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  1. #1
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    Default UFO investigators flock to Bucks County

    A few of you know that I keep on top of this subject, however this one is right in my area and I heard about it just last month.

    updated 7:35 a.m. ET, Wed., July. 2, 2008

    Since January, four UFO incidents have been reported over Lower Bucks.

    The Mutual UFO Network said it will dispatch “field investigators” to Lower Bucks after four reports of strange craft hovering over the county between January and June.

    The latest incident was reported Wednesday, when someone saw a craft “with six lights in the shape of a boomerang” over the Oxford Valley Mall in Middletown.

    The first sighting was reported Jan. 27, and Falls police officer Jeffrey Omlor was dispatched to Don Pablo's on Route 1 across from the mall. Someone called 911 to report a craft “hovering like an octopus” over the Mexican restaurant. Omlor said he saw nothing strange over the restaurant that night.

    But that same day, MUFON said it received a third report from a pizza deliveryman who said he saw an object “over the tree line of Vermillion Hills” that “appeared to be blinking red, white and green lights.”

    The fourth report was from Newtown on April 25. Someone claimed to see “an orange fire ball that seemed to be crashing out of the sky.”

    Each report filed with MUFON was anonymous. The caller to Falls police also didn't give a name. But that has hardly deterred MUFON.

    Field investigator Elise Simon said the group probably would issue a finding in a couple of weeks. She wasn't sure when the investigators would arrive.

    “We'll be talking to the local police, the FAA and the local media and any witnesses,” said John Ventre, state director for MUFON, who estimated about 93 percent of UFO reports turn out to be conventional aircraft. “That 7 percent, though, that's the great part, because it really defies explanation,” Ventre said.

    MUFON has chapters throughout the world. It's considered one the largest UFO organizations, and claims about 3,000 members.

    MUFON was featured in the Fox series “The X-Files.” Members helped FBI special agent Dana Scully, played by Gillian Anderson, locate a microchip planted in her neck.

    Visitors to the MUFON Web site — — can search through and review UFO incidents dating to 1938.

    To become a certified MUFON field investigator, applicants must study a manual available for $28 and pass a 100-question test.
    Last edited by jkroner659; July 9th, 2008 at 07:06 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: UFO investigators flock to Bucks County

    cool, keep us posted..

  3. #3
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    Default Re: UFO investigators flock to Bucks County

    I heard on the news they were found out to be something called "Sky Lanterns". No UFO's this time around.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: UFO investigators flock to Bucks County

    Theoretically, we have a better odds of having to fending off an Alien Attack rather than a Zombie Out Break...think about it, there are more alien movies than zombie movies!

    If the bug eyes start landing in Bucks, let us know! I'll be on my way locked and loaded! (As long as we don't have to cross over into NJ!)

  5. #5
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    Default Re: UFO investigators flock to Bucks County

    Quote Originally Posted by phillyshooter View Post
    I heard on the news they were found out to be something called "Sky Lanterns". No UFO's this time around.
    That's one of those "cover all the bases" excuses. Recently that label has been applied over in Europe and other parts of the world. It's like the "swamp gas" excuse that allen hineck used for the Michigan sighting in project blue book(he later recanted his statements and "beliefs" after bluebook and went on to become one of the most influential ufologists in history since he was credible and had investigated thousands of sightings).

    It's also like the "lighthouse" that the airmen saw over at bentwaters air force base in 1981, and it's like thousands of other excuses/lies that the government has pinned on some truly unidentifiable cases that were made up by the air force to put a "case closed" stamp on any one official sighting to get it out of the publics view as soon as possible, and or to discredit the witnesses. No one has claimed they set these candles off yet, so it's just a opinion, and a bad one at that if you listen to the witnesses.
    Last edited by jkroner659; July 9th, 2008 at 06:59 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: UFO investigators flock to Bucks County

    i was watching discovery channel today about ufo's and uso's pretty wild stuff. if you dont believe there are other life forms other than ours, thats alright. i find it extremely hard to believe we are the only life form in the whole universe, the planet earth is practically non existent compared to the entire universe, if you can figure out what im getting at..

  7. #7
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    Default Re: UFO investigators flock to Bucks County

    There is a difference between believing in the existence of intelligent life on other planets and believing that they are visiting us for sporadic cases of peekaboo.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: UFO investigators flock to Bucks County

    M. Night Shyamalan must be filming another movie. There's also been reported sightings of Bruce Willis hovering around Philly restaurants.
    You are a straight white man. You don't get to be the victim, sweetie.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: UFO investigators flock to Bucks County

    Quote Originally Posted by CoyoteJack View Post
    There is a difference between believing in the existence of intelligent life on other planets and believing that they are visiting us for sporadic cases of peekaboo.
    why? there are many planets in our galaxy, but how many are habitable? people who deny the existence of aliens tend to forget about things like time and space and evolution.

    look at how far we, Humans, as a species have come since the last Ice Age. We put shit into space all the time after only 20,000 years of tool using. Imagine if we had become the dominate species on Earth at the beginning of the Triassic Period (248,000,000 years ago)... how far would we have evolved?

    truthfully, any sentient species is going to blossom and either: (a)Destroy itself/be destroyed (meteor/superplague/war/etc), or (b)advance, then exceed the capabilities of the home planet and look elsewhere.

    look how far we've come in the last 100 years. how far will we go in another 100? 1,000? 1,000,000? very probably, were you to go forward even 100 years into the future, you wouldn't recognize the world around you. go forward 1,000, and you would think WE were the aliens. More than that?

    After all that, imagine that other sentient species in our own galaxy (let alone the multiverse) started developing along similar lines as us... but hundreds of millions of years sooner.

    It's not only mathematically probable to be so, it is improbable to not be so.
    The last thing I want to do is hurt you... but believe me, it's on the damned list.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: UFO investigators flock to Bucks County

    Quote Originally Posted by bogey1 View Post
    i was watching discovery channel today about ufo's and uso's pretty wild stuff. if you dont believe there are other life forms other than ours, thats alright. i find it extremely hard to believe we are the only life form in the whole universe, the planet earth is practically non existent compared to the entire universe, if you can figure out what im getting at..
    If there was extraterrestial life (which im a firm believer in) we are absolutly nothing in the grand sceme things. If they are that advanced and do posess the technology to travel trough space at the speed of light or close to it more than likley they are watching us "humans" in our infancy.

    Like someone else said our biggest achievements have been in the last 100 years. If there is ET life and they do visit us, I guarentee the took notice when we started messing with atomic energy. I would imagine they are sitting back and waiting for us to either prosper or destroy ourselves with this new found technology.

    BTW what do you guys make of this:

    I know as a Catholic (well lapse Catholic as Dennis Leary says) I am shocked. For the Vatican to say something that completly contradicts the Bible is absolutly stunning.
    In my opinion this should have gotten alot more press that it did.

    Even though it was a brief article to me it said alot about what the future may bring interms of some sort of disclosure and the future of the Catholic church. They have always been fighting the " science vs. religion" battle. It seems that with advances in technology and people not taking the Bible word for word as it used to be, religon and science may be coming a bit closer related.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ten*K View Post
    why? there are many planets in our galaxy, but how many are habitable? people who deny the existence of aliens tend to forget about things like time and space and evolution.

    look at how far we, Humans, as a species have come since the last Ice Age. We put shit into space all the time after only 20,000 years of tool using. Imagine if we had become the dominate species on Earth at the beginning of the Triassic Period (248,000,000 years ago)... how far would we have evolved?

    truthfully, any sentient species is going to blossom and either: (a)Destroy itself/be destroyed (meteor/superplague/war/etc), or (b)advance, then exceed the capabilities of the home planet and look elsewhere.

    look how far we've come in the last 100 years. how far will we go in another 100? 1,000? 1,000,000? very probably, were you to go forward even 100 years into the future, you wouldn't recognize the world around you. go forward 1,000, and you would think WE were the aliens. More than that?

    After all that, imagine that other sentient species in our own galaxy (let alone the multiverse) started developing along similar lines as us... but hundreds of millions of years sooner.

    It's not only mathematically probable to be so, it is improbable to not be so.
    I couldnt agree more. Very well stated.
    Last edited by Salt; July 10th, 2008 at 07:43 AM.

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