Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Alcohol and guns

    Why do people feel the need, want or desire to drink alcohol when handling or shooting firearms?

    Last night I was working and decided to check a somewhat secluded area which borders my jurisdiction and came across three guys doing some shooting. I had heard the shots as I came around the corner.

    I pulled up to the guys and asked what they were doing here. It is private property, but people do use it to ride ATV's, 4x4's and some shooting. Along with illegal dumping, drinking parties, stealing parts from a nearby junk yard, etc. The first group I don't have a problem with, but the second I do.

    I was telling the guys that I don't hastle people for riding ATV's, shooting, etc. Then I spot the cooler and three open cans of beer. Now that I had a problem with. It just amazes me that people think think its okay to do something like that.

    I told them that mixing guns and alcohol is like gasoline and fire. They don't mix!! Now, there is nothing illegal about what they were doing (shooting and alcohol), but after several minutes of me expressing my concern I think they say the light. At least I hope so.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Alcohol and guns

    It's all fun and games until someone pokes an eye out, or in this case gets shot in the eye. Just a good idea to keep em seperate.
    Quote Originally Posted by headcase View Post
    let them eventually bring the FBI to kill my wife and son over fucking chickens....

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Alcohol and guns

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve in PA View Post
    Why do people feel the need, want or desire to drink alcohol when handling or shooting firearms?

    Last night I was working and decided to check a somewhat secluded area which borders my jurisdiction and came across three guys doing some shooting. I had heard the shots as I came around the corner.

    I pulled up to the guys and asked what they were doing here. It is private property, but people do use it to ride ATV's, 4x4's and some shooting. Along with illegal dumping, drinking parties, stealing parts from a nearby junk yard, etc. The first group I don't have a problem with, but the second I do.

    I was telling the guys that I don't hastle people for riding ATV's, shooting, etc. Then I spot the cooler and three open cans of beer. Now that I had a problem with. It just amazes me that people think think its okay to do something like that.

    I told them that mixing guns and alcohol is like gasoline and fire. They don't mix!! Now, there is nothing illegal about what they were doing (shooting and alcohol), but after several minutes of me expressing my concern I think they say the light. At least I hope so.
    And this is why I like and respect you so much. Good job handling that one IMHO.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Alcohol and guns

    I've had a few beers and shot guns. Sorry if the safety nazi's hate me for this. I know my limits and I know that a beer and a steak, then shootin' some guns, won't raise the odds of me blasting someone. YMMV, and don't do anything that you don't feel is safe, personally.

    I've never shot when I've been "drunk", but I've shot, ridden snowmobiles and done rock climbing slightly buzzed.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Alcohol and guns

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve in PA View Post
    Why do people feel the need, want or desire to drink alcohol when handling or shooting firearms?
    There eventually is an explanation to this. Not a justification, but merely an explanation.

    To get to the point, I have to take you on a little detour though. It always surprised me that the percentage of intoxicated motorcycle riders, involved in accidents, was higher than the percentage of car drivers involved in accidents. My "simple" thought was "motorcycles and alcohol don't go together, stupid".

    But think about it again. Riding a motorcycle is commonly considered a higher risk than driving a car. There are many fatality statistics that "prove" it (they don't really, but read on). So it is quite natural that only people, who are willing to take higher chances or "risk" more, are willing to ride. I ride, and I way too often hear people saying they are too afraid to even try. Logically, everyone overestimating their own capabilities is in the group actually trying their chances. They ride, they ride fast, they ride faster and they become tree huggers (not the way they thought of the meaning of the word, a little more literal).

    So since we find all the over confident people in the too much risk taking category, they boost the numbers of accidents that could be prevented by skills and training. I still doubt that a "safe driver" would be more prone to an accident on 2 wheels, 4 wheels or 18 wheels. They are just wheels. The thing that really boosts the numbers is "not having situation awareness".

    Now back on topic. Alcohol and guns.

    Drinking alcohol is taking a risk. Period. You are impairing yourself. Watch yourself.

    I am doing it right now. I am aware of it. I know the risk. I have a personal don't drink and ride policy and I have a personal don't drink and gun policy. I do not have a don't drink and post policy, so you guys will have to put up with some drunk comments every now and then.

    However, alcohol is a very treacherous drug. It makes you feel confident and capable while actually numbing your senses, seriously increasing your response times and decreasing your accuracy.

    Drunk shooters are more an argument against alcohol, than they are an argument against guns. If they didn't have a gun at their disposal, they'd use a knife, or a baseball bat, or a stone, or their fist, or a car ... they would use "some thing".

    So long and thanks for all the fish.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Alcohol and guns

    Quote Originally Posted by MostlyHarmless View Post
    I am doing it right now. I am aware of it. I know the risk. I have a personal don't drink and ride policy and I have a personal don't drink and gun policy. I do not have a don't drink and post policy, so you guys will have to put up with some drunk comments every now and then.
    Keep drinking. You’re still making sense.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Alcohol and guns

    Simple reason. Because it is manly to do so. Drinking beer is a manly activity. Shootin' guns is also a manly activity. So doing both together is double manly.

    When I was younger, every activity involved drinking (except shooting). Play football, drink beer. Play softball, drink beer. Play Risk, drink vodka. Trivial Pursuit, drink rum. Why'd we do that? Because we were stupid. Manly but stupid.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Alcohol and guns

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve in PA View Post
    Why do people feel the need, want or desire to drink alcohol when handling or shooting firearms?

    Last night I was working and decided to check a somewhat secluded area which borders my jurisdiction and came across three guys doing some shooting. I had heard the shots as I came around the corner.

    I pulled up to the guys and asked what they were doing here. It is private property, but people do use it to ride ATV's, 4x4's and some shooting. Along with illegal dumping, drinking parties, stealing parts from a nearby junk yard, etc. The first group I don't have a problem with, but the second I do.

    I was telling the guys that I don't hastle people for riding ATV's, shooting, etc. Then I spot the cooler and three open cans of beer. Now that I had a problem with. It just amazes me that people think think its okay to do something like that.

    I told them that mixing guns and alcohol is like gasoline and fire. They don't mix!! Now, there is nothing illegal about what they were doing (shooting and alcohol), but after several minutes of me expressing my concern I think they say the light. At least I hope so.
    Hmmmm, no one else has mentioned it yet, but this sounds like this could have been a very dangerous situation for Steve. He goes up (alone, I assume) to several guys who have guns and are shooting. He then see that they have been drinking.

    Some drunken asshat could have gotten the idea to shoot at a cop. I know, we do not know to what degree these guys were drinking...just sayin'.

    Glad to hear that did not happen and that Steve was able to (hopefully) talk a little sense into these guys.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Alcohol and guns

    I went to a local range once and while waiting for somebody to come to the counter, I overheard a very interesting conversation.

    It went something like this (paraphrasing):
    Guy 1: That is a nice gun, what is it?
    Guy 2: It is a glock.
    Guy 1: What caliber is it?
    Guy 2: It is a .45, I just can't see carrying anything smaller.
    Guy 1: Can I check it out?
    Guy 2: Sure.

    Up until this point, it is just 2 guys talking.

    Guy 2 hands Guy 1 a LOADED pistol without clearing the chamber.

    Guy 1 fondles the gun and asks: What is this brown spot on the back of the gun? Did you get chocolate on your glock?
    Guy 2: Nah, I was drinking with my friends and I dropped my gun.

    It was at this point I walked back out the door. I was tired of waiting, but I also didn't want to be around this guy any longer.


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Alcohol and guns

    I don't tend to drink and handle firearms. I also don't tend to judge the activities of others. Strike that, I do judge others. What I meant was that I don't tend to preach to them about my thoughts on their choices. Was this the OP's property? If not I say he had no business spending several minutes trying to get them to see the light, or error of their ways which ever you choose. Just my opinion though.

    Dave W.

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