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  1. #1
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    Default Assault of a 60 yr old = $900 fine WTF?

    I was talking to my neighbor, his stepson is a rotten son of a bitch. He's constantly in trouble, but his mother is always codling him and getting him out of trouble.

    Most recently, he went to another house in the neighborhood and demanded that either the son pay him for the drugs he gave the son or the parents pay him. The father, a 60 year old guy with a brain tumor, tells him to get off his property, and starts walking towards the car to get the license plate number. The bastard pushes the dad over, kicks him a couple times and then jumps in the car and takes off.

    The bastard only gets M2 assault, S harassment, and S Disorderly conduct. The M2 assault gets dropped, and he gets $900 in fines.

    If this were his only offense, I wouldn't have a problem with it, but...I did a docket search on him and got 4 pages of hits. I know for a fact he was in jail earlier this year. Are they waiting until he kills or cripples someone?

    I won't post the bastards name, because I respect his parents. They are good people, it's just that his mother cannot grasp the concept of tough love.

    By the way, the magistrate is WAGNER, WILLIAM in McCandless. I fully intend to up up some anti-election signs for him when the time comes. I'm also going to send him a *nice* letter.

    Feel free to contact him as well:
    Magisterial District 05-2-12
    Honorable William K. Wagner
    Lower Level
    8105 Perry Highway
    Pittsburgh, PA 15237
    Telephone 412.366.2221

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Assault of a 60 yr old = $900 fine WTF?

    This is the sad world we live in.. where you are no longer responsible for your actions.

    Little punk needs to be taught a lesson, but the moment he is, the parents will be looking to sue.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Assault of a 60 yr old = $900 fine WTF?

    sounds like you need to get a few guys together and have a sit down talk with the kid about his actions that day. Then show him some love i will put money on it he will come to an understanding what he did was wrong.
    Last edited by SButter; September 21st, 2009 at 04:54 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Assault of a 60 yr old = $900 fine WTF?

    I would definitely vote on the letter to the magistrate.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Assault of a 60 yr old = $900 fine WTF?

    This story made me sick to my stomach.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Assault of a 60 yr old = $900 fine WTF?

    Quote Originally Posted by ham385 View Post
    I won't post the bastards name, because I respect his parents. They are good people, it's just that his mother cannot grasp the concept of tough love.
    You just contradicted yourself. The mother's inability to properly raise her child is indicative of being a being a bad parent.
    Bad parents raise bad kids.

    That is why every time the mom or dad says "but my little Timmy couldn't have done it, he is such a nice kid!" in a news post after little Timmy is charged with murder- we all post how shitty the parent obviously is.
    And it is VERY obvious this scumbag you are talking about has shitty parents.
    There is a HUGE difference between inability to understand 'tough love' as you say and being a deadbeat parent. Tough love is when I don't let my son play any games until all his homework is done, that way he can succeed in school. Deadbeat parenting is ignoring the fact you have a scumbag child and tricking all your friends into not believing its your fault- and then blaming the magistrate for not raising your kid for you.

    If my kid did something like this, there would be no need for a magistrate... the punishment the magistrate dished out would pale in comparison to what I did.

    ...sorry, but someone had to write it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Assault of a 60 yr old = $900 fine WTF?

    Quote Originally Posted by Asterix909 View Post
    You just contradicted yourself. The mother's inability to properly raise her child is indicative of being a being a bad parent.
    Bad parents raise bad kids.

    That is why every time the mom or dad says "but my little Timmy couldn't have done it, he is such a nice kid!" in a news post after little Timmy is charged with murder- we all post how shitty the parent obviously is.
    And it is VERY obvious this scumbag you are talking about has shitty parents.
    There is a HUGE difference between inability to understand 'tough love' as you say and being a deadbeat parent. Tough love is when I don't let my son play any games until all his homework is done, that way he can succeed in school. Deadbeat parenting is ignoring the fact you have a scumbag child and tricking all your friends into not believing its your fault- and then blaming the magistrate for not raising your kid for you.

    If my kid did something like this, there would be no need for a magistrate... the punishment the magistrate dished out would pale in comparison to what I did.

    ...sorry, but someone had to write it.
    Good parents raise bad kids sometimes too. You are 24. Give yourself some time and maybe you will see that. I'm not that much older than you, but I may have a slightly different perspective since I know several kids who had good parents who turned out to do some pretty dispicable things.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Assault of a 60 yr old = $900 fine WTF?

    Quote Originally Posted by adymond View Post
    Good parents raise bad kids sometimes too. You are 24. Give yourself some time and maybe you will see that. I'm not that much older than you, but I may have a slightly different perspective since I know several kids who had good parents who turned out to do some pretty dispicable things.
    oh no doubt, i agree. sometimes things go awry... but, he admitted the mom was a bad parent(all while somehow defending her... which confuses me)- therefore in this case a bad parent raised a bad kid.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Assault of a 60 yr old = $900 fine WTF?

    Quote Originally Posted by Asterix909 View Post
    oh no doubt, i agree. sometimes things go awry... but, he admitted the mom was a bad parent(all while somehow defending her... which confuses me)- therefore in this case a bad parent raised a bad kid.
    You can also have good people being bad parents due to misguided intentions. For instance a parent who was smacked around as a child may refrain from using any discipline on their child due to the trauma their abuse caused. This would not make them a bad person, but would make them a bad parent. That may be the case with this shit bag's mother.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Assault of a 60 yr old = $900 fine WTF?

    Quote Originally Posted by adymond View Post
    You can also have good people being bad parents due to misguided intentions. For instance a parent who was smacked around as a child may refrain from using any discipline on their child due to the trauma their abuse caused. This would not make them a bad person, but would make them a bad parent. That may be the case with this shit bag's mother.
    and again i agree completely. In fact I'd go as far to say that a majority of the time a bad parent is the indirect result of either their own parents bad parenting, socioeconomic or environmental situations.

    BUT, I don't like to push blame more than two levels.
    In this case, the first person to blame is the kid. The next is the kid's parents... to then go on and pass the blame up the line further is just silly in my opinion.

    I have heard of plenty of people that were raised in shitty situations, that then went on to have kids and raise them properly because they weren't complacently naive, and took the time and energy to make sure they did it right.

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