Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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Thread: A little scary

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    murrysville, Pennsylvania
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    Default A little scary

    Yesterday I was in a larger Gun store here in PA. And a well-dressed elderly gentleman came in,
    He was looking for a Carry Gun, The clerk seamed to be very helpful. The man was looking at the Turus Judge. Someone had told him it was a Good self Defense Gun. all this seemed very normal till the Man ask what do the Bullets look like . The clerk stated 410 shotgun or 45 long colt. The Man replied yes but what do they look like. Another case the Gun club I belonged to has an Indoor range open to Members at any time, The story. I heard was A guy who had never fired a Gun had joined the club, Gone into the Range with another guy who had never fired a Gun, and shot several holes in the hard wood floor and as many in the roof. I know Gun sales are going threw the Roof. But it’s a little Scary that so many people who do not have a clue are out buying guns. This could end Badly if the number of Gun Accidents should go up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A little scary

    People do not feel safe anymore in this country. If "our" own president is willing to spend money we dont have and give money to the super rich then what makes people who are losing there jobs by the 1000's not try to break into my house and steal what I worked hard for?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A little scary

    I see both stories related in the OP as missed opportunities to educate.

    Everyone has to start somewhere.

    First step would be the rules of safe gun handling. Then show them what the ammo looks like, how to load, and offer to teach them how to use the weapon.

    Think back to when you first started, I bet most of us weren't Einsteins either.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A little scary

    Quote Originally Posted by Kimba View Post
    I see both stories related in the OP as missed opportunities to educate.

    Everyone has to start somewhere.

    First step would be the rules of safe gun handling. Then show them what the ammo looks like, how to load, and offer to teach them how to use the weapon.

    Think back to when you first started, I bet most of us weren't Einsteins either.

    Any time we bitch about ignorance we have missed a chance to educate. Whether that's about firearms, driving, or even just plain decency. We have an obligation to try to improve our communities. This is just an easy way to do so.

    He may have wanted to know what they look like because he has some ammo at home and thought it would work in the Taurus Judge. He may not know enough to ask what calibre or anything like that. Spend a few minutes talking to him about deffensive firearms courses he should take.

    Two guys in a range acting dangerously screams for friendly education.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A little scary

    This is the exact scenario that causes me to be OK with some kind of mandatory training or proficiency test before being allowed to buy guns. I think everyone legally "clean" should be allowed to own and carry guns (obviously), provided they can demonstrate the ability to safely operate and handle them.
    - I support Israel; "If guns kill people my pencil causes bad spelling."

  6. #6
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    Default Re: A little scary

    This situation definitely calls for an intervention, but that can be a bit dicey when you are standing in a gunshop.

    Gunshop owners are rightfully prickly about customers giving each other advice at the counter, or doing anything that might 'queer the deal'.

    I might have waited until the gentleman had concluded his business before approaching him, but I would have.

    I also would have recommended a class for him.
    He was one of God’s own prototypes—a high-powered mutant of some kind who was never even considered for mass production. He was too weird to live and too rare to die....

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A little scary

    Do not get me wrong I too believe, everyone has a right to defend themselves, I was throwing this out, that Gun owners, shooters, and Reloaders assume everyone they meet at the Range or Gun store know what they are doing. And that is not always the case. Some will gladly take your advice, others will not. But as for allowing the State to get involved with who can or can not buy a gun Legally . I could not be more against it.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: A little scary

    Guy sounds like a bullet maniac, something similar to a pyromaniac, and I bet as soon as he sees the cartridges he hides most of his face then starts murmuring to himself something like: yes oh.... come to daddy!

    Usually those kind of people make my day.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: A little scary

    Quote Originally Posted by imp81318 View Post
    This is the exact scenario that causes me to be OK with some kind of mandatory training or proficiency test before being allowed to buy guns. I think everyone legally "clean" should be allowed to own and carry guns (obviously), provided they can demonstrate the ability to safely operate and handle them.
    Please stop with the "mandatory". Just the fuel the antis would love to use for more restrictions. Most people figure it out or get the training.
    It's getting so tiresome listening to this Soccer mom mentality of government handholding.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: A little scary

    Quote Originally Posted by imp81318 View Post
    This is the exact scenario that causes me to be OK with some kind of mandatory training or proficiency test before being allowed to buy guns. I think everyone legally "clean" should be allowed to own and carry guns (obviously), provided they can demonstrate the ability to safely operate and handle them.

    I'll go for that, as soon as you pass a state mandated English test before you post or write a letter to the editor ever again.

    Ahem.....A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the RIGHT of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

    I see you already got to it PP, sorry, I had stopped reading right there to post.

    Rep sent to ya.
    Go sell crazy some where else, we're all stocked up here.

    Political power grows from the muzzle of a gun.

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