Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default It just proves that the stupid are in politics

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved legislation on Tuesday allowing the Justice Department to sue OPEC members for limiting oil supplies and working together to set crude prices, but the White House threatened to veto the measure.

    The bill would subject OPEC oil producers, including Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela, to the same antitrust laws that U.S. companies must follow.


    What we are going to sue someone because they will not sell us their products at a price we want to pay.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Phila outskirts, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: It just proves that the stupid are in politics

    No, they want to sue someone because this group could be price fixing on a global scale.

    Not saying it is going to go anywhere, it is just why they're doing it.

    We do this with a lot of industries. It really started after the Titanic sank. We had no jurisdiction in England, but we said if your ships are going to sail in our waters, your ships have to conform to our standards.

    Now, importing a product for consumption is somewhat different, but I bet it is along the lines of if you want to conduct business with us, you have to do it to our standards or economic law.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: It just proves that the stupid are in politics

    Quote Originally Posted by ReefBlue View Post
    Now, importing a product for consumption is somewhat different, but I bet it is along the lines of if you want to conduct business with us, you have to do it to our standards or economic law.
    i'm sure that is what they must be thinking. i can see the conversation now...

    Uncle Sam: "hey OPEC, we sued you guys in our courts for 100 million billion dollars and we won!!"

    OPEC: "ummmm, we are not US citizens/residents/on US soil, so we are not subject to your courts"

    Uncle Sam: "well, if you want to do business here, we are going to require you to submit yourselves to our courts."

    OPEC: "ummm, ok...have fun trying to keep that economy out of the toilet without any of our oil."

    Uncle Sam: "um, er, um, well, ah, um, er."

    OPEC: "yeah, that's what we thought. btw, we have decided to raise the price of oil by 20% in order to cover the emotional stress you have caused us by being such a bunch of arrogant morons as to think you could unilaterally impose your will on us even though you rely on us for the lifeblood of your economy."

    Uncle Sam: "um, er, um, well, ah, um, er...$600 tax rebates for everyone!!"

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    delco, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: It just proves that the stupid are in politics

    If they were going to legislate anything, why not offshore drilling, more nuke plants, more refineries and clean coal energy, not burning food to make fuel.

    If we did all of the above, OPEC would lower their prices and pump more oil.

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