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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Carbondale, Pennsylvania
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    Default I have some questions reguarding my "encounter" today

    I sold some firearms this morning. I was doing my last transfer at Gun Toters in Ennyon which is a great store. I happened to notice someones father of this girl i know. I spoke to him for a minute or too how hes doing and whats he lookin at (ak47). So later on i decided to call the girl and see how she was doing and such and we decided we would go shooting. We went for shooting and went back to her house in her car. Her dad is a drunk, and i don't mean drinks to much sometimes hes an alcoholic hes abusive mentaly verablly and physicaly to his wife and daughter. He was we were pulling up he was chasing a person on there atv for going by his house...maybe he was right for doing that they do fly down the street and i don't think there street legal. We get out and talk for a moment and hes like im gonna get them and hops on his motorcycle totally hammered not had a 6 pack on the hot day, DRUNK DRUNK and takes off to go to there house to "show them"

    So i went in and hes hey i saw you today blahblah and hes yelling at his daughter to get the # to police station hes gonna have them arrested and thrown in jail for a quader driving by his house lol.....she said no im doing that let it go, so he demanded to be taken down the police station and was just being totaly confrontational not towards me yet, but about the quaders and how the police better do something or else. I told him hey those cops have an attitude all there gonna do is take a report and send you home. Which isn't true the cops in carbondale are cool. So hes like your your my buddy blah blah...and gun toters came up inthe convo again and hes like yeah i bought the ar-15 and im gonna shoot those fucking quaders and make tons of noise they'll know not to come around here and they'll move blah blahblah...i told hm yeah there nice i want one i have my shotgun in your daughters car im not to sure if its in her name or his( its like 90 degrees here we stopped at her place to get some water or icetea) so he preceeds to tell me that its illegal to have a gun in a car...i didn't really want to aruge with him cause trying to debate anything with a drunken moron is just stupid.

    I said ok im sorry won't happen again blah blah hes like i love my kids guns are so dangerous no one should have them ( coming from the guy trying to buy a 600 dollar ak-47 and throughout the convos claiming to have bought it) so i let him be and we went upstairs talked about going to dinner and playing with her cat and ferrets which are cool btw. About 10 or 15 minutes before we decide were gonna leave, he leaves. So she goes to the bathroom makeup whatever, i have my ammo belt for shotguns still on when i was in the house and i took it off cause it was heavy and i was sweating. Nowhere to be found, so im thinking oh maybe its misplaced or outside who knows. I check in the trunk of the car to see if maybe she put it there and forgot.....well my shotgun is missing. After searching the area i didn't find it, and i knew it wasn't taken by someone off the street because my .22 was in the backseat in a rifle case.

    So we wait for him to come back. He comes back and changed into like a "biker" look chaps and a leather vest and all that jazz. I ask him wheres my shotgun he said he doesn't know...3 times i asked him still he didn't know till i said then i have to call the police (which i do when a weapon does unaccounted for) he comes over grabs phone and starts screaming at me for bringing a gun to his home who the fuck do i think i am this and that hes going crazy ( he didn't say anything about my sidearm which was strange lol) hes telling me hes going to kill me and shoot me with it and hes slapping me and punched me once and im just trying not to rip this guys head off cause he has my phone and i still don't know where my shotgun is. I thought that he went got it, got in his biker gear to go scare the neighbors into not driving there atv's around his house which is stilllllll a huge fucking concern he would have stolen a weapon and threatened people personal safety with it.

    So after aruging and his daughter begging him to stop and saying please don't beat up my dad please don't ( which i wasn't gonna do at least until i recovered the firearm) i just say im sorry it won't happen again i'll leave give me my things right now and he says no im going to its mine now and im selling it.. I tell him no your not, told his daughter to call the police before something bad happens and then he decides to say i'll give your gun back and you better not come around here. Throws my stuff at my and my phone which is guffed up now. I have my things im trying to get the girl to get off the porch to get me outta there and hes still in my face telling me hes gonna kill me. I had my all my firearms accounted for i told him hey its over you said what you had to say you struck which your so fucking lucky i don't rip your eyes for. Around this time his wife pulls up and blocks us in and shes got no idea why he pushing me and i have my balled to and a look a murder in my eyes. We finally get going and hes threating to call the police on me which is hilarious in its own right. As were backing out hes pretending to hold a rifle and shoot at me like a loser.

    Now i don't really want to call the police and file a report and shuffle in and out of court rooms for who knows how old and be onthe PD's radar, he really deserves jail time for his stunt today and all of the bullshit hes pulled in the past, but if i get him for DUI or arrested and sent to jail hes the primary bread winner in the home and his poor abused wife and daughter would suffer more than him.

    Oh jeez if i didn't vent that in some way i woulda went back over and i would have been arrested.

    Now my questions are, at that point with him assualting me and having stolen my shotgun, cause i have unholstered my weapon and had it out just in case. Was able to just shoot him considering the circumstances.....i think i handled it well, no shots were fired, guns recovered, im hoping and fucking praying that he didn't do something stupid with my shotgun while i was in the home.... How do you guys think i handled it and what would you have done.

    Im not a police officer, i am criminal justice major, but we don't go over like how many years someone would get for stealing a gun and such. My question is whats legal recourse, what would happen to him. Is he alouded to take possesion of my someones firearm without permission even tho it was on his property?

    Im just still so pissed about this because i was treated and subjected to this....and now that he pushed someone around he thinks hes the baddest man on the planet and its only gonna get worse for everyone in that house.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
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    Default Re: I have some questions reguarding my "encounter" today

    Quote Originally Posted by mickey01023 View Post
    I sold some firearms this morning. I was doing my last transfer at Gun Toters in Ennyon which is a great store. I happened to notice someones father of this girl i know. I spoke to him for a minute or too how hes doing and whats he lookin at (ak47). So later on i decided to call the girl and see how she was doing and such and we decided we would go shooting. We went for shooting and went back to her house in her car. Her dad is a drunk, and i don't mean drinks to much sometimes hes an alcoholic hes abusive mentaly verablly and physicaly to his wife and daughter. He was we were pulling up he was chasing a person on there atv for going by his house...maybe he was right for doing that they do fly down the street and i don't think there street legal. We get out and talk for a moment and hes like im gonna get them and hops on his motorcycle totally hammered not had a 6 pack on the hot day, DRUNK DRUNK and takes off to go to there house to "show them"

    So i went in and hes hey i saw you today blahblah and hes yelling at his daughter to get the # to police station hes gonna have them arrested and thrown in jail for a quader driving by his house lol.....she said no im doing that let it go, so he demanded to be taken down the police station and was just being totaly confrontational not towards me yet, but about the quaders and how the police better do something or else. I told him hey those cops have an attitude all there gonna do is take a report and send you home. Which isn't true the cops in carbondale are cool. So hes like your your my buddy blah blah...and gun toters came up inthe convo again and hes like yeah i bought the ar-15 and im gonna shoot those fucking quaders and make tons of noise they'll know not to come around here and they'll move blah blahblah...i told hm yeah there nice i want one i have my shotgun in your daughters car im not to sure if its in her name or his( its like 90 degrees here we stopped at her place to get some water or icetea) so he preceeds to tell me that its illegal to have a gun in a car...i didn't really want to aruge with him cause trying to debate anything with a drunken moron is just stupid.

    I said ok im sorry won't happen again blah blah hes like i love my kids guns are so dangerous no one should have them ( coming from the guy trying to buy a 600 dollar ak-47 and throughout the convos claiming to have bought it) so i let him be and we went upstairs talked about going to dinner and playing with her cat and ferrets which are cool btw. About 10 or 15 minutes before we decide were gonna leave, he leaves. So she goes to the bathroom makeup whatever, i have my ammo belt for shotguns still on when i was in the house and i took it off cause it was heavy and i was sweating. Nowhere to be found, so im thinking oh maybe its misplaced or outside who knows. I check in the trunk of the car to see if maybe she put it there and forgot.....well my shotgun is missing. After searching the area i didn't find it, and i knew it wasn't taken by someone off the street because my .22 was in the backseat in a rifle case.

    So we wait for him to come back. He comes back and changed into like a "biker" look chaps and a leather vest and all that jazz. I ask him wheres my shotgun he said he doesn't know...3 times i asked him still he didn't know till i said then i have to call the police (which i do when a weapon does unaccounted for) he comes over grabs phone and starts screaming at me for bringing a gun to his home who the fuck do i think i am this and that hes going crazy ( he didn't say anything about my sidearm which was strange lol) hes telling me hes going to kill me and shoot me with it and hes slapping me and punched me once and im just trying not to rip this guys head off cause he has my phone and i still don't know where my shotgun is. I thought that he went got it, got in his biker gear to go scare the neighbors into not driving there atv's around his house which is stilllllll a huge fucking concern he would have stolen a weapon and threatened people personal safety with it.

    So after aruging and his daughter begging him to stop and saying please don't beat up my dad please don't ( which i wasn't gonna do at least until i recovered the firearm) i just say im sorry it won't happen again i'll leave give me my things right now and he says no im going to its mine now and im selling it.. I tell him no your not, told his daughter to call the police before something bad happens and then he decides to say i'll give your gun back and you better not come around here. Throws my stuff at my and my phone which is guffed up now. I have my things im trying to get the girl to get off the porch to get me outta there and hes still in my face telling me hes gonna kill me. I had my all my firearms accounted for i told him hey its over you said what you had to say you struck which your so fucking lucky i don't rip your eyes for. Around this time his wife pulls up and blocks us in and shes got no idea why he pushing me and i have my balled to and a look a murder in my eyes. We finally get going and hes threating to call the police on me which is hilarious in its own right. As were backing out hes pretending to hold a rifle and shoot at me like a loser.

    Now i don't really want to call the police and file a report and shuffle in and out of court rooms for who knows how old and be onthe PD's radar, he really deserves jail time for his stunt today and all of the bullshit hes pulled in the past, but if i get him for DUI or arrested and sent to jail hes the primary bread winner in the home and his poor abused wife and daughter would suffer more than him.

    Oh jeez if i didn't vent that in some way i woulda went back over and i would have been arrested.

    Now my questions are, at that point with him assualting me and having stolen my shotgun, cause i have unholstered my weapon and had it out just in case. Was able to just shoot him considering the circumstances.....i think i handled it well, no shots were fired, guns recovered, im hoping and fucking praying that he didn't do something stupid with my shotgun while i was in the home.... How do you guys think i handled it and what would you have done.

    Im not a police officer, i am criminal justice major, but we don't go over like how many years someone would get for stealing a gun and such. My question is whats legal recourse, what would happen to him. Is he alouded to take possesion of my someones firearm without permission even tho it was on his property?

    Im just still so pissed about this because i was treated and subjected to this....and now that he pushed someone around he thinks hes the baddest man on the planet and its only gonna get worse for everyone in that house.
    You should have called the local PD and reported a firearm/gun theft.
    Then kicked his ass!

    When the police showed, tell them he fell down, cause he was drunk.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have some questions reguarding my "encounter" today

    Good lord, man... that's one of the hardest things I've ever tried to read.
    And you're a criminal justice major... in college??

    I truly don't know where to begin.

    While many claim to support the right, precious few support the practice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have some questions reguarding my "encounter" today

    Holy crap is all I can say there. Several things, A: When you realized the nutcase is drunk off his ass, find an excuse and get the hell outta there. B: Why are your weapons out of sight and not secured? I could have missed something in the story, my attention started to wander after the first resemblance of a paragraph.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have some questions reguarding my "encounter" today

    Sounds like an exciting day!

    Personally, I'd just drop it and never go back.

    Nothing good would come from pressing charges. And you'd have a target on your back. Sounds like the guy isn't to far from getting into more serious trouble with the law anyway. Why would you want to be in his high beams?

    If you feel like going out with the girl again I'd make sure that I never set foot on his property.

    Mean, vicious, obnoxious drunks have no place in my life. (Grew up with a dad like that.) Best to just keep your distance.
    Divided we ever have been, and ever must be.Two thirds always had and will have more difficulty to struggle with the one third than with all our foreign enemies. - John Adams

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have some questions reguarding my "encounter" today

    Quote Originally Posted by Montanya View Post
    Holy crap is all I can say there. Several things, A: When you realized the nutcase is drunk off his ass, find an excuse and get the hell outta there. B: Why are your weapons out of sight and not secured? I could have missed something in the story, my attention started to wander after the first resemblance of a paragraph.
    it was in a trunk of a car in side a of garage....not much more i can do to secure them like you can't go to someones home you can't walk around with rifles in your arms and except them to let you stay or think your not crazy.....

    Ima big boy im 23 i can be around a drunk, the guys not tough or anything hes like 5'5 5'6

    im angry beyond repair being grammatically correct isn't a priority right now..its the internet, and im on a gun forum not interviewing for a job and i don't wanna sound like an asshole its just ughhhhi wanna have him arrested or go beat his face, im just not looking to get arrested

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have some questions reguarding my "encounter" today

    Quote Originally Posted by Curmudgeon View Post
    Good lord, man... that's one of the hardest things I've ever tried to read.
    And you're a criminal justice major... in college??

    I truly don't know where to begin.

    im angry beyond repair being grammatically correct isn't a priority right now..its the internet, and im on a gun forum not interviewing for a job and i don't wanna sound like an asshole its just ughhhhi wanna have him arrested or go beat his face, im just not looking to get arrested

    i think i've written 4 papers maybe out of tons of isn't all papers, presentations....most of the professors go by the reasoning i have 9 classes that means i have to read 4 or 500, 5-25 page papers and i quote professor walsh "mamma didn't raise no fool!"

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have some questions reguarding my "encounter" today

    Quote Originally Posted by stephpd View Post
    Sounds like an exciting day!

    Personally, I'd just drop it and never go back.

    Nothing good would come from pressing charges. And you'd have a target on your back. Sounds like the guy isn't to far from getting into more serious trouble with the law anyway. Why would you want to be in his high beams?

    If you feel like going out with the girl again I'd make sure that I never set foot on his property.

    Mean, vicious, obnoxious drunks have no place in my life. (Grew up with a dad like that.) Best to just keep your distance.
    im not worried about being the guys headlights, if anything i might start drinking again and go back to the bars in hopes of seeing him......

    his daughter was more happy i didn't beat her dad up....shes like some girls you get in there bed by showing them how bad you kick someones ass, you did something better by having the means and not using them....

    im gonna plow his daughter and video tape it and mail it to him lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have some questions reguarding my "encounter" today

    Run. I would prefer north or west if you don't mind.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have some questions reguarding my "encounter" today

    Quote Originally Posted by mickey01023 View Post
    im angry beyond repair being grammatically correct isn't a priority right now..its the internet, and im on a gun forum not interviewing for a job and i don't wanna sound like an asshole its just ughhhhi wanna have him arrested or go beat his face, im just not looking to get arrested
    True, but if you want us to give you advice, you have to give us a coherent story first.

    You should have called the cops as soon as you saw your guns were missing. No girl is worth all of that hassle. If she sides with her dad, you should just shrug your shoulders and move on with your life.

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