spouting how her job is to protect citizens by restricting gun ownership. I believe my understanding of firearms and what I consider common sense made me see everyone of these incidents as a perfect example for the need for concealed carry. It boggles the mind how these people don't see that one firearm in many of these incidents would have saved countless lives. I just can't rationalize how these people think there is no logic in it. I'm glad I found this forum so I know I'm not alone in my thinking.

    But as long as the nation is obsessed with historic milestones, is no one going to remark on what a great country it is where a mentally retarded woman can become speaker of the house? - Ann Coulter

  2. #2
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    Default Re: 15 most shocking acts of violence

    I'd love to be able to tell Caroline McCarty how her husband was a gutless sheep who was slaughtered by a wolf because the sheep in her state didn't believe that her husband's life was worth protecting and he didn't have the intelligence or wherewithal to see to it that he could do so himself.

    Now that the moron McCarthy's pet sheep has died, she doesn' t draw any proper conclusion about the incident except that she will further destroy any other person's right to live at the hands of a wolf.

    She is worse than dirt. She is someone who hasn't the smarts to figure out this whole gun ownership thing is about protecting the sheep from the wolves.

    She doesn't have to make every sheep in this country a sheep-dog to protect the sheep, but she should make it her business to see that those so inclined to protect themselves could do so.

    The sheep-dogs protect themselves and the sheep around them.

    She will go to the grave an ignorant, bitter old crone.
    He was one of God’s own prototypes—a high-powered mutant of some kind who was never even considered for mass production. He was too weird to live and too rare to die....

  3. #3
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    Default Re: 15 most shocking acts of violence

    Quote Originally Posted by Whiskey Delta View Post
    I'd love to be able to tell Caroline McCarty how her husband was a gutless sheep who was slaughtered by a wolf because the sheep in her state didn't believe that her husband's life was worth protecting and he didn't have the intelligence or wherewithal to see to it that he could do so himself.
    Damn, dude, that's harsh. Not untrue, but harsh. Rep'ed.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: 15 most shocking acts of violence

    Its a shame some(most?)sheeple dont want to be free.They want to feel safe,and to them that means unarmed civilians and more police.That logic just didnt hold up for those victims,did it?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: 15 most shocking acts of violence

    Quote Originally Posted by Whiskey Delta View Post
    I'd love to be able to tell Caroline McCarty how her husband was a gutless sheep who was slaughtered by a wolf because the sheep in her state didn't believe that her husband's life was worth protecting and he didn't have the intelligence or wherewithal to see to it that he could do so himself.

    Now that the moron McCarthy's pet sheep has died, she doesn' t draw any proper conclusion about the incident except that she will further destroy any other person's right to live at the hands of a wolf.

    She is worse than dirt. She is someone who hasn't the smarts to figure out this whole gun ownership thing is about protecting the sheep from the wolves.

    She doesn't have to make every sheep in this country a sheep-dog to protect the sheep, but she should make it her business to see that those so inclined to protect themselves could do so.

    The sheep-dogs protect themselves and the sheep around them.

    She will go to the grave an ignorant, bitter old crone.

    Rep sent , she is quite the ignoramous isnt she ?

    And this where I have a HUGE problem with people like her , Sarah Brady and Bryan Miller . I honestly do feel for their losses ( Im not some cold hearted prick after-all ) , but they have been so blinded by their grief and impotance , on top of ingrained ideology and brainwashing , that they have lost any sense of objective reasoning or logic .
    Im fine with people having a difference of opinion . Nor would I force my chosen lifestyle on anyone that truly felt uncomfortable , for whatever reason , even ignorance . Where I draw the line is the LIES , the intentional supression of anything contrary to their view , the arrogance of presuming my Constitutional rights and god given right to defend my life and family are subservient to their " right " to "feel " safe . The hypocracy of claiming to be open minded , then turn around and spew the most ad hominen attacks and derisive insults about anyone that doesnt agree with them .
    If these people and all others like them are so convinced their " right " . Then they need to man up , show the courage of their convictions and tell the WHOLE truth, with ALL the information to the public , and let the chips fall where they may . I suffer liars and fools very poorly .
    After helping defeat S1774 ( Gun a month ) in NJ , and seeing how BM went after Mellanie on Lynn Doyle , I have firmly set my sights on publicly exposing Bryan Miller for the snake oil sales man he is . He can run and hide and be revealed , or he can answer my charges in public and be revealed , either way his game is up .
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
    A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity. -- Sigmund Freud

    Proud to be an Enemy of The State

  6. #6
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    Default Re: 15 most shocking acts of violence

    Quote Originally Posted by caddy527 View Post
    Of course they NY Congresswomen McCarthy spouting how her job is to protect citizens by restricting gun ownership
    I think she has lost sight of what her job really is. First and foremost, she should be defending the constitution by promoting gun ownership and putting away villians that use them to do bad things.

    .....must be me daydreaming again and preaching to the choir!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: 15 most shocking acts of violence

    I don't understand the illogic either. And I wasn't even raised around the gun culture, heck my parents circle of friends has a bunch of anti gun libtards in it. Must be my dad, he is always a skeptic and questions everything, and I must have inherited it.

    But it is perfect logic. If a cop was on scene, the cop could stop the shooter, right? So what is so different between a cop and some regular guy with a gun who has some training and range time, in fact probably has more range time than the cop?

    Part of the problem are the antis "circle of sheep" who don't even understand such basic things as: background checks, states with ccw training required to get a lisc, and that the general law abiding US gun culture is way bigger than the gangbanger culture. One lady ( who I have mentioned before) is a retired teacher and seems intelligent and even seems open minded, but try to discuss guns with her and she refuses. Before she cut the convo off the one time, I told her about CC and how you have to get a lisc which requires a background check. She didn't seem to know such a basic fact, that one needs a background check, so it is not criminals and not the violent mentally ill getting carry lisc's. Makes me wonder if she even knows about background checks to buy guns. Is she the typical MMM type? How can someone be so against something they personally don't know shit about?

    Another example of the liberal sheep disease is the wife of a man who was beat almost to death in Baltimore. The 4 thugs got a plea deal, and the man later died. She is now a community activist, however she seems to not acknowledge the fact that had her husband been armed with a handgun and had situational awareness, that he would be alive today. I read an article about her and it mentions that at one point she thought of buying a gun, but decided not to. Why? I am betting her libtard friends and the libtard city council people and whatnot that she has on her bandwagon talked her out of it with the old " violence can't solve violence" crap. Yet astoundingly I know of 2 old hippies, one who grew up in Baltimore, who have no problem with responsible gun ownership and people carrying. These were the 2 people I know who I thought would be the most anti gun! Next time they can spare time to meet and eat in PA, I am going to OC for them. I imagine they will love it. Like a true liberal, they embrace ALL the civil liberties, not doing the pick and choose of the mainstream liberals. They don't say "eww, theres a 2nd amendment bug in my salad! Toss it away!" .
    LOL, I am a woman...

  8. #8
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    Default Re: 15 most shocking acts of violence

    I happened to catch part of that show today. I was struck by how many times I heard the term "assault rifle". Since when is an AR-15 an assault rifle?

    I got the distinct impression that the programs real aim was to start the indoctrination of the masses toward the the notion of a renewed assault weapon ban.

    I also didn't like the way it portrayed Jean Assam as a looney who was protected by God. And of course she didn't stop the shooter, he took his own life.

    We are going to see a lot more of these liberal passion plays, as the left tries to soften up the masses to accept new restrictions on guns.

    This is actually more the kind of propaganda I would have expected on CNN or MSNBC

    The next four years are going to be VERY interesting.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: 15 most shocking acts of violence

    Quote Originally Posted by Whiskey Delta View Post
    I'd love to be able to tell Caroline McCarty how her husband was a gutless sheep who was slaughtered by a wolf because the sheep in her state didn't believe that her husband's life was worth protecting and he didn't have the intelligence or wherewithal to see to it that he could do so himself.

    Now that the moron McCarthy's pet sheep has died, she doesn' t draw any proper conclusion about the incident except that she will further destroy any other person's right to live at the hands of a wolf.

    She is worse than dirt. She is someone who hasn't the smarts to figure out this whole gun ownership thing is about protecting the sheep from the wolves.

    She doesn't have to make every sheep in this country a sheep-dog to protect the sheep, but she should make it her business to see that those so inclined to protect themselves could do so.

    The sheep-dogs protect themselves and the sheep around them.

    She will go to the grave an ignorant, bitter old crone.
    I think that you are out of line with this statement.
    While I disagree with Mrs McCarthy's politics and gun control (especially having lived in NY state). Commenting on the mans character when you do not know him or his actions is wrong.
    Mrs McCarthy politics are driven by emotion bases on a terrible event, That is what we need to stop, people acting on emotion not fact and we are no better when we through insult.
    RIP -The US constitution.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: 15 most shocking acts of violence

    Quote Originally Posted by Cole View Post
    Damn, dude, that's harsh. Not untrue, but harsh. Rep'ed.
    definitely not harsh....the truth sucks doesn't it...

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