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Thread: Locked in car?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Locked in car?

    I've always assumed that you can lose your permit if you lock your handgun in your car and somebody breaks in and steals it, but never actually verified this. I have heard stories of revocation where people have accidently left their firearm sitting out in the open and it got stolen.

    What if the car gets towed? Do they open if up and search it before impounding?

    I ask only because I'm frequently in situations where I can't carry (for various reasons other than legal ones) but in order to get to and from I have to drive through bad neighborhoods.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Locked in car?

    When in doubt, check out the various postings on Pennsylvania's firearms laws. There's no law concerning what you can or can not lock in your car with the exception of your children or pets. As for having your LTCF revoked because of someone else's criminal actions, the issuing Sheriff better have something to back up that action as specified by law, not opinion.

    Remember, it's not your fault your property was stolen, it was the criminal's fault.
    Last edited by Statkowski; February 26th, 2007 at 09:11 AM. Reason: misspelled word

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Locked in car?

    Quote Originally Posted by MorganB View Post
    I've always assumed that you can lose your permit if you lock your handgun in your car and somebody breaks in and steals it, but never actually verified this.
    This has been reported by maybe half a dozen people over the last few years: PPD will revoke a Philadelphia County permit if your gun is stolen from your car. I have not heard that other counties behave this reprehensibly, though...just City of Philadelphia.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Locked in car?

    Quote Originally Posted by Statkowski View Post
    As for having your LTCF revoked because of someone else's criminal actions, the issuing Sheriff better have something to back up that action as specified by law, not opinion.

    Remember, it's not your fault your property was stolen, it was the criminal's fault.
    That's all true, but the PPD will do it anyway. They then put the burden on you to jump through bureaucratic hoops and court dates and lawyer's fees to get the permit back. Essentially, it's harassment, but they can and do get away with it.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Locked in car?

    If your looking for a more secure method of leaving your gun in your car check these out:

    I have several of these and I recommend the large size safe.
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Locked in car?

    Quote Originally Posted by MorganB View Post
    I've always assumed that you can lose your permit if you lock your handgun in your car and somebody breaks in and steals it, but never actually verified this. I have heard stories of revocation where people have accidently left their firearm sitting out in the open and it got stolen.

    What if the car gets towed? Do they open if up and search it before impounding?

    I ask only because I'm frequently in situations where I can't carry (for various reasons other than legal ones) but in order to get to and from I have to drive through bad neighborhoods.
    In those places you can not carry inside, there is supposed to be a guard and a locker area where you can store your gun safely.

    I once asked when I went to Immigration and the man at the door did say that they do have a safe storage area. Allegheny court also has a safe storage area, they also take your cell phone in there and any metal obhects... Money clips knives and tools. When I worked downtown at one point for Central Parking I had to go to court one day, Had a very large keyring with me, they asked I leave it allong with my 2 cell phones and a mag light in the lockers. No questions asked as to why I had them but said it was for the safety of all.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Locked in car?

    Philadelphia PD will revoke a permit for your gun getting stolen anywhere, this is Philadelphia PD policy and I have verified it with their Public Relations people (who were surprisingly knowledgeable on the matter.)

    They claim that by "allowing" your gun to be stolen (somewhat contradictory) you are putting the public at risk and they can revoke your permit under

    6109 (e)(1)(i) An individual whose character and reputation is such that the individual would be likely to act in a manner dangerous to public safety.
    I call it BS personally.
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  8. #8
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    Thumbs down Re: Locked in car?

    In NYC, it's called "Failure to Safeguard" and it's grounds for an automatic revocation of your Pistol License and confiscation of your remaining weapons! Their logic is if it was able to be stolen, YOU FAILED TO SAFEGUARD; end of story. You can appeal if you have both the time and money available. It doesn't sound fair or reasonable, but what is in the Big Apple?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Locked in car?

    Quote Originally Posted by Statkowski View Post
    Remember, it's not your fault your property was stolen, it was the criminal's fault.
    I agree with this statement; however, doesn't the property owner, in the case of a firearm, have an obligation to report the property stolen?
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  10. #10
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    Default Re: Locked in car?

    Quote Originally Posted by danp View Post
    Philadelphia PD will revoke a permit for your gun getting stolen anywhere, this is Philadelphia PD policy and I have verified it with their Public Relations people (who were surprisingly knowledgeable on the matter.)

    They claim that by "allowing" your gun to be stolen (somewhat contradictory) you are putting the public at risk and they can revoke your permit under

    I call it BS personally.
    Exactly. They're using unilateral bureaucratic harassment to create de facto "safe storage" legislation.

    So, sure, we have state-wide pre-emption, but there are dozens of ways that the city can creatively interpret statutes in an abusive and hostile way. The danger lies in statutory language that is vague and ill-defined like "dangerous to public safety."

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