Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default Tactics Level II - FOF

    Anyone in the training business will tell you there is nothing - but nothing - that will sort out your ability to effectively function in a sudden, life-threatening emergency like force-on-force training using simulated munitions. You are put in a situation, and you do whatever you do.

    In this course, there will be some work with life firearms and ammunition, followed by a number of scenarios. The scenarios are on tape, and debriefed once all participants have gone through the process.

    Being able to identify mistakes and work on fixes right then and there is perhaps the most educational experiences one can have with a gun. (It probably has more educational value than getting into an actual fight, because it is videotaped, examined and debriefed right on the spot.)

    This kind of training will show you where you need work, and we all need work. (As with any firearms training, one is well advised to leave his ego at the door.)

    Want to know how you will react? Then find out.

    This version of Tactics II is two days, a Saturday and a Sunday, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, and costs $300. There are no discounts applicable to this course.

    Participants need to bring their own inert training gun. We supply the simulated firearms, simulated munitions and related safety gear. The course also involves some live fire and about 200 rounds of hand gun ammunition.

    Enrollment is limited to ten participants. First come/first served.

    This year the course will be run by Pete Georgiades and Tony Ferrazzoli, with the assistance of others who have been through the course before. It will be held at the Pitcairn-Monroeville Sportsman’s Club (East of Pittsburgh, PA.)

    The night segments of these courses are vitally important, and because we will not be discharging any firearms in the night session after 9:00 p.m. we can extend the night shoot beyond 9:00 p.m. without violating zoning regulations. Therefore, we have determined to adapt the schedule as follows:

    Saturday: 9:30 a.m. start. Finish about 5:30 p.m.

    Sunday: NOON start. Break for an dinner on Sunday, at about 4:00 p.m. (One can stay at the range and eat a box dinner, or come to local place and eat with the group.) Reconvene from 6:00 p.m. to about 10:00 p.m.

    There are prerequisites. One must have completed formal hand gun instruction of at least three days’ duration from a school or instructor known to the F.I.R.E. Institute staff (or approved by the course administrator) and completed within the past 24 months.

    The course administrator can and will waive this prerequsite for people with other kinds of experience, but we will still require prior formal hand gun training (LFI-I and NRA pistol or "personal protection" courses do not fulfill this requirement). If you have any questions about whether you qualify for this course, contact Peter Georgiades at the FIRE Institute. (You can do that from here, by IM.)

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Tactics Level II - FOF

    i'll be sending in my check soon.

    it was a toss up for me between this class and randy cain's CQH class (i can only afford to take one of the two this year). but i have a schedule conflict with the CQH class anyway, so i hope this class ends up happening.

    i hope randy comes back for the CQH class next year, too, as i really want to take that class as well.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Tactics Level II - FOF

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleRedToyota View Post
    i'll be sending in my check soon.

    it was a toss up for me between this class and randy cain's CQH class (i can only afford to take one of the two this year). but i have a schedule conflict with the CQH class anyway, so i hope this class ends up happening.

    i hope randy comes back for the CQH class next year, too, as i really want to take that class as well.
    scheduling the CQH is going to be hard. I'm not sure I will be able to do it.

    If not I am going to schedule this one.

    yeah, the odds of me being able to pull off both is slim.

    If I cant make this course (Tactics II) then I could volunteer to help out on the range for a day or two with the set up and such.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Tactics Level II - FOF

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn.L View Post

    If I cant make this course (Tactics II) then I could volunteer to help out on the range for a day or two with the set up and such.
    We would be glad to have you. We need role players in most scenarios. We need bystanders, bad guys, good guys, pain-in-the-a-- officious intermeddlers with CCW's ...

    In essence, all those paper people in the mall scene from Tactics I are real people in Tactics II.

    If you can schedule Randy Cain's course, I recommend you do so. You will get a lot out of being a role player in Tactics II (without even having to pay for the course). That way, you will maximize your training time and money.

    I know when I am a role player I learn a LOT about how people react to things, and what works. I am very often amazed at what I can get away with, and always impressed at people who do it right. (Hint: a good flashlight is your best friend.)


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Tactics Level II - FOF

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleRedToyota View Post
    i'll be sending in my check soon.

    it was a toss up for me between this class and randy cain's CQH class (i can only afford to take one of the two this year). but i have a schedule conflict with the CQH class anyway, so i hope this class ends up happening.

    i hope randy comes back for the CQH class next year, too, as i really want to take that class as well.
    Randy will come back as often as we have enough people to fill a course. But, notice, its the same dozen or so people who keep signing up for things.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Tactics Level II - FOF


    We have received a great number of requests for a version of this course that can be done over a week-end. The concern, obviously, is time off work.

    We have, therefore, decided to run the course this October with a two day format. We will run on Saturday and on Sunday. We will also run a night segment.

    The night segments of these courses are vitally important. Because the simulated munitions we use do not cause any report, we can extend the night session beyond 9:00 p.m. without violating zoning regulations. Therefore, we have determined to adapt the schedule as follows:

    Saturday: 9:30 a.m. start. Finish about 5:30 p.m.

    Sunday: NOON start. Break for an dinner on Sunday, at about 4:00 p.m. (One can stay at the range and eat a box dinner, or come to local place and eat with the group.) Reconvene from 6:00 p.m. to about 10:00 p.m.

    Those of who have already signed up for the 3-day version, please let us know whether you want a refund of your tuition, or if you wish to attend the 2-day version and get a partial refund. The tuition difference is $140 ($300 instead of $440).

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Tactics Level II - FOF

    the 2-day format makes it much more likely I will be able to attend this course.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Tactics Level II - FOF

    did I hear you right this weekend that this class would be open without having had Tactics I ???

    I am guessing the normal basic pistol requirement will be in place?

    I have had Tactics I (it was fantastic) but this may open this up to more participants.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Tactics Level II - FOF

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn.L View Post
    did I hear you right this weekend that this class would be open without having had Tactics I ???

    I am guessing the normal basic pistol requirement will be in place?

    I have had Tactics I (it was fantastic) but this may open this up to more participants.
    In the past, we have had a lot of people who wanted to sign up for Tactics II, thinking Tactics I was not sufficiently challenging for them. Because it was not a safety issue (the prior formal hand-gun training is NOT waived), we would let some in who had alternate forms of experience. Then they would have no idea how to respond to architectural barriers, police inquiries, etc., and were not used to having to make decisions, move, issue commands ... they were just in over thier heads.

    Our concern was that they were wasting their money by moving to a course for which they were not prepared. So we put in the prerequsite, knowing those who would enroll would get more out of the course if they had some idea how to react when they got there. Experience bore out our theory.

    Unfortunately, not enough people sign up for Tactics I to have a pool of trainees capable of taking Tactics II. As I said, there are no safety issues associated with not having the prerequsite for Tactics II (live fire only occurs on a square range), wo we dropped the prerequsite for this shortened course format.

    Maybe standing there not knowing what to do will at least finally get the point across: there is trained and there is clueless - those are the only two options - you get to choose which you are going to be, but option number one is only available if you do the work.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Tactics Level II - FOF

    well, it doesnt look like the money will be available for me to take this. But I will gladly volunteer. Unsure at this point if I can make both days or not.

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