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  1. #1
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    Default Never Trumpers and the 2nd

    This article brings up some good points. During the election a lot of people were proud to be never Trumpers. I know a lot of people on this site brought up the fact that the next president would probably get a couple of Supreme Court picks. That did not matter because...... Never Trump. If Hillary had gotten in she would have had at least two Supreme Court Picks and maybe three. Btw..... any republican politicians, celebrities or media that is NeverTrump are no friend of the 2nd imo.

    I am sure that Trump is still not the favorite of many. But I think Trump is showing that yes.... he was the better choice than Hillary for anyone who holds the 2nd in high regard.

    If Hillary had won:

    She would have replaced Scalia. That alone would have been monumental. Any 2nd Amendment cases would almost definitely be going 5-4 against the 2nd.

    I am betting Ginsberg would have stepped down by now. That would have given Hillary a chance to replace her with a new justice who would be anti for decades to come.

    And possibly Kennedy. This is not a sure thing. There is a good chance that he would have held out if Hillary had won. But maybe not. Trump winning gave him the ability to definitely step down during a Republican administration which is huge. If he did step down now, or if he had to hang around until the next election cycle and a democrat won again, Kennedy may well have stepped down and the courts would be 6-3 against the 2nd in most cases.

    Elections have consequences. In this case the consequences were positive for supporters of the 2nd. Should he run again I hope people take this into consideration and put the never Trump attitude behind them. If NeverTrump had won out, we would be looking at dark days for the 2nd right now.

    Nolte: Never-Trump Would’ve Handed Democrats 6-3 Supreme Court Majority
    Had the National Review, the Weekly Standard, David Frum, Rick Wilson, Jonah Goldberg, Bill Kristol, Joe Scarborough, and the rest of this morally bankrupt crew called Never Trump won the day, Democrats would be looking at a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court.

    Had Never Trump got what they wanted in 2016 — a President Hillary Clinton — Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia would have already been replaced with another Ruth Bader Ginsberg, which ensured an immediate 5-4 left-wing majority. But thanks to the man Never Trump told us was not a real conservative, we got Neil Gorsuch.

    If that is not enough of a real-life nightmare (as I’ll explain below), Wednesday’s retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy would have increased that already unthinkable majority to 6-3, ensuring a left-wing court rewriting the Constitution for decades to come.

    Just look at the hell these Never Trumpers would have unleashed during the Supreme Court term that just ended.

    Cake artists forced to participate in same-sex weddings.
    Public employees forced to contribute to Democrat campaigns through forced union dues.
    Pro-life clinics forced by the state to advertise for abortion clinics.
    States not allowed to clean up their own outdated voter rolls.
    And on and on…

    Those were the stakes, and Never Trump knew those were the stakes, and still this elitist tribe of narcissistic preeners chose to campaign for Hillary, chose to fight alongside CNN, MSNBC, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and the Democrats.

    Had Never Trump won the day, the consequences to our way of life would have been very real, for we would not only would now live in a country where the government could force us to promote abortion (and God only knows where this precedent would have led), where the government could force artists to create art that violated their religious consciences (and put their very souls at risk), this would have only been a prelude to a parade of SCOTUS horrors Never Trump was willing to let loose in order to balm their neurotic egos.

    Our Second Amendment civil rights would have vanished, illegal aliens would have won the right to vote, international law would have superseded the Constitution, and using the issue of gay marriage, our Church would have been effectively dismantled.

    All of this was on the line — everyone knew it — and those of us who Never Trump smeared as racist, backwards, ignorant deplorables conned into voting for Trump knew this was on the line. And still, Never Trump sided with CNN and campaigned for Hillary Clinton.

    What’s more, we now know that when Never Trump said it was driven by “muh principles,” by moral issues, that was also a big fat lie.

    To begin with, Never Trump wanted Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt politician yet to be indicted, and her credibly accused-rapist husband back in the White House.

    But these Never Trumpers truly exposed their dishonesty by vigorously backing Congressman Mark Sanford (R-SC) in his primary re-election bid against a pro-Trump Republican.

    After months of attempting to shame Trump supporters and evangelicals over the possibility Trump might have had trysts with a porn star over a decade ago, Never Trump circled the wagons for Sanford, a man who just a few years ago disappeared from the governor’s office to have an extramarital affair in Buenos Aires.

    And now that we might have a real chance to overturn Roe v. Wade, which is not only unconstitutional but the tacit approval of the cold-blooded murder of millions of unborn children, now that Trump has promised to put a “pro-life” justice on the court…

    Oh, muh principles indeed.

    Never Trump was never about morality, conservatism, individual liberty, and it certainly is not about America.

    Never Trump is and was only about one thing — a bunch of spoiled, petty, small-minded, bigoted sore losers who desperately want to be on CNN and MSNBC.

    These nihilistic peacocks all put their personal vanity above the fate of their own country, and all but a few have shown the integrity and humility to admit just how horribly wrong they are.

    Someday I might be able to forgive, but for right now these Vichy Republicans can slow cook in hell.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Never Trumpers and the 2nd

    A lot of us swallowed our pride and voted Trump because we knew SCOTUS was what mattered. For that, we were called sellouts and Trump fan boys. He's a dip shit, but getting 2 or 3 SCOTUS picks makes me willing to put up with a lot. I don't log on here too much these days but even I notice that the never Trumpers seem to be keeping a low profile. Can't admit to being wrong I suppose.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Never Trumpers and the 2nd

    DJT is the best thing to ever happen to the US in decades.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Never Trumpers and the 2nd

    I held my nose and voted Trump. He is turning out to be the best President since Reagan.
    The gift that keeps on Winning!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Never Trumpers and the 2nd

    Quote Originally Posted by thebearpack View Post
    A lot of us swallowed our pride and voted Trump because we knew SCOTUS was what mattered. For that, we were called sellouts and Trump fan boys. He's a dip shit, but getting 2 or 3 SCOTUS picks makes me willing to put up with a lot. I don't log on here too much these days but even I notice that the never Trumpers seem to be keeping a low profile. Can't admit to being wrong I suppose.
    I was for Cruz at first, but when it became clear he was not going to win, I was all in for Trump. Seriously Clinton or Trump, no contest.

    For me it was the Supreme Court, anything other than that was icing. There has been a lot of icing imo as he has stood up for a lot that I think other candidates would have melted away from.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Never Trumpers and the 2nd

    Funny thing is more the left hated Trump the better he looked for me.
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Never Trumpers and the 2nd

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosco the Iroc View Post
    Funny thing is more the left hated Trump the better he looked for me.
    I, and my entire crew of 11, vote in every election, FedCityState, primary general,,,,,,Every one.
    But I haven't voted FOR anyone since RR, it's all been voting the lesser of the two evils.
    Same this time, but it's working out well.
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Never Trumpers and the 2nd

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosco the Iroc View Post
    Funny thing is more the left hated Trump the better he looked for me.

    Honestly, when I see what he brings out in people from the left (politicians, media, celebrities), and how they blow everything he does out of proportion, the more I am convinced I made the right choice.

    What the media does not see imo..... is that there were millions of Americans who were unhappy with Obama because of his policies. I did not vote for Obama, but it was not until Obamacare and forcing people to buy something they did not that I became anti obama. A few other policies and his anti 2nd push and I could not wait for him to be gone.

    And millions of American were extremely upset and felt the country was becoming divided. But because the media supported Obama, they did not see this, give those people a voice, and considered them fringe lunatics.

    Now that Trump is the president, they now call America divided, and going down the wrong direction. And they still can’t see that a large percentage of Americans were unhappy under Obama and the direction America was going with him, and it only matters because they are now unhappy. They are now giving those who think like them a platform still ingnoring those in America who have been unhappy for years.

    I don’t always like the way Trump does things. But he is doing what I have been wanting a candidate to do for years, challenge the system and shake up the status quo. The fact that so many in Washington on both sides of the aisle are unhappy with Trump makes me happy. People in this country who have been ignored for years are getting a voice, I think that is a good thing. I think everyone should have a voice, not just those the media sees fit.

    I think Trump is a direct result of Obama. The next Liberal President may be a direct result of Trump. But for me Trump is standing the establishment on its head, and considering how stagnant Washington has been, that is a good thing.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Never Trumpers and the 2nd

    The biggest fallacy of the Obama era is the one that the weird are normal. Acceptance of the abnormal is one thing but to lead them to believe that they are normal is another. The truth is sure to be devastating to them.
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  10. #10
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    Default Re: Never Trumpers and the 2nd

    Quote Originally Posted by internet troll View Post
    I was for Cruz at first, but when it became clear he was not going to win, I was all in for Trump. Seriously Clinton or Trump, no contest.

    For me it was the Supreme Court, anything other than that was icing. There has been a lot of icing imo as he has stood up for a lot that I think other candidates would have melted away from.
    I liked cruz until I saw him fight. Creepy. Knew it was over. Jumped on Trump wagon with both feet. Had me worried after that shooting was used hard by fascist dems. Now I understand Trump 's ways.
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