Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default Reading to vote to Ban "Ghost Guns"

    Looks like the city of Reading will be the 3rd one in the state to pass a law banning "Ghost Guns". it will ban the purchase and transfer of un-serialized guns. Philly has the same allow and the state supreme court allowed it to stand because they are not firearms until completed.

    READING – The Reading City Council took a historic step Monday to ban the sale or transfer of so-called ghost guns — unserialized firearms made from parts, kits or 3D-printed pieces that can be sold without background checks.

    The ordinance was introduced with little fanfare or discussion, before a small audience of less than five. But if it passes at the council’s next meeting, Reading will become the third Pennsylvania city to enact such a ban.

    The move comes at a unique time for Pennsylvania, which has strong preemption laws barring local governments from enacting firearms regulations that are stricter than state law. But a February Commonwealth Court decision allowed a Philadelphia ghost gun ban to stand, setting the stage for other cities to follow.

    The city of York enacted a similar ban in May. And now Reading is set to vote.

    “When we look at other cities like Philadelphia and York, the fact that they have passed [bans] sets precedence,” Reading City Councilor Jaime Baez Jr. told the Capital-Star. “The main reason is because of the gun violence we’re seeing and not being able to trace those guns.”

    The window for such regulations, however, may be small. Gun Owners of America, the pro-Second Amendment group that challenged Philadelphia’s ban, has appealed the Commonwealth Court decision to the state Supreme Court. And a pending case before the U.S. Supreme Court could also have an impact on local laws.

    But other cities may be exercising caution as they wait for the appeal. The Berks County district attorney, for example, cautioned the Reading City Council last month against enacting such a ban before the state supreme court rules.

    “Any time you restrict someone’s Second Amendment rights, the burden will shift to the government to prove that there is a commensurate restriction going back to the time that the Second Amendment was enacted,” Berks County First Assistant District Attorney Dennis Skayhan told Reading City Council last month, referring to a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling.

    Brandon Flood, director of government affairs with the local anti-gun violence group Ceasefire PA, told the Reading City Council last month that he is talking to numerous local officials across Pennsylvania about similar bans, including in the capital city, Harrisburg.

    A Reading City Council meeting on Monday, August 12.
    A growing problem
    Ghost guns have become a major issue among Second Amendment and gun safety reform advocates alike in recent years.

    The growing availability of 3D-printers and the proliferation of commercially available DIY kits have increased their prevalence across the country. In many states, like Pennsylvania, those kits can be purchased without a background check and assembled at home.

    The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has said the number of ghost guns recovered by law enforcement annually has increased dramatically in recent years, with roughly 27,600 reported in 2022.

    The same is true locally.

    For example, the Philadelphia police department saw an increase from 12 in 2018 to 575 in 2022.

    That’s according to a lawsuit filed by the city against two of the largest manufacturers of ghost gun kits nationwide, Polymer80 and JSD Supply. That lawsuit ended in a settlement earlier this year and both companies agreed to stop selling ghost gun kits in Philadelphia and the surrounding area.

    Reading Police Chief Eli Vazquez told a city council committee earlier this month that the number of ghost guns seized by his department has increased annually from four in 2021, to 13 in 2022, to 20 in 2023. That number stands at five so far in 2024.

    Numerous states have enacted their own bans and regulations on ghost guns. According to Everytown USA, a gun control advocacy group, 15 states have enacted some form of ghost gun regulation. States like California and Illinois, for example, require serial numbers and background checks for purchases.

    The Pennsylvania House passed a bill with a 104-97 vote in March that would make it a felony to sell or purchase ghost guns without serial numbers. Only three House Republicans voted in favor of it, and it has yet to be taken up by the Republican-majority state Senate.

    “These guns are just too easily accessible,” said Rep. Morgan Cephas (D-Philadelphia), the bill’s sponsor. “We don’t want to obviously take these guns away. We just want them to be registered, have a serial number, and to ensure that responsible gun owners have access to this and they’re not getting into the hands of our kids and bad actors.”

    Cephas cited numerous Pennsylvania incidents involving ghost guns, including a mass shooting in the Kingsessing neighborhood of Philadelphia that left five people dead last year.

    The ATF under President Joe Biden has also attempted to regulate ghost guns. The agency wrote a rule in 2022, expanding the definition of firearm to include ghost gun kits, requiring serial numbers, and for background checks to be conducted on their sale.

    A Texas federal district court blocked the rule. But the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to take up the case on appeal and allowed the rule to stand in the meantime.

    Ironically, if the U.S. Supreme Court sides with ghost gun advocates and overturns the federal rule, it could strengthen Philadelphia’s defense of its own ban before the state Supreme Court.

    The ATF proposes to regulate ghost guns by defining them as firearms. But Philadelphia’s argument is that the city’s ban should stand because they’re not firearms.

    The U.S. Supreme Court, however, has shown little willingness to allow new gun regulations. And that may leave the issue with state and local governments.

    Josh Fleitman, campaign director with the local anti-gun violence group, Ceasefire PA, sees a certain irony.

    “The gun rights groups, they argue that ghost guns are not real guns, and that’s why they should not be subjected to the same rules like requiring a background check or requiring serial numbers,” Fleitman said. “We ran with that logic, and we said, ‘OK, if ghost guns are not real guns, then they are not subject to the state preemption law on firearms.’”

    Cephas, the sponsor of the statewide ghost gun bill, hopes that local regulations push state lawmakers to act.

    “I think it’s setting a precedent,” Cephas said. “It is local communities wanting us to act on an issue that has impacted so many of our lives, whether that be in rural communities, urban communities, or suburban communities.”

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Reading to vote to Ban "Ghost Guns"

    I*ve already spoken about this. It doesn*t matter what they say. It wouldn*t hold up in court because they are legal in Pennsylvania. Reading, Philadelphia, or any other city can NOT make laws that undermine State law. It*s NOT illegal to have my P80 here in Delaware county. Therefore it is NOT illegal to have in Philly, Reading or any other Pennsylvania city!

    Here’s a picture: If a more conservative city/town in Pennsylvania wanted to BAN Abortion-Baby Murder and make the Planned Murderhood & clinics close down that were in their town, it would be a violation of State Law.
    Remember Biden the Pedophile!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Reading to vote to Ban "Ghost Guns"

    Short version : Reading voted to volunteer to be sued big time when one of their cops violates a citizen of Reading and confiscates a gun and arrests the owner?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Reading to vote to Ban "Ghost Guns"

    If the legal argument that an unfinished 80% receiver is not a "firearm" holds up, then the state preemption law would not apply. To my untrained mind, it seems like a brilliant legal argument, even if I disagree with the intent.

    If it is legally just a hunk of plastic or aluminum, then presumably the local government has the ability to ban sales or even possession of "AR-15 receiver-shaped hunks of aluminum" or "Glock-shaped hunks of plastic". Once it becomes a functioning firearm receiver, it SHOULD fall under the state preemption law. It would then require a background check to legally transfer, though I am still unclear on how or if you can transfer a homemade firearm with no serial number.

    Give it some time. I am confident that someone will come out with a duck-shaped toothbrush holder that happens to accept G19 mags and slides to circumvent the law.

    IANAL, but sometimes wish I was.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Reading to vote to Ban "Ghost Guns"

    And the Supreme Court already ruled the *AFT* overstepped it*s authority in trying to classify them as firearms. Which means the original classification holds. They are NOT firearms! Therefore, Philly, York, Reading & any other Libtard run city in the commonwealth, can suck a fat KNOB!

    Cities cannot go over the State*s head! It*s just that democrats think they can now because they gotten away with violating so much of the Constitution already. But it*s not going to fly with 2A & firearms. That is an instant trip to Civil War.
    Remember Biden the Pedophile!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Reading to vote to Ban "Ghost Guns"

    We don't want to take guns, just register them.

    They're scary guns so we need to ban them. Wait, we can't ban guns, so we've decided they're not guns, so we actually can ban them. Huh?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Reading to vote to Ban "Ghost Guns"

    There are plenty of older firearms with no serial numbers. Wasn't required long ago.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Reading to vote to Ban "Ghost Guns"

    I believe it wasn't until the firearms act in 1968 that serial numbers were required.

    Stupid New Jersey did the ghost gun ban thing, while assuming that guns always had serial numbers.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Reading to vote to Ban "Ghost Guns"

    Quote Originally Posted by father-of-five View Post
    I believe it wasn't until the firearms act in 1968 that serial numbers were required.

    Stupid New Jersey did the ghost gun ban thing, while assuming that guns always had serial numbers.
    correct it was the gun control act of 1968 that required serial numbers for manufacturers.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Reading to vote to Ban "Ghost Guns"

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidH View Post
    And the Supreme Court already ruled the *AFT* overstepped it*s authority in trying to classify them as firearms. Which means the original classification holds. They are NOT firearms!
    I don’t think that meant nobody can ever decide an 80% receiver is a firearm, just that the AFT can’t declare them one just because. I think if a legislature did that, it would have to be challenged separately all over again.

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