Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Susquehanna, Pennsylvania
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    Default From the USCCA "Shootings don't happen at gun shows..."

    "Shootings don't happen at gun shows..."

    I'm sure it's no longer news to many of you that on Sunday, a Baptist Pastor was gunned down during a sermon at his Illinois Church in a sleepy Illinois community.

    This shooting is a horrible tragedy, and my heart and tears go out to this good man's family and friends, and everyone who had to witness this evil act.

    Furthermore, this tragedy is more evidence for a few truths that people like you and I know to be universal:

    Truth 1) Anti-Gun laws don't work.

    The guy who killed the pastor couldn't legally carry his pistol- not in Illinois, where an American's right to armed self defense isn't recognized. But, he carried a pistol anyway.

    Truth 2) Gun Free Zones don't work.

    Even if the gunman could have carried, most states that allow concealed carry have strict laws against carrying these weapons in church- unless given permission by the pastor or church leaders. Since the congregation had never seen the gunman before, he wouldn't have had permission. But, he carried a pistol anyway.

    Truth 3) Police Officers can't be everywhere at once.

    And, nobody should expect them to be. It's just as stupid to think that a cop will be handy the next time a Cho Seung Hui wannabe opens up on a crowd, as it would be to bank on it raining the next time your grass field or woods catches on fire. You are in control of your own safety.

    Truth 4) Citizens who fight back save lives.

    Even though the members of this congregation were barred from effective, armed self defense, three of them still jumped up and tackled the gunman when he tried to chase the fleeing pastor down. The shooter's .45 jammed while firing, and he resorted to a knife. Three brave citizens tackled the guy and subdued him despite the knife, and all three were injured doing so. But none were hurt as bad as they put the hurts to the gunman.

    Truth 5 - The Final Truth) Gun Control gets people killed.

    Would the shooter still have targeted a church if it were common knowledge that most churches had appointed members of their congregation to act as security guards and wear concealed weapons? Would he still be alive if a member of his congregation had been carrying concealed? Would he still be alive, had he been carrying?

    You never know. We will never know the outcome of this situation given these factors. But, we do know the outcome of this situation given the GUN CONTROL factor.

    And that outcome, is one dead pastor, and three injured innocent men who were forced to attack a knife-wielding gunman with their bare hands.

    I have no doubt that the misguided (albethey noisy) minority will try to blame this tragedy on the handgun used. They will ignore the truths outlined above. The politicians of Illinois who have kept their state so defenseless over the years should be ashamed.

    Politicians like Barrack Obama, who helped keep Illinois defenseless for years while participating within the government there.

    He does not support concealed carry, and he believes that the 1994 "Clinton Gun Ban" should be made permanent.

    Given the trajectory of the country, I am very afraid that he is going to get his way.

    That is just PART of the reason why you must gear up now. If you enjoy the freedom of carrying concealed, shooting for sport, or defending your home, your ability to buy and own the tools you use to do so are in serious jeopardy.

    If Clinton's Gun Ban (expired in 2004) is made permanent, you will never be able to buy magazines that hold more than 10 rounds ever again. You will never be able to walk into a store, and buy an M1A, and AR15, or an AK47 (or possibly ammunition used in these weapons).

    In fact, if Obama has his way, you probably won't even be able to buy a Remington 870 pump shotgun. Can you imagine living in England, and having to apply for a permit to even keep an unloaded and secured double-barrel bird gun in your home?

    Can you imagine shooting a violent criminal with that shotgun, who was trying to break into your home to kill you, and then watching him walk free while you rot in prison, and read about your kids and grand kids growing up through letters and pictures?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Allentown, Pennsylvania
    (Lehigh County)
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    Default Re: From the USCCA "Shootings don't happen at gun shows..."

    I agree with you completely.... Though I think you could have mentioned the fact that when/if the gun grabbers get their way, they will then go after the knives, first there would be restrictions on the the type of knife: Ka-Bar, Cold Steel etc... as these knives are known as fighting knives and should only be in the hands of the military or LEO. Then they would go after any other knife that "looks scary", then knives that fold and can be carried in a pocket: Buck, Old Timer etc... since these knives could be hidden until the last moment. Before you know it you will only be able to have a steak in a steakhouse that has a special permit to have knives.

    Then when they have taken away the knives they will start on baseball bats, lumber, firewood etc...
    When you are called a racist, it just means you won an argument with an Obama supporter.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    (Philadelphia County)
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    Default Re: From the USCCA "Shootings don't happen at gun shows..."

    rocks, marbles, rolls of quarters, socks, padlocks, bars of soap . . .
    Last edited by Legion_Prime; March 10th, 2009 at 10:08 PM.
    Warning: I may not read responses to OP before posting

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Easton, Pennsylvania
    (Northampton County)
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    Default Re: From the USCCA "Shootings don't happen at gun shows..."

    ........table legs, ice cream(brain freeze=deadly), tire irons, tires, irons, my fists, all of the yo momma jokes. Life shall be bland.

    Armed, I am free.
    ZRT Sector 7 (Recon)
    A 3 percenter

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