Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Wayne, Pennsylvania
    (Chester County)
    Rep Power

    Arrow All we have to do.....

    The intractable campaign to disarm United States citizens detonated with a blast radius that rivaled the June 30, 1908 Tunguska, Russia event. Believed to have been caused by an air-burst meteoroid or comet, the Tunguska explosion was estimated by some to be 1,000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.

    Recently proposed draconian gun control legislation throughout all levels of government brought with it searing winds of change that has torn asunder the very fabric of this once fine Constitutional Republic.

    While the damage may be irreparable, the flotsam and jetsam has been memorialized in “bamboomaster’s” compilation entitled “All We Have to Do”.

    It started on March 29, 2013 with the Google search: “Joe Biden” + “all we have to do” + “gun control”. In .27 seconds, 4.75 million results were returned.

    That is also quite a slice of humanity.

    While complex issues occasionally require complex solutions, the talking points of all gun control combatants appear to have been simplified to the point of imbecility to assuage polarized stakeholders by prefacing the solution with “All we have to do…”.

    “All we have to do…”

    Is trust the government
    Is use the state-controlled media
    Is let the Democrats do what they do
    Is receive more votes than our opponent

    Is to declare a state of national emergency

    Is figure out who is anti-American
    Is teach you to hate the people we tell you to
    Is look at one of the deadliest shootings in the world
    Is show the body count - it speaks for itself

    Is to find a common ground
    Is look at how other countries do it
    Is hand the badge and gun over to the UN
    Is to tell people, “Look, NO MORE GUNS!”

    Is to voluntarily disarm
    Is keep the pressure on
    Is offer less and less
    Is say that we’re going to take their guns away

    Is make ammo hard to find
    Is make them too expensive to use
    Is require mandatory gun insurance
    Is institute a $24,800 fee on each and every gun sale in America

    Is see who blinks first
    Is get sensible bills submitted
    Is “Pass the Bill”
    Is pull off this deception

    Is keep telling lies
    Is stick to our message of family
    Is wait and keep chip, chip, chipping away
    Is finish destroying the Constitution

    Is convince an appellate court
    Is convince the rest of our alleged society
    Is be persistent and relentless
    Is strengthen the quality and quantity of records contained within NICS

    Is holler and scream
    Is go to the nearest neighbor
    Is defend yourself with an unloaded gun
    Is fire ours in the air and he’ll run off

    Is trust in God
    Is punish the responsible based on the actions of the irresponsible
    Is do as we are told
    Is stand by and do nothing

    Is have the doctors ask, “Do you own a gun?”
    Is pass a background check to own a gun
    Is register our guns so we feel as if we dodged a bullet
    Is give up a little of our freedom

    Is look behind the curtain rod to Mexico to see the flaw in that argument
    Is skip across the Border
    Is wait for the ATF
    Is ban assault weapons

    Is take a principled stand or accept what’s coming
    Is realize our rights are sacred

    Is read history books to know we are done for
    Is look at New Orleans after Katrina
    Is look at what has happened before
    Is watch the process play out

    Is raise hell at state capitols until they get it
    Is to put-up or shut-up
    Is raise their blood pressure
    Is remind them: “Power to the People”

    Is vote them out
    Is not vote for criminals
    Is have criminals obey the law
    Is make sure they follow it

    Is listen to what they have said and compare it to what they are trying to sell us now

    Is go back and look at our Constitution
    Is get Congress to listen to the People
    Is stay firm on the Bill of Rights
    Is read the words of our Founding Fathers

    Is properly enforce the 2nd Amendment as it was intended
    Is demand that our states rule and nullify by the Constitution

    Is believe

    Is effectively counter them
    Is open our eyes and connect the dots
    Is look at major cities with black mayors
    Is prevent gang zombies from buying ammo

    Is enforce our assault and murder laws
    Is arm teachers
    Is deputize everyone and require them to own a gun
    Is get a coast-to-coast CCWP

    Is continue telling the truth, and stand fast
    Is remember recent 20th Century history
    Is demand accountability

    Is wake up and realize the reality this country is not what we think it is
    Is pick which America we want
    Is stand our ground with little bloodshed or incident

    Is open the nearest drawer
    Is flip off the safety and aim
    Is be ready for that day

    Is do away with CNN & MSNBC
    Is click off the TV
    Is ask questions, think critically, and come to your own conclusions

    Is switch from regular light bulbs to not having a federal government
    Is give people back the right to govern themselves
    Is survive another century or two without self-destructing as a species

    That’s all we have to do

    - bamboomaster

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Yardley, Pennsylvania
    (Bucks County)
    Rep Power

    Default Re: All we have to do.....

    I like it. Well thought out.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Wayne, Pennsylvania
    (Chester County)
    Rep Power

    Default Re: All we have to do.....

    There are choices here, which sadly, may need to be made...
    - bamboomaster


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