Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default PA PICS says "undetermined"

    So I ordered a shotgun at once place then I went over to another store and decided to buy an AR off the shelf. He calls it in and after waiting forever and a few questions from the operator about tattoos, places I've lived, and when I moved to PA they said my status is "undetermined" and told the employee I had to send in a challenge. I just got a PA ID about a month ago and with the hoops I had to go through just to get that I'm pretty sure PA knows who I am. Any idea whats going on?

    And WTF is undetermined? If they cant determine anything it seems to me like thats their problem not mine.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: PA PICS says "undetermined"

    I am sorry to say but since the upgrade we have been getting quite a few "undetermined's" That is basicly a Denied but they couldn't find a good reason to make it a denied. They did however find someone that was somewhere near you Name,DOB,DL# etc. that has done something that makes it illegal for them to purchase a firearm.

    So they are basicly saying that they are ALMOST sure you are not them but can't be posative so it's a "err on the side of safety"

    Welcome to PICS answer of not being able to use SS# for posative ID. We will see more and more of this as they totaly faze out using SS# for ID. But what the hay, atleast they are coming around to following the law.

    Fill out the challenge form and send it in BUT don't wait you have a limited time to do so. I would bet my last buck that if you don't send it in and quick, the next time you try to buy you will get a flat out DENIED.

    Rich W.
    Last edited by Warners Surplus; February 17th, 2008 at 03:55 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: PA PICS says "undetermined"

    Quote Originally Posted by tes151 View Post
    If its screwed up that bad, could you not just give a friend the money and let them buy it for you? You don't need an FFL to transfer rifles do you? I would still get it straightened out though for future handgun purchases, and to keep your name from being tarnished.

    That would be an illegal straw purchase then wouldn't it?
    Μολὼν λάβε

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: PA PICS says "undetermined"

    I still dont know why there is even an "undetermined" status. You have to give your SS# to get a PA ID. I showed a PA ID. Either I am on the do not sell list or I'm not. Since it wasnt flat out denied I assume Im not on the do not sell list. Why do I have to challenge an "undetermined" status? Is this status even legal? Nothing like being presumed guilty and having to prove your innocence.

    This blows.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: PA PICS says "undetermined"

    tes151, IMO that would fall under the straw purchase as the person receiving the gun technically is not allowed to purchase until he has passed the PICS. Although he has not been denied, he also has not been ok'd. It's kind of a gray area but I would err on the safe side of not possibly making a straw purchase.
    Ron USAF Ret E-8 FFL01/SOT3 NRA Benefactor Member

  6. #6
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    Default Re: PA PICS says "undetermined"

    Quote Originally Posted by tes151 View Post
    If its screwed up that bad, could you not just give a friend the money and let them buy it for you? You don't need an FFL to transfer rifles do you? I would still get it straightened out though for future handgun purchases, and to keep your name from being tarnished.
    You cannot be serious. I seriously hope there is sarcasm that I am missing.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: PA PICS says "undetermined"

    Quote Originally Posted by ReefBlue View Post
    You cannot be serious. I seriously hope there is sarcasm that I am missing.
    Undetermined is not denied. If PSP knew he was barred, they'd say so.

    Let's posture this differently.

    Mr. A buys a long arm. Mr. A sells Mr. B a long arm, having known Mr. B never to have met the requirements of being barred from purchasing or possessing firearms.

    Mr. A didn't ask for a background check from PICS, and Mr. A can't. In fact, if he heard of this 'undetermined', it was second hand -- why should he trust that? He can ask for a background check through the PSP if he chooses to do so.

    The UFA asks little for due diligence from private transactors. Mr. B's right to keep and bear arms has been questioned by the same government that wrote the constitution that protects that right.

    Has the government scared you so?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: PA PICS says "undetermined"

    Quote Originally Posted by pex View Post
    Undetermined is not denied. If PSP knew he was barred, they'd say so.

    Let's posture this differently.

    Mr. A buys a long arm. Mr. A sells Mr. B a long arm, having known Mr. B never to have met the requirements of being barred from purchasing or possessing firearms.

    Mr. A didn't ask for a background check from PICS, and Mr. A can't. In fact, if he heard of this 'undetermined', it was second hand -- why should he trust that? He can ask for a background check through the PSP if he chooses to do so.

    The UFA asks little for due diligence from private transactors. Mr. B's right to keep and bear arms has been questioned by the same government that wrote the constitution that protects that right.

    Has the government scared you so?
    Undetermined is also not approved. "Posturing the situation differently" seems to make it squeak past the legal standard. Intentionally buying a firearm for another party who has encountered this difficulty (as originally suggested) certainly does not.
    Get your "Guns Save Lives" stickers today! PM for more info.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: PA PICS says "undetermined"

    Quote Originally Posted by pex View Post
    Undetermined is not denied. If PSP knew he was barred, they'd say so.

    Let's posture this differently.

    Mr. A buys a long arm. Mr. A sells Mr. B a long arm, having known Mr. B never to have met the requirements of being barred from purchasing or possessing firearms.

    Mr. A didn't ask for a background check from PICS, and Mr. A can't. In fact, if he heard of this 'undetermined', it was second hand -- why should he trust that? He can ask for a background check through the PSP if he chooses to do so.

    The UFA asks little for due diligence from private transactors. Mr. B's right to keep and bear arms has been questioned by the same government that wrote the constitution that protects that right.

    Has the government scared you so?
    The guy suggested doing a straw purchase.

    Getting someone to buy a gun for someone who, for whatever reason, can't get one is illegal.

    The government hasn't scared me, the guy is suggesting breaking firearms laws.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: PA PICS says "undetermined"

    Undetermined in your exact words means
    Quote Originally Posted by J8300 View Post
    Sounds like you are hiding something to me.
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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