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  1. #1
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    Exclamation Obama may not be a naturalized citizen... Court case moving ahead...

    Yeah, I just posted this in another thread, but I think you guys really need to see this. This is starting to move ahead in the court system.

    How many of you are familiar with the current supreme court case, Berg v. Obama?

    Well, Obama has until December 1st to produce a vaulted copy of a birth certificate which proves he is a naturalized citizen or he could forfeit his position to McCain. Yep, you heard it right. Here are the details stolen from another sight plus the SCOTUS filed civil suits. Yeah, I really thought this was a joke, until I found out that there are others who have also filed suit and get this... the media is totally ignoring this.

    I recommend that you guys spread this around. Get it out there so that everyone knows that Obama may just be a fraud. No, I'm not a troll, I just haven't visited here in a very long time and I moderate another forum.

    The text below is as originally copied from Frugals, with grammar and spelling edits made.

    Obama Birth Certificate...the plot thickens...
    Evidently its not a dead issue...

    Berg filed in Pa...Judge shoots it down...

    Berg File to SCOTUS...Souter denies his motion to stay/injunct the 4 Nov Presidential Election but does Petition for a writ of certiorari before judgment filed. (Response due December 1, 2008)

    Evidently the SCOTUS want to see an ORIGINAL VAULT COPY of Obama's Birth Certificate NO LATER THAN 1 DECEMBER 2008 prior to the 13 DECEMBER meeting of the Electoral College meeting to certify the election...if Obama fails to provide the Birth Certificate then it would stand to reason that McCain would then be found as winner since Obama had not been sworn in yet and Biden could not then succeed him...

    They want his Original Birth Certificate...not his COLB Certificate of Live Birth but the original doc on file from the State of Hawaii...the one with the Hospital on it, the one with the doctors name on it, witnessed, signed and dated...establishing once and for all that his is or is not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN...

    Links: ... ter-t.html ... rtificate/ ... ma&x=0&y=0

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Obama may not be a naturalized citizen... Court case moving ahead...

    Well, I hope they do find one.. even a fake. Obama > Biden > Pelosi. The further up that ass you go, the more things stink.
    "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."
    - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Obama may not be a naturalized citizen... Court case moving ahead...

    If they don't find one, or produce one and the SCOTUS rules against Obama... forfeiting the election to McCain... then you can bet there will be rioting in the cities. There will be blood. Hey, I can dream can't I?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Obama may not be a naturalized citizen... Court case moving ahead...

    Why didn't Sen. Clinton or Sen. Biden use this against Sen. Obama during the Primary election process?

    Why is this news only now?

    Why didn't this make the news at, during or just after the DNC or the RNC?

    Something just does not seem right about this and I did not vote for the guy.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Obama may not be a naturalized citizen... Court case moving ahead...

    Quote Originally Posted by ThunderingWind View Post
    Why didn't Sen. Clinton or Sen. Biden use this against Sen. Obama during the Primary election process? I thought the same thing, but no one had any definitive proof either way until more recently.

    Why is this news only now? It's not new news. This has been in the lower court system for at least a year now.

    Why didn't this make the news at, during or just after the DNC or the RNC? Probably because the liberal media is brushing it under the rug. Obama was in fact their messiah.

    Something just does not seem right about this and I did not vote for the guy.
    Like I said in the first post, I was very skeptical until this became an issue for the SCOTUS.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Obama may not be a naturalized citizen... Court case moving ahead...

    To some, this may be grasping at straws, but consider this...

    The electoral college has not met to verify and vote in each capitol in each state in the US.

    He hasn't taken the oath of office yet.

    He's also refused to produce said vault birth certificate in the past. Oh, and a certification of birth does not equal a birth certificate. From what I understand of the subject matter, you can be born in another country and bring that birth certificate over to the US and obtain a certification of birth here in the US.

    Also consider the fact that even his own relatives (his grandmother ironically) mentioned that she witnessed his birth in Kenya.

    Above all else, this is a constitutional issue for sure seeing as how being a naturalized citizen is a prerequisite written in that constitution we all hold dear.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Obama may not be a naturalized citizen... Court case moving ahead...

    Quote Originally Posted by ThunderingWind View Post
    Why didn't Sen. Clinton or Sen. Biden use this against Sen. Obama during the Primary election process?

    Why is this news only now?

    Why didn't this make the news at, during or just after the DNC or the RNC?

    Something just does not seem right about this and I did not vote for the guy.
    this has been out there for several months , why the media didn,t run with it ? who knows ?
    Don't blame me ; I voted for an American .

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Obama may not be a naturalized citizen... Court case moving ahead...

    The odds of Obama getting this far and not be legit are astronomical. If all of his opponents (Hillary, GOP with govt. resoruces etc) couldn't proove anything then I think it's all smoke and mirrors.
    But it would really be great if I'm wrong!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Obama may not be a naturalized citizen... Court case moving ahead...

    Quote Originally Posted by secretbard View Post
    if Obama fails to provide the Birth Certificate then it would stand to reason that McCain would then be found as winner since Obama had not been sworn in yet and Biden could not then succeed him...
    No, if Obama dies or is otherwise ineligible to be president, then there is no reason whatsoever that the Electors (of the electoral college) who were committed to Obama would now vote for McCain. Probably they would vote for Biden for president and some other Democrat for vice-president.

    And as Pector55 said, having Biden as president would probably be even worse than having Obama as president.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Obama may not be a naturalized citizen... Court case moving ahead...

    Quote Originally Posted by awkx View Post
    No, if Obama dies or is otherwise ineligible to be president, then there is no reason whatsoever that the Electors (of the electoral college) who were committed to Obama would now vote for McCain. Probably they would vote for Biden for president and some other Democrat for vice-president.

    And as Pector55 said, having Biden as president would probably be even worse than having Obama as president.
    Not trying to dispute you or say that you're wrong, but what you say is just speculation. I honestly believe that Biden did not win Obama the election... Obama did. Not to be prick, but can you site where in the law it states that Biden would be voted in for president in the event Obama is disqualified?

    Edit: I realize after rereading this that you aren't citing law, but just supposing the outcome of the electoral vote. It is possible, but I really don't think Biden was all that popular. I didn't see the reasoning for Obama to pick him in the first place.
    Last edited by secretbard; November 8th, 2008 at 12:26 PM.

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