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    Default My Mother's Birth Certificate - And Barack's

    My Mother's Birth Certificate - And Barack's
    By Joan Swirsky, For The Bulletin

    Four years ago, when I had just about completed the lengthy legal and financial vetting process required by the U.S. government to place my then-92-year-old-mother in a nursing home, I was asked to produce her birth certificate as "proof" of her citizenship. While she was born in America, had voted in every election for untold decades and paid her taxes religiously, that wasn't good enough to qualify my elderly mother to be admitted to the facility I had chosen for her near my home.

    Frankly, I didn't think finding my mother's birth certificate was possible, given the fact she had been born in a farmhouse in Storrs, Conn., along with nine of her 10 siblings, to parents who didn't speak English. Despairing that she would never be "qualified" to receive the care she desperately needed, I set about to find the document, which I was sure had vanished in the unreliable record-keeping of 1913.

    First I called an official in Hartford, the capital of Connecticut, who recommended that I call the Storrs record-keeping office.

    That took 2 minutes.

    Next I called the Storrs office and was told to call another number.

    That took 2 minutes.

    When I called the third number, I explained to the woman who answered the phone that I was "asking something impossible." I gave her my mother's first name and her father's last name.

    Within 4 minutes, she said, "Here it is!" She had found my mother's birth certificate, and it surprised me when I learned my mother's "real" first name and "real" last name had changed significantly as she and her family became Americanized.

    When I expressed my amazement, the woman said: "That's nothing ... we're routinely asked to find birth certificates from the 1800s, and we do that all the time!"

    Total time it took me to find my mother's 1913, born-in-a-farmhouse birth certificate: 10 minutes!

    To this date, Sen. Barack Obama has refused - or been unable - to produce an authentic birth certificate that attests to the fact he is an American-born citizen. He has had more than the two-years of campaigning for the presidency of the United States to do this, but failed.

    Why is this important? Because the Constitution of the United States expressly forbids anyone born on foreign soil to run for the highest office in our land!

    You would think that Mr. Obama would have volunteered the "proof" of his eligibility within a nanosecond of entering the race. But here we are, less than two weeks away from the election, and Americans still don't know if Mr. Obama is an American!

    While Mr. Obama's camp submitted a supposedly authentic birth certificate to the far-left blog Daily Kos, it was found to have been a Photosop-ed version of the birth certificate of his half-sister, who was actually born in Hawaii, as Mr. Obama claims he was.

    While this glaring omission in Mr. Obama's eligibility to become the most powerful man on earth mystified some and rankled others, a few people - clearly alarmed at what they considered a stealth candidate's attempt to dance his way around the Constitution and venture into the realm of criminality - took action.

    According to the plaintiffs in the lawsuits against him, Mr. Obama was really born in the Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombassa, Kenya on Aug. 4, 1961, a birth that was documented by a certificate with an embossed seal that displays the name of the hospital, as well as witness signatures. In addition, reports say his grandmother in Kenya, as well as his brother and sister, claim they were present during Mr. Obama's birth in Kenya.

    Now that the net is closing in on Mr. Obama, he has seemingly discovered an interest in his ailing grandmother. Yes, that Grammy who he so facilely threw under the bus during the early days of his campaign.

    He is now so worried about Grandma Dunham - the woman who raised him but strangely didn't attend his nomination - that he is taking a few days off from his intense campaign to visit this ailing widow.

    Or could his strangely-timed trip to Hawaii really be to "clear up" the sticky case of his missing birth certificate?

    I live in New York, where it is not uncommon for BIG payoffs to influence people to come up with "the goods." A half-a-million here, a dire threat there, often influence people to do things - like perjure themselves, produce phony documents, et al. - that they would never do under less "pressured" circumstances.

    If the magic document doesn't appear, it is possible, and entirely legal, that Mr. Obama could be removed from the ballots in states that are questioning his eligibility.

    Interest in this case is understandably intense. But predictably, the overwhelmingly liberal media has yet to pick up on this story, as if ignoring a story that has profound implications for our republic and for the potential of a constitutional crisis is less important than discussing Sarah Palin's wardrobe.

    It's possible that all the states that are working on obtaining Mr. Obama's birth certificate will simultaneously remove him from the ballot at one time. It's also possible that, failing to produce the birth certificate, Mr. Obama will voluntarily step aside, leaving a breach through which Hillary Clinton will walk.

    Meanwhile, as legal challenges proceed at warp speed, and Mr. Obama's lawyers scramble to avoid the Scandal of the Century, one thing remains intractably the same: Mr. Obama still hasn't produced proof of his U.S. citizenship.

    Joan Swirsky is a New York-based journalist and author who can be reached at

  2. #2
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    Default Re: My Mother's Birth Certificate - And Barack's

    New photos of Barack's "Certificate of Live Birth" complete with a close up of the embossed seal are available on the internet. But, my question "Is a Certificate of Live Birth" the same as a "Birth Certificate" remains unanswered.

    I was born in New York, at the time of my birth the Hospital gave my parents a little certificate headed "Certificate of Birth Registration" which clearly states that a birth certificate had been filed. BTW the CBR was not acceptable to the Clerks' office when I filed for a passport, I had to go back to my birthplace and get a certified copy of the original document.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: My Mother's Birth Certificate - And Barack's

    A CLB is something they issue when an actual birth certificate cannot be located if my understanding is correct. There are two CLB's for obama, both from Hawaii but stating different hospitals.
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: My Mother's Birth Certificate - And Barack's

    why is he even able to get this far if he hasn't provided a birth certificate that is in fact his?

    puzzles me...
    Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty

  5. #5
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    Default Re: My Mother's Birth Certificate - And Barack's

    Quote Originally Posted by andrewjs18 View Post
    why is he even able to get this far if he hasn't provided a birth certificate that is in fact his?

    puzzles me...
    I ask myself the very same thing every time this subject is brought up.

    Maybe because there is nothing here? This is just smoke and mirrors, nothing more than a cooked up conspiracy theory to keep the crazies from engaging in something that could actually be productive.

    Kinda like the Clinton/Cocaine/Mena train of thought.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: My Mother's Birth Certificate - And Barack's

    even so..shouldn't he still be able to provide a birth certificate with the snap of his fingers?
    Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty

  7. #7
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    Default Re: My Mother's Birth Certificate - And Barack's

    Quote Originally Posted by ihunt49 View Post
    [T]he Constitution of the United States expressly forbids anyone born on foreign soil to run for the highest office in our land!
    Not accurate. The Constitution only requires that the president be a citizen at birth. Being born on U.S. soil is a sufficient condition, but not a necessary condition. Someone born overseas to parents who are U.S. citizens is also a citizen by birth.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: My Mother's Birth Certificate - And Barack's

    The difference is that before this there was no requirement to be a Natural Born Citizen. Before this all it required was some proof of citizenship. As we are seeing now these are two different things and the more we find out (like in all the past threads on this exact subject) the less clear it becomes. When this same question was raised about McCain he was forthcoming with all proof needed. obama however has presented a forged birth certificate in addition to the two conflicting certificates of live birth that are also in circulation. I may not know what it is, but there is definetly something fishy going on.
    Warning: I may not read responses to OP before posting

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